- Proterozoic era

Before Later Proterozoic era , in this area more than two times of thermodynamic metamorphism took place .
The geotectonic setting formed in late Proterozoic Era in Baiyin area established . The gold deposits geotectonic background .
The U-Pb ages of early proterozoic-archean zircons captured by igneous rocks in southern China
New SHRIMP dating reveals that the previously-known Paleoproterozoic Dandong granitic complex is Mesozoic .
Their Nd isotopic characteristics and regional geological background also imply that the Early Proterozoic volcanic rocks formed in depression trough .
Pb isotopic composition of feldspar and U Pb age of zircon from early Proterozoic granite in
~ ( 40 ) ar - ~ ( 39 ) ar geochronology of Paleoproterozoic mafic dykes from southern Taihang Mountains and its geological significance
PTt Path and Crustal Thermodynamic Model of Late Archaean Early Proterozoic High grade Metamorphic Terrain in North China
In northern China , evolution of the sedimentary sequences since formation of the early Proterozoic crystal basement can be divided into five stages , i.
The Proterozoic VMS Copper Deposit in Longmen Mountain Area of Chuanxi : Evidence from Sulphide Trace Element and Sulfur Isotope
Zircon U-Pb dating , REE and Lu-Hf isotopic characteristics of Paleoproterozoic orthogneiss in Sulu UHP ter-rane , eastern China
Besides , detrital zircons in Cathaysia and NW Yangtze indicate significant juvenile input during Paleo-to Mesoproterozoic according to the zircon Hf isotopes , which are distinctly different from Western Australia .
The SHRIMP dating on the authigenic xenotimes in Paleo Proterozoic un metamorphosed sandstone in Kimberley Basin of Northwestern Australia limits the depositional age within an error of 7 Ma .
In this work three successive extensional events are identified according to three groups of representative Proterozoic ages obtained in rock samples from Shanxi and Hebei provinces by the authors .
This paper describes the time-space distribution and modality character of molar-tooth structures . Molar-tooth structures are a global phenomenon that are restricted to the Proterozoic .
The ultra-high δ 34S values of sedimentary pyrite , exceeded + 40 ‰, occurring in interglacial manganese mineralization beds ( Datangpo Stage ) of terminal Proterozoic in southern China are response to global snowball Earth .
The East Kunlun mode is that the basement of the Proterozoic orogenic belt was reworked by the heat input and materials of the Paleozoic-early Mesozoic convective mantle formed on the background of TTG continental crust of the Proterozoic orogenic belt ;
The top and bottom interface of the strata section of earlier late Proterozoic Era ( 1000 ~ 800Ma ) in Guangfeng area is very clear .
There were 35 samples of Middle & Late Proterozoic ( 1350 ~ 650Ma ) rocks from Da-hongshan area , Hubei demagnetized with thermal treatment and measured with supercon-ducting quantum interference divice ( SQUID ) and some paleomagnetism results were ob-tained .
The ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic rocks , represented by coesite-bearing eclogite , may have been formed as the former edge of the Su-Lu micro-continent with Proterozoic basement had subducted to 70 ~ 100km or more deep and suffered ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism .
Metamorphism of the basement rocks in the Paleoproterozoic Khondalite Belt and the Trans-North China Orogen is both characterized by clockwise p-T paths involving isothermal decompression following peak metamorphism , which suggests that the two orogens underwent initial crustal thickening followed by rapid exhumation / uplift tectonic processes .
The U-P dating data of zircons from Oligocene sandstones in the east of East China Sea shelf indicate that most zircon grains are Proterozoic , and then are Mesozoic , including sporadic Archean and Paleozoic ones .
The Doushantuo period , ranging from 550 Ma to 600 Ma , represents a period in which drastic biological , biochemical and climatic changes took place in terminal Proterozoic in South China .
The source area was proved to be composed of the Paleoproterozoic crystalline basement rocks at the lower part of the original middle crust by the dominantly Paleoproterozoic Nd model ages of the granite and from the comparison with the crustal structure-constitution in East Qinling .
This giant ductile shear system was formed during Wutai Movement from late Archean to Early Proterozoic and experienced two periods of ductile shearing . The differential stress in early period of shearing is about 12 MPa and the late is about 30 MPa .
Tectonic event and stress field of late PROTEROZOIC-TRIASSIC in South China
Middle-Late Proterozoic magmatism and its tectonic settings in northeastern Jiangxi Province
Uranium mineral is pitchblende which was formed in Lower Proterozoic .
Geochemistry of Proterozoic Island - arc volcanic rocks in Northwest Zhejiang
Palaeoproterozoic geotectonic problems of the jiao-liao massif : evolutionism and mobilism