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zhào xiàng jī
  • camera
照相机 [zhào xiàng jī]
  • [camera] 其上有一光阑的不漏光盒子,光阑处一般备有光学透镜或透镜组,景物的光线通过光阑及透镜在盒内的光敏感材料上形成影像

照相机[zhào xiàng jī]
  1. 一定要给你的照相机投保,以防丢失或损坏。

    Make sure you insure your camera against loss or damage .

  2. 她带着她那架忠心耿耿的照相机在欧洲周游多年。

    She spent years touring Europe with her trusty old camera .

  3. 用我的旧电视机换这架照相机,你愿意吗?

    Would you like my old TV in exchange for this camera ?

  4. 说照相机绝不骗人,这是谬见。

    It is a fallacy to say that the camera never lies .

  5. 你把照相机拿颠倒了。

    You 're holding the camera the wrong way up !

  6. 这照相机在河里泡了一下还没坏。

    The camera survived being dunked in the river .

  7. 我们都准备好了照相机。

    We all had our cameras at the ready .

  8. 我迅速把照相机的镜头对准孩子们。

    I quickly focused the camera on the children .

  9. 只要把照相机对准,然后按动快门就可以了。

    Just point the camera and press the button .

  10. 这台照相机完全是按价儿制造的。

    The camera is well specced at the price .

  11. 她一跨出汽车,照相机就开始咔嚓咔嚓地响成一片。

    Cameras started clicking as soon as she stepped out of the car .

  12. 将照相机调到自动拍摄状态。

    Switch the camera into the automatic mode .

  13. 我的照相机有手调和自动两种功能。

    My camera has manual and automatic functions .

  14. 这是哪种型号的照相机?

    What kind of camera is this ?

  15. 她把照相机调到自动状态。

    She set the camera on automatic .

  16. 她在照相机里装了胶卷。

    She loaded the camera with film .

  17. 你装进照相机了吗?

    Did you pack the camera ?

  18. 我买的这架照相机是二手货。

    I bought the camera second-hand .

  19. 照相机不会作假。

    The camera cannot lie .

  20. 我把照相机摔坏了。

    I bust my camera .

  21. 照相机咔嚓咔嚓地不停拍照。

    The cameras clicked away .

  22. 通过调整照相机的角度,他的脸将被巧妙地遮住。

    His face will be discreetly concealed by camera angles .

  23. 他称宝丽来照相机是老天爷特意为他的工作赐予的宝贝。

    He called the Polaroid camera a godsend to his work

  24. 用防风雨的帆布背包装照相机和镜头。

    Use a weatherproof rucksack to carry your camera and lenses around in .

  25. 掌声越来越响,照相机的咔嗒声不绝于耳。

    The applause rose to a crescendo and cameras clicked

  26. 她松开了照相机上的送片装置。

    She disengaged the film advance mechanism on the camera

  27. 她依旧对着门口的一排排照相机微笑着。

    She continued to smile at the ranks of cameras on their doorstep .

  28. 我得到我的第一台照相机后开心极了。

    After I was given my first camera I was in seventh heaven .

  29. 在过去10年里,这些照相机的价格只是略有提高。

    These cameras have increased only marginally in value over the past decade .

  30. 他突然扑向摄影师,痛打了他一顿,还摔碎了他的照相机。

    He pounced on the photographer , beat him up and smashed his camera