
yuán shǒu
  • head of state;head of a state;sovereign;chief executive;ruler;monarch;emir;paramount
元首 [yuán shǒu]
  • (1) [head]∶头

  • 元首股肱

  • (2) [monarch;sovereign]∶君主

  • 凡昔元首。--唐. 魏征《谏太宗十思疏》

  • 当承元首之明。--宋. 司马光《谢门下侍郎表》

  • (3) [head of state]∶国家的最高领导人

元首[yuán shǒu]
  1. 现任元首,兰尼埃三世亲王于1949年5月9日继位。

    The present ruler , Prince Rainier III , succeeded to the throne on 9 May 1949 .

  2. 7月伊朗举行大选,穆罕默德•内贾德极富争议地再次当选,在此之后,阿曼的元首,卡布斯•本•赛义德是第一个访问伊朗的外国政要。

    The Omani ruler , Sultan Qaboos bin Said al-Said , was the first head of state to visit Iran after the controversial re-election of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in June .

  3. 有几位国家元首出席了葬礼。

    Several heads of state were in attendance at the funeral .

  4. 来访的国家元首由武装卫队护送。

    Armed escorts are provided for visiting heads of state .

  5. 这一举措显然意在加强总统作为国家元首的地位。

    The move is clearly intended to strengthen the President 's position as head of state .

  6. 这位国家元首通过广播向全国发表了讲话。

    The head of state addressed the nation over the radio

  7. 新的国家元首应该由包括87名成员的代表委员会选出。

    The new head of state should be chosen by an 87 member representative council .

  8. 让国王变成纯粹发挥典礼仪式上象征作用的元首会不会更好?

    Might it not be better to relegate the King to a purely ceremonial function ?

  9. 他只不过是个走狗,忠实执行元首的命令。

    He was little more than a cipher who faithfully carried out the Fuehrer 's commands .

  10. 和所有国家元首一样,他身边跟随着各个领域的专家。

    He was attended , as are all heads of state , by a full panoply of experts .

  11. 在英国,君主为国家元首,但不治理国家。

    In Britain the sovereign reigns but does not govern .

  12. 国王只是这个国家名义上的元首。

    The king was only the nominal head of the state .

  13. 在有些议会制国家,国家元首有权解散议会和宣布重新举行议会选举。

    In some parliamentary systems , parliament may be dissolved by the head of state and new elections ordered .

  14. 国家元首被军队罢免了

    The head of state was deposed by the army .

  15. 从理论上说,她作为国家的最高元首拥有至高无上的权力。

    Theoretically , she holds supremacy as the head of the state .

  16. 英国女王是国家元首,但不治国事

    The Queen of Britain reigns , but she does not rule or govern .

  17. 热情的人们同样热爱他们所做的事,而不是考虑钱位权如果我们不能把热爱的事作为正式职业,我们也可把它当作业余消遣:比如有国家元首喜欢画画的,有修女参加马拉松长跑的,有行政官员手工制作家具的。

    Enthusiastic people also love what they do , regardless of money or title or power . If we cannot do what we love as a full-time who runs marathons , the executive who handcrafts furniture .

  18. 尊敬的各位元首、政府首脑、议长、国际组织负责人、部长,博鳌亚洲论坛理事会各位成员,各位来宾,女士们,先生们,朋友们。

    Your Excellencies , Heads of State and Government , Speakers of Parliament , Heads of International Organizations , Ministers , Members of the Board of Directors of the Boao Forum for Asia , Distinguished Guests , Ladies and Gentlemen , Dear Friends ,

  19. 在达沃斯论坛上,CEO、国家元首和各国央行行长将上演一场场精彩纷呈的经济辩论,非常值得一听。

    The program at Davos is packed with worthy-sounding economic debates between CEOs , heads of state , and central bankers .

  20. 今年的全球女性权势榜中,有9位国家元首,她们治理的国家总GDP达到了11.8万亿美元其中包括排名第一的权势女性、德国总理安吉拉默克尔。

    This year the list features nine heads of state who run nations with a combined GDP of $ 11.8 trillion including the No. 1 Power Woman , German Chancellor Angela Merkel .

  21. 当国家元首访问Facebook位于硅谷的总部时,马克•扎克伯格(MarkZuckerberg)喜欢让他们戴上OculusRift虚拟现实(VR)头盔体验一番。

    When heads of state come to visit Facebook 's headquarters in Silicon Valley , Mark Zuckerberg likes to give them an Oculus Rift virtual-reality headset to try .

  22. 黎巴嫩政治分析家RamiKhouri称副总统与黎巴嫩元首会谈时应该小心谨慎。

    Lebanese political analyst Rami Khouri said the vice president has to tread carefully in talks with Lebanon 's leaders .

  23. FariborzGhadar元首在宾夕法尼亚州立大学全球商业研究中心。

    Fariborz Ghadar heads the Center for Global Business Studies at Penn State University .

  24. 印度是在联合国秘书长潘基文(BanKi-moon)昨日召集的会议上转变其立场的。近100位国家元首及政府首脑参加了此次会议,共同探讨气候变化问题。

    The shift in India 's position came before a meeting yesterday called by Ban Ki-moon , the United Nations secretary-general , in which nearly 100 heads of state and government gathered to focus on climate change .

  25. 例如,齐柏林(Zeppelin)讲坛虽然日渐颓圮但是仍然宏伟。元首和他的左膀右臂曾站在那里,陶醉地看着下面的群众,整齐划一地表达崇敬。这是当今仅存的一座希特勒讲过话的讲台。

    For example , the crumbling but still imposing Zeppelin tribune , or grandstand , where the F ü hrer and his henchmen drank in the choreographed adoration from the masses assembled below , features the only surviving lectern where Hitler spoke .

  26. 中巴两国元首将于今晚会面。一个巴西代表团正在访问北京,以巩固两国之间日益紧密的关系,同时为巴西国家石油公司(Petrobras)签署价值100亿美元的一揽子贸易及融资协议。

    The presidents of China and Brazil will meet this evening during a Brazilian mission to Beijing designed to cement increasingly close relations between the two countries and sign a package of trade deals and finance for Petrobras , the Brazilian oil company , worth $ 10bn .

  27. 士兵们,元首相信你们,亲人们也相信你们!

    Our Fuehrer and our loved ones have confidence their soldiers !

  28. 元首可不是这副没断奶的小屁孩样。

    The Fuhrer wasn 't a mousy little mama 's boy .

  29. 我知道你喜欢每天晚上来一杯,元首。

    I understand you enjoy a glass every night , chancellor .

  30. 一部分领袖领导元首则束手无策了。

    Part of the leader is stranded the head of leadership .