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shí qī
  • period;time;stage;day;date;phase;chapter;epoch
时期 [shí qī]
  • [period] 较长的一段时间(多指具有一定特征的)

  • 文艺复兴时期

时期[shí qī]
  1. 国家正值国泰民安、繁荣昌盛的时期。

    The country is enjoying a period of peace and prosperity .

  2. 和毕加索一样,她也有过一段消沉时期。

    Like Picasso , she too had a blue period .

  3. 那是对该产品需求最旺的时期。

    It was a time of peak demand for the product .

  4. 我们的大部分雇员都会在某一时期派驻国外。

    Most of our employees get posted abroad at some stage .

  5. 这将是未来一段时期里的一个问题。

    This will be a problem for some time to come .

  6. 许多爱尔兰人在饥荒时期迁徙到美国。

    Many Irish people went over to America during the famine .

  7. 在干旱时期配给农民的水量减少。

    Water allotments to farmers were cut back in the drought .

  8. 当时电信业的泡沫正处于极度膨胀时期。

    At the time the telecoms bubble was at its height .

  9. 三月是我们公司业务最繁忙的时期之一。

    March is one of the peak periods for our business .

  10. 曾经有个时期,罪犯可以被判服劳役刑。

    Criminals could at one time be sentenced to penal servitude .

  11. 她的祖父母是在饥荒时期从爱尔兰迁移过来的。

    Her grandparents came over from Ireland during the famine .

  12. 他们起初获得成功,但随后有一段惨痛失败的时期。

    Their early success was succeeded by a period of miserable failure .

  13. 这幅画不是他在那个时期的代表作。

    The painting is not representative of his work of the period .

  14. 这部小说对战前时期的情怀把握得恰到好处。

    The novel captures the feeling of the pre-war period to a T.

  15. 这部电影以俄国革命时期为背景。

    The movie is set at the time of the Russian revolution .

  16. 他这个时期的许多时间都沉浸在大自然中。

    He spent much of this time communing with nature .

  17. 总统辞职之后有一段时期的动荡。

    A period of unrest followed the president 's resignation .

  18. 他正处于他网球事业的巅峰时期。

    He is playing the best tennis of his career .

  19. 公司在最兴隆时期每隔十五分钟就开出一列火车。

    In its heyday , the company ran trains every fifteen minutes .

  20. 狄更斯在其同时期英国作家中最为出色。

    Dickens was pre-eminent among English writers of his day .

  21. 对我们所有人来说,那是一个艰难的时期。

    It was a stressful time for all of us .

  22. 这一协议标志着国际关系新时期的到来。

    The agreement marks a new phase in international relations .

  23. 那是他作为英格兰队教练的鼎盛时期。

    It was his finest hour as manager of the England team .

  24. 她婚姻的破裂标志着她进入了一生中空前艰难的时期。

    The break-up of her marriage marked an all-time low in her life .

  25. 他早在求学时期就表现出有经商的天赋。

    Even at school , he showed he had an instinct for business .

  26. 那个时期,越野旅行是一件危险的事情。

    In those days , the trip across country was a dangerous undertaking .

  27. 在战后那段繁荣昌盛的时期里,生活水平得到了迅速提高。

    Living standards improved rapidly during the post-war boom .

  28. 我们已渡过了经济衰退的最艰难时期。

    We 're over the worst of the recession .

  29. 你最喜欢生活在哪一个历史时期?

    Which period of history would you most like to have lived in ?

  30. 在那个时期,计算机的应用迅速流传开来。

    Use of computers spread rapidly during that period .