
yuán yǔ yán
  • Metalanguage;meta language
元语言[yuán yǔ yán]
  1. XML是一种承诺创建定制的标记集合以对特定类型信息编码的元语言。

    XML is a meta language which can establish sets of markup to encode particular information .

  2. XML是标准通用标记语言(SGML)的子集,又称元语言。

    XML is a subset of SGML , and also called meta language .

  3. 类似地,XML是一种元语言,因为它是一种描述语言的语言。

    Likewise , XML is a metalanguage because it 's a language that describes languages .

  4. XML是一种元语言,可以定义其它语言,从理论上讲,XML可以定义无限的类型。

    XML is a mother language , which can define other languages . Theoretically speaking , XML can define limitless types .

  5. DA理论起源于元语言意识的研究。

    The theory of Dynamic Assessment arises from the research on meta-linguistic awareness .

  6. XML全称是可扩展标识语言(EXtensibleMarkupLanguage),它是一种元语言,是用来描述其它语言的语言。

    XML stands for " Extensible Markup Language " . It 's a metalanguage , which can describe other languages .

  7. XML作为一种数据描述的元语言标准,不断地被应用到各种不同领域的数据集成中去。

    XML has emerged as the standard of meta language representing data format , and is continually applied to various domain to integrate data sources .

  8. 并得出结论:对于基于真实词的汉语N元语言模型,N的取值范围应介于3至6之间,且N=4为较优。

    Finally , a conclusion was obtained that 4 is a better selection of parameter N value for n gram model based on words in Chinese language .

  9. 为了更适应用户输入的需求,本输入法系统增加了自学习模块与基于N元语言模型的智能词输入方法,使得用户在使用过程中,越来越符合用户输入的习惯。

    In order to meet users ' requirements , this input method systematically increased self-learning modules and intelligent word input method based on N element language model .

  10. 本论文运用了自然语义元语言论的语义分析方法进行了一次个案研究,探讨英语中一个文化关键词freedom以及相关的短语freedomfromsomething的在英美文化中的意义。

    This thesis applies the NSM approach to a case study of a cultural key word in English ? freedom and the related phrase freedom from something .

  11. 实验表明这种改进在很大程度上提高了原有模型的性能,与n元语言模型相比困惑度下降了401%,有效地增强了语言模型的自适应性。

    Experiments have shown that the performance of the adaptive model has been improved greatly and the perplexity has decreased almost 40.1 % compared with n-gram language model .

  12. 同时,为了更加系统、全面地考查N元语言模型的分类性能,文中还进行了N元模型分类器与Rocchio分类器和NaiveBayes分类器的实验对比。

    Meanwhile Rocchio classifier and Naive Bayes classifier have been constructed in order to compare with the n-gram models on their performance .

  13. 在对研究进展总结的基础上,提出将DA理论与外语教学相结合,强调师生角色互动的原则,并倡导若干有效策略以激发学习者的元语言意识。

    The paper proposes the employment of DA in FL instruction , emphasizes the role-playing interaction and illustrated effective strategies to stimulate learners ' meta-linguistic awareness .

  14. 作为语言中的特殊否定,元语言否定自从由Horn使其研究地位变得突显以来已经成为许多研究者关注的领域。

    As a special kind of negation in language , metalinguistic negation has become one of the focal areas of many researchers since it was brought into prominence by Horn .

  15. N元语言模型(n-gram)作为统计语言处理的主要方法,目前在汉语语言处理(词性标注、字符识别、语音识别等)中已得到广泛的应用。

    Abstract As a major statistical model , n gram has been applied extensively in the process of language processing ( such as POS tagging , language modeling of speech recognition , character recognition , etc. ) .

  16. XML是一种元语言,可以用来描述其它数据,并且XML具有简单、灵活、跨平台等特性。但是XML格式冗余巨大,空间利用率低。

    XML is a meta-language , which can be used to describe other data , and XML has features like simplicity , flexibility , platform-independent , etc. But XML has significant redundancy in its structure and has a low space utilization ratio .

  17. Sass和LESS是一种元语言,通过引入嵌套、变量、继承、mixin以及其它的强化来简化和提高对CSS3的可重用性。

    Sass and LESS are meta-languages meant to simplify and improve the reusability of CSS3 by introducing nesting , variables , inheritance , mixins , and other enhancements .

  18. 通过N元语言模型与传统分类模型(向量空间模型和NaiveBayes模型)的实验对比,结果表明:N元模型分类器具有更好的分类性能。

    The performance of the N-gram model classifier was compared with that of the traditional models ( Vector Space Model and Naive Bayes Model ) . Experiment result shows that the accuracy and the stability of the N-gram model classifier are better than others .

  19. 另外,XSSRA/ADL采用数据互操作标准XML作为元语言,这使得它具有与其他ADL的互操作性,并便于支持系统的精化和演化。

    On the other hand , XSSRA / ADL adopts XML , the data inter-operation standard , as the meta-language , which enables it to have inter-operability with other ADLs , and to be convenient for supporting refinement and evolution of the system .

  20. 在此定位下,讨论了课堂语言相关因素,并结合Krashen的输入-输出理论,建构了检验大学英语课堂元语言的标准。

    Under this orientation , the criterion to evaluate metalanguage in college English classroom is established , combined with the discussion about related factors and Input-Output hypothesis .

  21. Swain在此基础上于1995年进一步提出了输出在二语习得中的三项功能:注意功能、验证假设功能和元语言功能。

    Basing on the former concept , Swain ( 1995 ) has further identified three functions of output in second language learning : noticing function , hypothesis testing function and metalinguistic function .

  22. 本文针对Krashen的输入假设,介绍了Swain提出的输出假设,着重讨论了输出的四大功能:引起注意、假设检验、元语言功能和增强流利性。

    This paper introduces Swain 's output hypothesis , mainly focusing on the discussions of the functions of output : noticing , hypothesis - testing , metalinguistic function and developing fluency .

  23. 汉语语义元语言体系的构建包括两个部分:词汇和句法。

    The system consists of two components : Words and Grammar .

  24. 自然语义元语言理论的隐喻观及其语义解释力

    Natural Semantic Metalanguage Approach to Metaphor and Its Semantic Explanatory Power

  25. 元语言一直限于逻辑学领域的研究。

    Metalanguage studies have been limited to the field of philosophy .

  26. 提出词类的家族相似性和元语言释词是核心词提取的理论基础。第三部分为核心词的提取与验证方法。

    Chapter 2 is the basic theory about core words drawing .

  27. 自然语义元语言的研究者通过大量经验式的研究证明了语义启动普遍存在于所有语言中。

    Empirical studies by NSM researchers prove that semantic primes are universal .

  28. 自然语义元语言理论:内容、发展和面临的挑战

    NSM Theory : Content , Development and Challenges It Faces

  29. 以元语言理论析文学作品中非源语的翻译

    Translation of the Non-source Language in Literary Texts-A Metalinguistic Perspective

  30. 元语言特性与修辞性元语言运作

    The Property of Metalanguage and the Operation of Rhetorical Metalanguage