
  1. 目前国内的电子支付领域由支付宝和微信支付占据主导地位,用户使用这两种支付服务时,简单扫一下二维码就可以完成。

    E-payment services in China are dominated by internet giants such as Alipay and WeChat Pay which allow transfer of money by a simple scan of the quick response code .

  2. 微信支付和支付宝(Alipay)在该市场占据主导地位,后者是阿里巴巴集团(AlibabaGroup)旗下蚂蚁金服(AntFinancial)运营的支付服务。

    WeChat Pay and Alipay , the payment service operated by Ant Financial , an affiliate of Alibaba Group , dominate the market .

  3. 支付宝和微信支付是中国规模最大的两种数字支付服务,它们都警告称:小偷正利用受攻击的苹果ID账号购买商品。

    China 's two largest digital payments services , Alipay and WeChat Pay , have warned that thieves are using compromised Apple IDs to make purchases with people 's accounts .

  4. 大约1亿用户已通过手机QQ钱包和微信支付,将自己的信用卡与腾讯的支付服务绑定。

    Around 100m of them have linked their credit cards to Tencent 's payment services through Mobile QQ wallet and Weixin payment .

  5. 支付宝及其竞争对手微信支付(WeChatPay,隶属于腾讯(Tencent))的大多数用户,在支付时所用的钱都来自于与其移动钱包挂钩的传统银行账户。

    Most users of Alipay , and rival WeChat Pay owned by Tencent , fund their payments by linking their traditional bank accounts to mobile wallet apps .

  6. 腾讯表示,境外商户拥有经营许可证以及独立网站或APP即可申请加入微信支付生态系统。

    The social networking giant said foreign stores can apply to be part of its WeChat payment ecosystem as long as they have a trading license and website or an application .

  7. 不久前,该公司开始针对在微信支付(WeChatPay,与腾讯人气极高的即时通讯应用关联的支付服务)与传统银行账户之间转移资金向用户收费。

    Last month the company began charging users for transferring funds between WeChat Pay - the payments service linked to Tencent 's popular instant messaging app - and traditional bank accounts .

  8. 这家美国集团的几乎所有2600家中国咖啡厅都已接受微信支付(WeixinPay)——杭州阿里巴巴园区的星巴克成为一个引人注目的例外。

    Almost all of the US group 's 2600 China caf é s accept Weixin Pay - the one on Alibaba 's campus in Hangzhou being a notable exception .

  9. 今年8月,腾讯针对支付宝(Alipay,阿里巴巴旗下盈利颇丰的在线支付服务)发布了一个微信支付工具。

    In August , it launched a payment tool on WeChat , taking aim at Alipay , Alibaba 's lucrative online payment service .

  10. 1月,星巴克(Starbuck)宣布其中国门店将开始接受微信支付(WeChatPay),这是腾讯(Tencent)被广泛使用的移动消息应用“微信”所包含的支付服务。

    Starbucks announced in January that it would begin accepting WeChat Pay - the payments service linked to Tencent 's ubiquitous mobile messaging app - at its China stores .

  11. 对于腾讯旗下的在线支付业务财付通(Tenpay)和微信支付(WeixinPayment)来说,这一同盟是一个利好,因为万达电商将首选这两种支付方式。

    The alliance will also help promote Tencent 's online payment businesses Tenpay and Weixin Payment , which are to be the venture 's preferred payment channels .

  12. 听起来好像是由于苹果ID被盗所致,也就是说小偷会登录用户的苹果账号,然后通过绑定的支付方式(如支付宝和微信支付)进行消费。

    It sounds as though there has been a problem with the theft of Apple ID credentials , which thieves are then using to log in to Apple accounts and make purchases using associated payments methods , like Alipay and WeChat Pay .

  13. 腾讯董事长马化腾(PonyMa)表示,3月份该公司开始向用户收费后,微信支付的运营亏损得到控制。

    Pony Ma , Tencent 's chairman , said that as of March , when the company began imposing user fees , operating losses from WeChat Pay were " brought under control . "

  14. 微信支付本身每月有九亿活跃用户。

    WeChat Pay itself has 900 million monthly active users .

  15. 人们也使用微信支付转账和购买个人理财产品。

    People also use WeChat Pay to transfer money and to buy personal finance products .

  16. 微信支付是腾讯旗下的一种支付方式,而后来腾讯向彭博社发表的一份声明也证实了类似问题的存在。

    Tencent , which owns WeChat Pay , later confirmed similar issues in a statement to Bloomberg .

  17. 结果就是,微信支付和阿里巴巴支付宝主导了支付市场。

    The result is that WeChat payments , along with Alibaba 's Alipay , dominate the market .

  18. 目前,微信支付系统已支持欧元、美元、英镑、日元等9个币种的交易。

    Currently , the payment system supports transactions in nine currencies , including the euro , US dollar , pound and yen .

  19. 而两大支付巨头——微信支付和阿里巴巴支付宝之间为争夺市场份额的激战,更是推动着一波又一波的创新潮。

    And an intense fight for market share between payment titans WeChat Pay and Alibaba 's Alipay is fueling even more innovation .

  20. 数以亿计的中国人都通过手机上的支付宝和微信支付,且市场增长迅猛。

    Hundreds of millions of Chinese use Alipay and WeChat to make payments with their phones , and the market is growing fast .

  21. 腾讯在其年报中披露,仅在今年1月,该公司就在微信支付交易的相关银行手续费上支出3亿元人民币(合4600万美元)。

    In January alone , Tencent spent Rmb300m ( $ 46m ) on bank transaction fees , the company revealed in its annual report .

  22. 我觉得中国最让我惊讶的一点,就是微信支付和支付宝支付的广泛性,基本上大家都在用!

    One of the things I find amazing about WeChat pay and Ali pay is how easy it is for everyone to use , and how widespread it is .

  23. 对于去年第四季度,“其他”业务的收入成本同比增长153%,至15亿元人民币,该公司称,这一增加主要是由微信支付发生的银行手续费驱动的。

    For the fourth quarter , " other " revenue expenses rose 153 per cent to Rmb1.5bn , an increase it said was " mainly driven " by bank transaction fees accrued by WeChat Pay .

  24. 顾客在购物的时候,可以用手机扫描商品的条形码,查看商品信息,获取折扣,完成自助结账,而且可以通过微信支付直接付款,而无需在现金收银台前排队。

    When shopping , customers use their mobile phones to scan product barcodes , view product information , get discounts , complete self-checkout , and pay directly within the app via WeChat Pay . There is no queuing up at the cash register .

  25. 多数用户仍以来微信和支付宝支付,就像我们在昨天新闻中谈到的,多名分析人士表示,苹果需要提供更为优越的客户体验,吸引顾客转向ApplePay。

    The vast majority of mobile payment users still rely on WeChat and Alipay for e-payments , and as we pointed out in yesterday 's podcast , many analysts say Apple would need to offer a significantly better user experience to have customers convert to Apple Pay .

  26. 但对于电子支付,大多数人还是依赖微信和支付宝。

    But the vast majority still relies on WeChat and Alipay for e-payments .

  27. 然后在手机上用微信或支付宝付款。

    And then pay on their phone , either via WeChat or Alibaba 's mobile wallet app , Alipay .

  28. 此外,微信的支付功能、甚至餐馆预定功能也使得该软件成为中国手机用户生活中的重要组成部分。

    The ability to make payments and even book restaurants means WeChat has become a big part of Chinese phone users ' lives .

  29. 然而,当消费者用支付宝或微信来支付时,银行不会接收到关于商户名称和所在地的数据。

    But when a consumer uses Alipay or WeChat for payment , banks do not receive data on the merchant 's name and location .

  30. 支付宝钱包和微信安全支付等移动支付平台的快速发展使得移动服务被大家所熟知,本文主要是研究消费者采纳移动支付平台的影响因素。

    AliPay wallet and Weixin payment platform enable the mobile services to develop rapidly . This thesis mainly studies the factors that influence consumer to adopt the mobile payment platform .