
zhào míng
  • lighting;illumination;enlighten;clearing luminary
照明 [zhào míng]
  • [illumination] 用灯光照亮

  • 房间的强光照明

照明[zhào míng]
  1. 巧妙的照明会让人有屋子空间增大的感觉。

    Clever lighting creates an impression of space in a room .

  2. 用音乐和照明创造一种浪漫的气氛。

    Use music and lighting to create a romantic atmosphere .

  3. 游泳池晚间有泛光灯照明。

    The swimming pool is floodlit in the evenings .

  4. 泛光灯照明已关闭。

    The floodlighting had been turned off .

  5. 偏头痛的其他诱因还有电脑的视频显示器和灯管照明。

    Other causes of migraine are VDU screens and strip-lighting .

  6. 他们将需要一个面积较大的摆放办公桌的地方和充足的照明。

    They will need a reasonable amount of desk area and good light .

  7. 房间里仅靠这一盏灯照明。

    The room was lit by only the one light

  8. 楼梯间只有一盏灯照明。

    The stairwell was lit by a single bulb .

  9. 电给我们带来了温暖和照明,以及一切现代家庭舒适品。

    Electricity provides us with warmth and light and all our modern home comforts

  10. 照明用的是带灯罩的日光灯。

    It was lit by hooded fluorescent lamps .

  11. 直射光照明既刺目又呆板。

    Direct illumination is harsh and unflattering .

  12. 这条街上没有照明的路灯。

    No streetlights illuminated the street

  13. 要沿着照明好的路走。

    Stick to well-lit roads .

  14. 满目青山夕照明。

    On all sides , verdant sunset-bathed hills greet the eye .

  15. 布兰德斯顿对照明略知一二,他是照亮自由女神像的人。

    And Brandston knows a thing or two about lighting , being the man who illuminated the Statue of Liberty .

  16. 正如照明专家霍华德布兰斯顿所指出的,"一般来说,没有坏的光源,只有不会安装的人。"

    As lighting expert Howard Brandston points out , " Generally , there are no bad light sources , only bad applications . "

  17. 若要用紧凑型荧光灯照明特定空间或空间内的物体,固定装置必须根据荧光灯来设计,并且固定装置还要与房间相适应。

    If the CFL should be used for lighting a particular space , or an object within that space , the fixture must be designed to work with that lamp , and that fixture with the room .

  18. 紧凑型荧光灯灯泡具有一些非常值得称赞的特性,但是任何光源的选择仍然与容纳它的灯具、安装它们的空间以及需要满足的照明要求密不可分。

    There are some very commendable characteristics of the CFL [ compact fluorescent light bulb ] , yet the selection of any light source remains inseparable from the luminaire that houses it , along with the space in which both are installed , and lighting requirements that need to be satisfied .

  19. 而这些也只是家庭安保诸多方面之中的一个层面,这些方法很多都是常识性的东西,如声音锁和夜间户外照明设备。

    They 're also only a single layer in what should ideally be a many-sided approach to securing your home , one that includes common sense things like sound locks and proper exterior lighting at night .

  20. 光污染在很大程度上是由于糟糕的照明设计造成的,这使得人造光可以向外和向上照射到天空中。

    Light pollution is largely the result of bad lighting design , which allows artificial light to shine outward and upward into the sky .

  21. 骑自行车的人都必须使用自行车道,在晚上和早上都戴上头盔、穿上荧光夹克和打开照明。

    The cyclists should all have to be made to use the cycle lanes and wear helmets , fluorescent jackets and lights at night and in the morning .

  22. 第三-设计的照明能照亮黑夜,完全改变包括我们在内的许多生命形式所适应的光水平和光节奏。

    Ⅲ - designed lighting washes out the darkness of night and completely changes the light levels — and light rhythms — to which many forms of life , including , ourselves , have adapted .

  23. 这个设计是开放式的,没有中央供暖系统,但是顶部有一个木制的燃烧器和太阳能电池板,可以为照明、音乐和计算提供电力。

    The design is open-plan , There is no central heating , but there 's a wood-burner and solar panelson the top which can provide power for lighting , music and computing .

  24. 这些画用下面的聚光灯来照明

    The paintings were spotlighted from below .

  25. 在我们大多数人熟睡时,关掉这类照明设备可以减少能源消耗。

    Turning it off could reduce our energy consumption while most of us are fast asleep .

  26. 特殊照明和温度控制可有可无,因为“我存在”并不是一件实物。

    Special lighting and climate control are optional , since " I Am " is immaterial …

  27. 本产品适合于广场、庭院,公园、小区草坪和道路的装饰和照明

    Such products are suitable for lighting and decoration of plazas , courtyards , parks , residential district and roadside .

  28. 连接电源(LinkPower)照明控制系统

    LonWorks ~ ( TM ) Link Power Lighting Control Systems

  29. 尤其在博物馆文物展示照明中,白色LED光源照明的优势更显见。

    Especially in museum exhibition , white LED has obvious advantages .

  30. LED光源在旅游洞穴景观照明中的应用

    Research on the effect of LED lighting sources in show caves