
shè yǐng jī
  • camera
摄影机[shè yǐng jī]
  1. 摄影机将演员的脸拉近了。

    The camera zoomed in on the actor 's face .

  2. 在这个镜头中,摄影机对准演员的脸部。

    In this scene , the camera focuses on the actor 's face .

  3. 他们只好重新拍摄这个镜头,因为摄影机没有启动。

    They had to repeat the scene because the cameras weren 't rolling .

  4. 摄影机最终将镜头推远。

    The camera eventually tracked away .

  5. 这个女孩对着向她围拢的电视台工作人员和摄影机灿烂一笑。

    The girl flashed a dazzling smile at the television crew and cameras bearing down on her .

  6. 在舞台后面安置一部摄影机。

    Position a camera upstage

  7. 桌子上的那台摄影机将会记录你的一举一动。

    The camera on the table will record your every move .

  8. 摄影机向男主角移近,准备拍摄一组特写镜头。

    The camera moved in on the hero for a close-up sequence .

  9. 胆怯的影星不敢正对摄影机。

    Shy film stars dodge cameras .

  10. 用电影摄影机摄影只有演示和娱乐的价值。

    Photography with cine cameras is of value only for demonstration and entertainment purposes .

  11. 利用GPS精确测定的摄影机坐标和方向

    Determination of coordinates and direction of camera in photogrammetry with GPS

  12. 如何选购直接数字化X射线摄影机

    How to choose and purchase direct digital radiograph equipment

  13. 电磁波层析成像直射线路径追踪之坐标定位法超声层析X射线摄影机

    Coordinate positioning method of straight ray path tracing for electromagnetic wave tomographic imaging

  14. 针对医用X射线摄影机系统可靠性分析,给出了具体的应用实例。

    The application of reliability analysis on an X-ray image medical machine is presented .

  15. 机载GPS天线与摄影机偏心测定方法及精度讨论

    The Method and Accuracy of the Determination of Deviation between Camera and GPS Antenna

  16. 这是k厂摄影机移动控制。

    This is motion control stage K.

  17. CCD摄像机替代高速摄影机应用研究

    Research on substitution of CCD for high-speed camera

  18. 多次曝光X射线粉末摄影机

    Multi-exposure X-ray powder camera

  19. X射线衍射微光束摄影机

    X-ray diffraction microbeam camera

  20. Green和Pratt使用旋转镜头的摄影机,其具有一种爆发性的楔形物。

    Green and Pratt employed a rotating-mirror camera with an explosively driven wedge .

  21. 本文介绍了直接数字化X射线摄影机的基本原理和技术性能,以及选购时需要注意的一些问题。

    This paper introduces basic principle and technical performances of direct digital radiograph equipment , and concerns in purchasing the equipment .

  22. 软件系统基于Matlab开发,硬件部分由高速CCD摄影机等组成。

    The software system is development based on Matlab , and the hardware is made up of high-speed CCD cinecamera and so on .

  23. 本公司也提供IP固定半球型摄影机,节能并且能活动,由以太网供电的内置风扇和加热器。

    The company is also offering IP Fixed Dome Cameras that are energy efficient and can run , including the fan and heater , on power over Ethernet .

  24. 否则设置3D动画中的摄影机的角度、焦距、方向与实拍时一致将会是很慢的过程。

    If not then it 's a very long slow process of setting the viewing angle and the zoom of the camera and shifting it 's orientation until it matches .

  25. 狭缝式高速摄影机MTF测试

    MTF test of narrow slot high-speed camera

  26. N-1型内鼓轮式高速摄影机设计

    The Design of Model N-1 Rotating Drum High Speed Camera

  27. 此时摄影机慢慢向着Jesse,他回答:“我知道呀。”

    As the camera slowly pans in , Jesse smiles and ambiguously responds ," I know . "

  28. 作为例子给出彩色电视摄影机的W分光膜,可见区三角形滤光片宽带中性分光膜和宽带反射膜的设计结果。

    For example , designs of W-split coating used in colour TV cameras , visible triangular filters , wide neutral split coatings and wide band reflective coatings are given .

  29. 他们用PhantomFlex高速摄影机记录下这个画面,这台摄影机为他们记录下了高分辨率的影像资料。

    They used a Phantom Flex camera to record the action , which provided them with high-definition footage to keep for posterity .

  30. 手机,PDA,高档游戏机,DV摄影机,数码相机,MP4。

    Range of application ; PDA , advanced game machine , DV , digital camera , MP4 , etc.