
  • 网络microbial community;microflora;Microbiota;microbial flora
  1. 2个虾池对虾肠道微生物群落可培养细菌优势菌属都是革兰氏阴性菌;

    Gram-negative bacteria were the dominant culturable bacteria of shrimp intestinal microflora of two ponds .

  2. 也就是说微生物群落能提高耕性。

    So microflora increase tilth .

  3. 硫丹对生物DNA损伤和土壤微生物群落多样性的影响

    DNA Damage and Effect on Soil Microbial Community Diversity Induced by Endosulfan

  4. 可用于微生物群落分子生态学研究的活性污泥总DNA提取方法研究

    DNA Extraction from Activated Sludge for Molecular Community Analysis

  5. 农用化学品污染对土壤微生物群落DNA序列多样性影响研究

    A preliminary study on DNA sequence diversity of soil microbial community affected by agricultural chemicals

  6. 农用化学品的使用会对土壤微生物群落在DNA分子水平上的多样性产生影响;

    The changes in the soil microbial community diversity by agricultural chemicals were found at the DNA level .

  7. 应用PCR与温度梯度凝胶电泳分析龈上菌斑微生物群落

    PCR-temperature gradient gel electrophoresis analysis of the microbial community structure of supragingival dental plaque

  8. 高浓度CO2对红松根际及根外土壤微生物群落结构的影响

    Response of bacterial community structure in Pinus Koraiensis seedlings rhizosphere and bulk soil to elevated CO _ 2

  9. 4四川腊肉和香肠微生物群落DNA序列的丰富度指数、修正丰富度指数、多样性指数及均匀度指数随着加工贮藏时间的变化而变化。

    The richness , abundance index correction , diversity index and evenness index of the microbial community DNA sequence of Sichuan bacon and Sichuan sausage were changed with storage time .

  10. 施用堆肥改变了Cd污染土壤中的微生物群落组成。施用堆肥后,土壤中细菌/真菌比值和细菌/放线菌比值均明显增加。

    Compost application increased the ratio of bacteria / fungi and bacteria / actinomycetes , consequently changed microbial community in the Cd-contaminated soil . 6 .

  11. PCR-SSCP技术在微生物群落多态性分析中的应用进展

    Application of PCR-SSCP Technology in Diversity Analysis of Microbial Communities

  12. 我们把一种广泛用于细菌分型的基因组DNA指纹图分析技术ERIC-PCR技术用于分析复杂的微生物群落的结构特征。

    We adapted ERIC-PCR , a genomic fingerprinting technology widely used in strain typing , to fingerprint microbial communities .

  13. 浓香型大曲微生物群落结构的PCR-SSCP分析条件优化

    Optimal Conditions of PCR-SSCP Technology for the Analysis of Microbial Communities in Luzhou-flavor Daqu

  14. 而种植年限为7年的土壤微生物群落DNA序列多样性指数及修正丰富度指数均呈现最低值,均匀度指数也非常低,可能是土壤生态环境最差的土壤;

    Diversity index and modified richness index of soil cropping for seven years was lower , which may be the most bad soil sample , was lowest , and evenness index was lower too .

  15. 通过对24个样品的基因组DNA提取和功能基因芯片技术分析后,发现氮肥的施用对土壤中微生物群落结构和植物生长产生了显著的影响。

    Soil microbial genomic DNA in 24 samples were extracted and analyzed with FGAs . The results showed that adding nitrogenous fertilizer would influence the structures of microbial community and plants in the samples .

  16. SSCP技术分析不同废水处理系统中微生物群落结构

    Microbial Community Structure in Different Wastewater Treatment Processes Characterized by Single-Strand-Conformation Polymorphism ( SSCP ) Technique

  17. 并用此方法提取了SHARON生物膜各阶段的样品的总DNA,所得总DNA能够满足环境微生物群落分析的要求。

    The crude DNA of the samples from SHARON biofilms were extracted with the method , the crude DNA can meet the request of the analysis on microbial community .

  18. 并采用分子生物学技术聚合酶链式反应&变性梯度凝胶电泳(POLYMERASECHAINREACTION-denaturinggradientgeleleetrophoresis,PCR-DGGE)对污泥微生物群落的演替展开研究。

    The microbial community structures and succession were studied by polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel eleetrophoresis ( PCR-DGGE ) .

  19. 本文从土壤微生物群落结构、微生物区系、土壤呼吸、微生物生物量以及土壤酶活性方面对大气高浓度CO2的响应进行了综述。

    In this paper , the effects of elevated CO2 on soil microbial community structure , soil microflora , soil respiration , soil microbial biomass , and soil enzyme activities were summarized .

  20. 近年来,基于16SRRNA基因分子技术正被越来越多地应用于食品微生物群落结构的研究。

    Recently , the molecular methods based on the 16S rRNA gene have been applied increasingly to study bacterial communities in food samples .

  21. 生物栅净化系统生物膜微生物群落结构动态的ERIC-PCR指纹图谱分析

    Analysis of Biofilm Microbial Community Structure Dynamics by ERIC-PCR Fingerprinting for Eutrophication Water Purification

  22. 基于Biolog解析添加酶液对堆肥化过程中微生物群落代谢的影响

    Analysis of the Effect of Enzymes on Microbial Community Metabolic Profiles During Composting Using Biolog Method

  23. 两类稻田中微生物群落的Shannon-Wiener指数和Pielou均匀度指数差异显著(P<0.05),这表明转Bt水稻对土壤微生物多样性有明显影响。

    There was significant difference between the Shannon-Wiener index and Pielou index in soil of Bt transgenic rice and corresponding non-Bt transgenic rice ( P0.05 ) .

  24. 本研究对PCR-SSCP技术进行了优化,以更快更好地用于同步脱硫反硝化体系的微生物群落分析和功能微生物监测过程。

    In this study , in order to analyze microbial community and monitor function bacterium faster and better , we optimized PCR-SSCP technology .

  25. PCR-DGGE研究细菌微生物群落结构发现:发酵阶段各样品的微生物群落结构差异较明显。

    The results of the PCR-DGGE bacterial microbial community structure showed that the microbial community structure in the samples differed apparently .

  26. 土壤微生物群落磷脂脂肪酸PLFA生物标记多样性

    The diversity of phospholipid fatty acid ( PLFA ) biomarker for the microbial community in soil

  27. 用磷脂脂肪酸(PLFA)技术分析汞对黑壤微生物群落的影响

    Analysis of the Effect of Hg on Microbial Community in Black Soils of China by PLFA

  28. 利用PCR/DGGE技术,对土壤和叶面细菌总DNA16SrDNAV6可变区进行扩增,然后进行变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE),结果表明土壤、叶面的微生物群落表现出一定的多态性。

    The 16S rDNA V6 region of soil and phyllosphere bacteria were amplified , and the result of DGGE ( Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis ) showed ecological diversity .

  29. 结果表明,PCR-DGGE方法可以在一定程度上反映出系统以及操作条件对微生物群落结构的影响。

    The results showed that PCR-DGGE method can reflect the influence of different system and conditions on microbial community structure to some extent .

  30. PCR-DGGE分析结果显示,沸石滤料上附着丰富的微生物群落,且由此测得的生物量的趋势与前面一致的。

    Furthermore , the PCR-DGGE analysis showed rich microbial communities on zeolite and the above-mentioned trend for biomass could be obtained from it .