
  • 网络meta-ethics;meta-ethical;metaethics
  1. 元伦理学在有意无意之间坚持了伦理命题没有描述性意义的教条。

    There is a doctrine in meta-ethics , which is that the ethical propositions haven 't the descriptive meanings .

  2. 元伦理学并不试图发现或提出任何道德原则,它仅仅用概念分析、逻辑分析和语言分析的方法对规范伦理学已经提出的伦理概念、伦理判断进行判断和分析。

    With no emphasis on how to establish sets of moral principles and rules , meta-ethics seeks to analyze the moral concepts and moral judgments already made by normative ethics with conceptual , logical and linguistic analysis .

  3. 关于普遍伦理的可能性条件的元伦理学考察

    Some Meta-Ethical Remarks on Conditions of Possibility for a Universal Ethics

  4. 道德研究的新领域:从规范伦理学到元伦理学

    New Area of Moral Philosophy : From Normative Ethics to Metaethics

  5. 元伦理学主要研究行为之应该如何与行为之事实如何的关系。

    Primary Ethics mainly deals with the relationship between proper behaviour and actual behaviour .

  6. 略论科技元伦理学

    On the Meta-ethics of Science and Technology

  7. 伦理学的主要分支是元伦理学,规范伦理学和应用伦理学。

    The main branches of ethics are meta-ethics , normative ethics , and applied ethics .

  8. 斯洛特通过对道德判断的情感主义语义分析,提出了他的情感主义元伦理学。

    Through the analyses of moral judgment semantics , Slote puts forward the sentimentalism metaethics .

  9. 进入20世纪以后,在元伦理学的强烈冲击下,功利主义逐渐走向衰落。

    In 20 century , utilitarianism meets with strong charge and is on the decline .

  10. 元伦理学崛起的历史原因探析

    Historical Causes for the Rise of Meta-ethics

  11. 西方元伦理学的三个基本问题

    Three Basic Issues in Western Meta-Ethics

  12. 黑尔反对现代元伦理学中的非理性主义,特别是斯蒂文森的极端情感主义。

    Hare objects the modern irrationalism of meta-ethics , particularly on the extreme emotionalism of Stevenson .

  13. 西方元伦理学解析

    An Analysis of Western Meta-ethics

  14. 复兴中的西方元伦理学

    Western Meta-ethics in Revival

  15. 在事实与价值之间&操纵学派忠实批判论的元伦理学反思

    Between Facts and Values : A Meta-ethical Reflection on the Criticism of " Faithfulness " by the Manipulation School

  16. 因此,他批评了元伦理学反历史的抽象的做法,反对把语言分析作为我们最终的、惟一的、不可动摇的理据。

    Therefore , he criticizes the abstract anti-history practice of the meta-ethics which takes linguistic analysis as the only final rationale .

  17. 随着元伦理学的产生,事实与价值的区分也成为逐渐彰明的一个基本理论观点。

    With the development of meta-ethics , the distinction between fact and value has become an increasingly exposing basic theory point of view .

  18. 情感主义伦理学作为元伦理学的一种,在20世纪上半叶对伦理学的发展产生了深远的影响。

    Emotionalist ethics , as one kind of meta-ethics , had influenced the development of ethics in the half priority of the 20th century .

  19. 伦理学是关于优良道德的科学,是关于优良道德的制定方法和制定过程以及实现途径的科学。因此,伦理学分为元伦理学和规范伦理学以及美德伦理学。

    Ethics is a science of good virtues , a science concerning the approaches , the process , and the application of good virtues .

  20. 概而言之,普遍规定主义是这样一种元伦理学观点:道德语言至少在典型用法中是规定性的,并且也是可普遍化的。

    In a word , universal prescriptivism is a meta-ethical doctrine that moral language is prescriptive at least in its typical use and also universalizable .

  21. 黑尔是西方伦理学界的著名的伦理学家,也是元伦理学中继直觉主义、情感主义之后的第三阶段语言分析学派的杰出代表。

    Hare is not only a renowned ethicist but also an outstanding representative of the analytical philosophy in the third phases which succeeds intuitionism and emotionalism .

  22. 复兴中的西方元伦理学具有三个主要特征:(1)日常语言研究普遍受到重视;

    It holds that western meta-ethics in revival has at least three general features : ( 1 ) the study of daily language is universally valued ;

  23. 康德伦理学的当代复兴,与西方社会矛盾的加剧相关,而元伦理学脱离社会生活与实践,功利主义又无法真正解决日益增多的社会问题。

    The modern revival of Kant 's ethics has much correlation with western social contradictions , as to which western meta-ethics does not care for , and the utilitarianism can not solve .

  24. 在这里,摩尔第一次把语言逻辑分析的方法引入了伦理学,开了现代西方元伦理学之先河,对以后的伦理学产生了深远的影响。

    Here , he introduces the method of language logic analysis into the ethics . This creates a new prospect of modern western meta-ethics and makes a profound difference to ethics after that .

  25. 众所周知,元伦理学发展到情感主义阶段就已经困难重重,黑尔就是在直觉主义和情感主义的理论成果基础之上,特别是对情感主义的扬弃出发来开始元伦理学研究的。

    As is known to all , difficulties arise when meta-ethics evolves to emotionalism . Hare bases his study on the fruit of intuitionism and emotionalism , especially on the sublation of emotionalism .

  26. 在元伦理学中,休谟的“是”与“应该”问题与事实与价值的二分问题联系起来,并成为其一个重要的教条。

    In meta-ethics , Hume 's problem about the relationship between to be and ought to , usually dealing with the distinguish between facts and values , is regarded as an important tenet .

  27. 摩尔作为现代西方元伦理学的开创者,他在建构其理论体系时所运用的方法不是单一的,而是针对伦理学的不同问题交错运用了直觉方法、绝对孤立法、有机统一原理和分析方法。

    Moore when he constituted his theory are not single , but used a different method in accordance with different question of ethics and used crisscross methods of intuition , the absolute isolation , principle of organic unities and analysis .

  28. 因此,如果人们想更深入地探讨规范伦理学的问题以及道德问题,就必须考察规范伦理学所预设的前提和假设,开拓新的道德研究领域,从规范伦理学走向元伦理学。

    Therefore , if we want to achieve significant improvement and progress on normative ethical questions or problems , we must reflect on unjustified premises and assumptions assumed in normative ethics , and we must move from normative ethics to metaethics .

  29. 而康德式的直接探索(元伦理学与规范伦理学的交混)所带来的麻烦是,它所产出的是理想化概念而非工作性概念,不适应于道德价值的多变的和多元的现实。

    And the trouble with the direct Kantian approach , the intermingling of meta-ethics and normative ethics , is that it results in an idealized concept rather than a working concept which is inadequate to the varied and pluralistic reality of moral values .

  30. 黑尔的伦理思想显现出一些新特点,在西方伦理学史及元伦理学发展史上都占有重要的地位,对于我们开展伦理学研究和建构当代伦理学体系有一定的借鉴作用和启示意义。

    Hare 's ethical thought shows some new characteristics of its own , takes an important historic position in the history of western ethical thought and of meta-ethics and casts some light onto our research of ethical issues and fabrication of new ethical systems .