
wēi bō tōnɡ xùn
  • microwave communication
  1. 自立式微波通讯塔在复合地震动作用下的随机反应分析

    Random Response Analysis for Microwave Communication Tower to Multiple Seismic Excitations

  2. 随着微波通讯的飞速发展,对低损耗微波介质陶瓷的要求也越来越高。

    The rapid developments of microwave communication systems require dielectric materials with high performances .

  3. 利用微波通讯系统进行高精度时间传递&国家授时中心的微波时间传递系统

    High-precision Time Transfer via Microware Communication System & NTSC 's Microwave Time Transfer System

  4. 铝合金微波通讯塔结构设计分析

    Structural Design Analysis for Aluminium-alloy Microware Communication Tower

  5. 微波通讯站专用控制网的布设及平差方法

    Design of special control network for microwave communication station and method of its adjustment

  6. 适用于微波通讯、雷达、电子对抗、军事、航空航天等领域。

    Microwave telecommunication , radar , electronic counterwork , aviation and spaceflight , navigation , etc.

  7. 被广泛应用于宇航、导弹、微波通讯及各种精密电子仪器设备中。

    They are widely used in airspace , missilery , microwave communication and various kinds of apparatuses .

  8. 本文叙述了数字微波通讯机中一个重要部件&Oπ调相器。

    An important device called O π phase modulator used in digital microwave communication equipments is described .

  9. 用本器件研制的注入锁定放大器已成功地取代微波通讯机中的行波管。

    An injection-locking amplifier using this device has successfully been substituted for TWT employed in the microwave communication system .

  10. 随着微波通讯频率的不断提高,电子系统的电磁干扰和电磁辐射日趋严重,探索高频段吸波材料越来越迫切。

    With the increasing of frequency for microwave communication , the problem of the electromagnetic interference and electromagnetic radiation is serious .

  11. 随着微波通讯技术的迅速发展,人们对通讯设备的要求也越来越高。

    With the rapid development of microwave communication technology , people 's requisition for communication device is more and more higher .

  12. 因其具有优异的磁性能,已在微波通讯技术、航空航天、国防工业、交通运输业等领域广泛应用。

    Because its excellent magnetic properties , it has abroad applications in many fields such as microwave communication , aviation and traffic transport , et al .

  13. 采用微波通讯工具有容量大、保密性强、成本底等优点。

    To use microwave communication has many advantages , for example , the capacity is large , the quality for secrecy is better , and the cost is low .

  14. 宽带环行器、隔离器在微波通讯、雷达等电子设备中已经获得了广泛的应用,常见的多为三端、四端口器件。

    The broadband circulators and isolators have been widely used in microwave communications , the radar and other electronic equipment . The common parts are three or four ports device .

  15. 随着微波通讯的快速发展,技术手段的不断提高,对于通讯设备的集成化、系统化、小型化要求越来越高。

    With the rapid development of microwave communication , technical means has been continuously improved . For the demand of communications equipment integrated , systematic and miniaturization demand is higher and higher .

  16. 然后将该种控制方法应用于微波通讯塔系统,导出了适用于不同减震方案的统一运动方程;最后通过数值计算指出了较有效的减震方案。

    And then the application of this system to the microwave communication tower is investigated , in which the general equation of motion for different scheme system is presented and the more effective scheme is figured out by a lot of numerical analyses .

  17. 微波数据通讯的关键设备

    Key Equipment for Microwave Digital Communication

  18. 卫星为相距遥远的地区通过微波提供通讯线路。要在人口密集区间传输电视信号需大容量线路。

    Satellites provide communication circuits between widely separated locations via microwaves . To transmit television signals between population centres requires high-capacity circuits .

  19. 高功率微波在通讯系统、雷达系统及在科学研究、工农业生产中都具有极其广泛的应用。

    The high-power microwave received the assembly and a wide range of applications whether in communications , radar , navigation , or in scientific research , industrial and agricultural production .

  20. 八十年代初,根据中国科学院3262工程的要求,为了进行高精度的时间频率传递,国家授时中心在临潼与蒲城之间建立了微波中继通讯系统。

    The microwave relay communication system had been build at NTSC in during initial period of 1980 ' s. Time and frequency transfer via the microwave system for more than 20 years .

  21. 经过二十年的发展,SiGeHBT技术已经广泛应用于微波/射频通讯领域。

    SiGe HBT technology has been widely used in microwave / RF communication after 20 years of advancement .

  22. 它的快速发展首先得益于外延技术的提高,其次是它与硅工艺完全兼容,特别是与CMOS工艺兼容的特性,以及微波/射频通讯市场的巨大需求。

    Its rapid development benefits from improved epitaxial technology , full compatibility with silicon process , especially with existing CMOS process , and huge demands from microwave / RF communication markets .

  23. 电视与广播发射系统及微波、卫星通讯系统、也可以用于电脑网络(如以太网)的互联。

    Application : Applicable to TV , broadcast emission system , micro-wave and satellite communication system , also internet ( as Ethernet ) .

  24. 这种改造在经济上是价廉的,在效果上是显见的,在技术上是可行的.对现行大量采用经典卡氏天线的微波站的通讯质量的提高容易收到立竿见影的效果。

    This economical reformation has evident effect , and is technically feasible so that it is easy for a large number of microwave stations adopting classical Cassegrain antenna to improve communication quality and get instant results .

  25. 通讯是配电自动化的关键,传统的配电网通信一般采用光纤、载波、微波、无线电等通讯方案,但任何一种都不能完全满足系统要求。

    Communication is the key to Distribution Automation . The traditional distribution networks generally include the fiber-optic communication , carrier , microwave , radio and so on . However , anyone can not satisfy the system requirements alone .

  26. 应用NokiaPCM复接器,将江西铜业公司所属矿山的局域网数据通过微波传输,本文介绍了微波数据通讯系统关键设备配置以及与企业管理网互连的解决方法。

    Nokia PCM multiple connector has been used in local area network data transmission through microwave communication in the Mines of Jiangxi Copper Company . This paper introduces the configuration of key equipment in microwave digital communication system and interconnecting mode of intranet .

  27. 微波介质陶瓷作为微波谐振器和微波滤波器的关键材料,在微波通讯技术中有着广泛的用途。

    As key materials of microwave resonator and microwave filter , microwave dielectric ceramics have been utilized in microwave communication systems .

  28. 微波技术是上世纪20年代初发展起来的一门新技术,最开始微波是用于通讯方面,后来微波加热技术在工业中得到越来越多的应用。

    Microwave technology is a new technology that has developed at the early 20s last century . At first , microwave was used for communications , later , microwave heating technology got more and more applications in the industrial .