
xiànɡ xínɡ wén zì
  • hieroglyph;pictograph;glyph;hieroglyphic writing;picture writing
象形文字 [xiàng xíng wén zì]
  • [hieroglyph;pictograph;hieroglyphic writting] 描摹实物形状的文字,它是古代某些民族最原始和基本的造字方法

  1. 纳西象形文字信息化处理方法及输入平台的设计与实现

    Managing Method of Pictograph and Realizing of Input Platform in Windows Environment

  2. 拟形和拟意是象形文字的两大表现特征。

    Shape imitation and meaning imitation are two expressive features of pictograph .

  3. 这幕场景后来逐渐演化为象征胜利的普通象形文字

    This symbol later evolved into a common hieroglyphic symbolizing victory .

  4. 寺庙的墙壁上刻着象形文字。

    Hieroglyphics are carved into the walls of the temple .

  5. 寺庙的墙壁上刻着象形文字

    Hieroglyphs are carved into the walls of the temple .

  6. 英汉象形文字的比较是建立在象形文字具体内涵的基础上

    This paper discusses the fundamental distinctions between the hieroglyphs andforerunner of writing .

  7. 几世纪以来,刻划在埃及废墟中的象形文字一直是个谜。

    For centuries hieroglyphic word pictures painted on Egyptian ruins were a mystery .

  8. 东巴文是中国一种古老的象形文字。

    Dongba is an ancient hieroglyphic language .

  9. 象形文字“国王的儿子”还可译为“女婿”或“祖父”。

    The hieroglyph for " king 's son " can be translated as " son-in-law " or " grandfather " .

  10. 介绍了利用TrueType字体技术建立象形文字库的过程,详细阐述了英语输入法的设计和实现步骤。

    It introduces process to build fonts of Pictograph by using True Type Font technology , explain design and realization of English Input Method in detail .

  11. 最后,值得一提的是中文和日文这类象形文字,与Latin、Cyrillic这类字母文字相比,用字往往更少。

    Finally , it 's worth noting that ideographic scripts like Chinese and Japanese tend to be parsimonious with characters compared to alphabetic scripts like Latin and Cyrillic .

  12. 不过一些字符的UTF-8编码占用的空间要多出50%,特别是中文、日文和韩文(CJK)这样的象形文字。

    However , some characters require up to50 % more space to be encoded in UTF-8 & especially Chinese , Japanese , and Korean ( CJK ) ideographs .

  13. m的校长利凡尼斯(OlgaLivanis)说,中文是象形文字,与我们的书面语差异极大。难度越大,孩子也就需要越早开始学习。

    ' Mandarin is a language that has symbols that are very different than our written language , 'said Olga Livanis , the principal of NEST + m , a K-12 gifted-and-talented school on the Lower East Side .

  14. 纳西象形文字中科学知识初探

    Knowledge of Science in the ancient hieroglyphics of the Naxi Nationality

  15. 象形文字用小型图画和符号来传达信息。

    It uses small pictures and symbols to communicate a message .

  16. 他们可以将希腊语与象形文字进行对照。

    They could compare the Greek writing to the hieroglyphic writing .

  17. 象形文字是一种由图画构成的文字。

    Hieroglyphics is a kind of writing made up of pictures .

  18. 声音2:象形文字是一种古埃及书写系统。

    Voice 2 : Hieroglyphic is an ancient Egyptian writing system .

  19. 所有的现代文学都是由某些形式的古代象形文字发展而来的。

    All modern scripts have been developed from picture-writing of some sort .

  20. 早期的象形文字可以追溯到3300年…

    Early hieroglyphs date back as far as 3300 , ...

  21. 这是继神权政治象形文字之后的封建制度象形文字。

    They are the hieroglyphics of feudalism , succeeding those of theocracy .

  22. 由象形文字组成,或有象形文字特征。

    Consisting of or characterized by the use of pictographs .

  23. 属于象形文字或用象形文字写。

    Written in or belonging to a writing system using pictorial symbols .

  24. 石碑顶部刻着象形文字。

    And the top part shows the message in hieroglyphic .

  25. 声音1:象形文字也是一种遗失的语言。

    Voice 1 : Hieroglyphic was also a lost language .

  26. 纳西族象形文字《二十八宿值日星占图》研究

    A Study of the Pictographic " 28-Star Divination " of the Naxi Nationality

  27. 它使中国的象形文字彻底从象形化走向抽象化、符号化。

    It makes Chinese pictograph completely evolve from image to abstractness and symbolization .

  28. 我又破译了几个象形文字。

    I 've deciphered some more of the glyphs .

  29. 一些最古老的文字属象形文字。

    Some of the earliest written Chinese characters were quite pictographic . / /

  30. 汉字从古老的象形文字发展而来。

    Chinese characters are evolved from the ancient ideographs .