
lián jiē méi
  • ligase;joinase;joining enzyme
  1. 基于分子信标实时监测大肠杆菌DNA连接酶催化的DNA连接过程

    Real-time Visualization of Ligation Reaction Catalyzed by E.coli DNA Ligase Based on Molecular Beacon

  2. 砷对人DNA连接酶影响的研究

    Effect of Arsenic on Human DNA Ligase

  3. DNA连接酶是生物体内重要的酶,其所催化的反应在DNA的复制和修复过程中起重要作用。

    DNA ligases are important enzymes of DNA metabolism .

  4. 耐辐射球菌DNA连接酶的研究

    Studies on DNA Ligases from Deinococcus Radiodurans

  5. DNA连接酶同工酶的研究进展

    Recent Advances in DNA Ligase Isozymes

  6. HECT类泛素连接酶对p53家族的调控作用

    Regulation of p53 Family Proteins by HECT-type E3 Ubiquitin Ligases

  7. 谷氨酸草酰醋酸氨基移转酶氨基酸rna连接酶

    Glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase amino acid RNA ligase

  8. 比较组织培养(tissueculture,TC)和缺口-连接酶链反应(gap-ligasechainreaction,Gap-LCR)诊断CT的敏感性和特异性。

    Compare the two methods of gap-ligase chain reaction ( Gap-LCR ) and tissue culture .

  9. 最后,在实验结果的基础上探讨了DNA自动机硬件对连接酶的依赖性。

    At last , the ligase dependency of type II restriction enzymes when performing DNA automaton computing was investigated based on the experiment result .

  10. 氨基酸rna连接酶天冬氨酸氨基移转酶

    Amino acid RNA ligase

  11. 采用纯化酶活性分析和人细胞体外培养方法,研究砷对人DNA修复关键酶&DNA连接酶活性的影响。

    The effect of arsenic on human DNA Ligase one of key enzyme of DNA repair , was studied by using purified enzymes and human cells in culture .

  12. 利用DNA分子和连接酶的生物特性,提出DNA计算机中二叉树的链式存储结构的设计方法,并给出二叉树链式存储结构的形式描述。

    This paper proposed the method of designing linked storage structure of the binary tree in DNA computer , which utilized the biological characteristics of DNA molecules and ligases .

  13. CHIP属于连接酶类,具有E3泛素连接酶活性,参与能量代谢途径和新陈代谢。

    CHIP , an E3 ubiquitin ligase and cochaperones , involves in energy metabolism and protein quality control .

  14. 方法:应用缺口连接酶链反应对3个有明确氨基苷类抗生素应用史的耳聋家系(共20例)及56例听力正常个体的线粒体DNA突变进行分析研究。

    Method Blood samples were detected from 3 families with aminoglycoside antibiotic induced deafness and 56 persons with normal hearing function by gap ligase chain reaction ( G LCR ) .

  15. 泛素蛋白连接酶MDM2活性及稳定性调控的研究进展

    Progress in regulation of activity and stability of ubiquitin protein ligase MDM2

  16. 最近的一些研究显示TRIM家族可能是一类新的RING指泛素连接酶。

    The recent data indicating that some TRIM proteins are implicated in ubiquitination , as a novel class of RING finger ubiquitin E3 ligases .

  17. 所有的RING指蛋白都如E3泛素蛋白质连接酶,参与一系列生物学领域。

    All RING proteins act as E3 ubiquitin protein ligases , with implications for a variety of biological areas . 2 .

  18. 利用T4DNA连接酶对ATP的高度依赖性,我们发展了一种ATP检测新方法。

    A highly sensitive and simple fluorimetric method for the determination of ATP based on ATP-dependent T4 DNA ligase has been developed .

  19. 这种技术可在DNA靶标分子的任意位点进行基因敲除、敲入、点突变等操作,无需使用限制性内切酶和连接酶。

    The Red mediated recombination can be used to insert , delete or substitute DNA sequences at any desired position on a target molecule without the need for restriction enzymes or DNA ligases .

  20. 由NEU所诱发的染色体初级断裂不能为连接酶所修复。

    Thus , the NEU-induced primary chromosome breakage may not be repaired by the ligase .

  21. 水稻4-香豆酸CoA连接酶的基本性质

    Properties of p-Coumarate CoA Ligase in Rice

  22. 酶促反应结果说明,当受体3′末端为核糖核苷时大大促进RNA连接酶的作用。

    The results show that the single ribonucleoside substitution at the 3 ' - terminus of the acceptor greatly facilitates the joining of the oligodeoxynucleotide fragments by RNA ligase .

  23. SCF复合体是一种非常重要的E3泛素连接酶,在植物中研究的最为深入。

    SCF complex is a very important ubiquitin E3 ligase which has been exploited very well in plants .

  24. 剪接系统是将剪接运算当作基本算子的一种语言生成器,其中剪接运算是对在限制性内切酶、DNA连接酶、DNA聚合酶和外切酶作用下,DNA链进行重组过程的数学抽象。

    The splicing system is a language generative mechanism based on splicing operations , where splicing operations are the mathematical abstractions of DNA strands recombinant behaviors under restriction exonucleases , endonucleases , DNA ligases and DNA polymerases .

  25. Cbl家族的蛋白作为泛素连接酶E3能促进多种RTK偶联泛素标签并走向降解的途径,是负向调控RTK功能的重要机制之一。

    Members of Cbl family functions as E3 ubiquitin ligases to facilitate the ubiquitination and degradation of multiple RTKs .

  26. 在这一过程中,泛素连接酶(E3)决定了泛素化底物识别的特异性。

    In this process , Ubiquitin ligases ( E3s ) determine specificity to ubiquitination by recognizing target substrates .

  27. 目的:用缺口-连接酶链反应-酶联免疫吸附(Gap-LCR-ELISA)法检测重庆地区孕妇沙眼衣原体感染,以了解围生期沙眼衣原体(CT)的感染现状。

    Objective : To study the current status of Chlamydia trachomatis ( CT ) infections in pregnant women in Chongqing using Gap-LCR-ELISA methods .

  28. FANCL是一种含有PHD结构域的泛素E3连接酶,参与DNA的损伤修复。

    FANCL was then found to be an ubiquitin E3 ligase , which is involved in DNA damage repair [ 4-6 ] .

  29. 目的比较连接酶链反应(LCR)与免疫层分析法(ICA)检测沙眼衣原体的差异。

    Objective To study the difference between ligase chain reaction ( LCR ) and immunochromatography assay ( ICA ) in detection of Chlamydia trachomatis .

  30. 将目的片段与线性质粒在T4DNA连接酶的作用下进行定向连接,构建成胡萝卜afp的植物表达载体pBAF。

    The linear plasmid and the designed fragment ( afp ) were directively ligated with T4 DNA ligase , and the plant expression vector of carrot aTh was constructed .