
yī qiān línɡ yī yè
  • Arabian Nights
  1. 一千零一夜>>是一本非常有趣的故事书。

    " The Arabian Nights " is a very interesting story-book .

  2. 《一千零一夜》和《一千零一日》同是阿拉伯古典名著。

    Arabian Nights and Arabian Days are both famous Arabian classical works .

  3. 他们之所以用这个名字,因为它容易拼写,而且世界各地的人们都会联想到‘芝麻开门’,也就是《一千零一夜》(OneThousandandOneNights)中阿里巴巴用来打开宝藏大门的咒语。

    They called the company Alibaba because it is easy to spell , and people everywhere associate that with ' Open , Sesame ,' the command Ali Baba used to open doors to hidden treasures in ' One Thousand and One Nights .

  4. 他们之所以用这个名字,因为它“容易拼写,而且世界各地的人们都会联想到‘芝麻开门’,也就是《一千零一夜》(OneThousandandOneNights)中阿里巴巴用来打开宝藏大门的咒语”。

    They called the company Alibaba because it is " easy to spell , and people everywhere associate that with ' Open , Sesame , " the command Ali Baba used to open doors to hidden treasures in ' One Thousand and One Nights . " "

  5. 《一千零一夜》中的东方形象与对他者的想象

    Eastern Images and Imagination of the Other in Arabian Nights

  6. 《一千零一夜》和《金银岛》都是传奇故事。

    The Arabian Nights and Treasure lsland are romances .

  7. 《一千零一夜》中病例故事的个案分析

    A Study of the Case-Tales from The Arabian Nights

  8. 从《一千零一夜》看中世纪阿拉伯社会主流价值观

    Reflection on the Mediaeval Arab Social Mainstream Values in One Thousand and One Nights

  9. 在巴格达,我们研究童话《一千零一夜》;

    In Baghdad , it was Arabian Nights .

  10. 阿拉伯一千零一夜故事非常有趣。

    The Arabian Nights'Entertainment is very interesting .

  11. 三言二拍与《一千零一夜》商人形象之比较

    Comparing Businessmen Images in " Sanyan Erpai " and " Thousand and One Nights "

  12. 他在返回欧洲前不久,于1949年给《一千零一夜》制作了插图。

    He illustrated The Thousand and One Nights in 1949 , shortly before returning to Europe .

  13. 一千零一夜

    The Thousand And One Nights

  14. 几年之后我才知道那本书就是《一千零一夜》。

    Several years went by before I knew that the book was The Thousand and One Nights .

  15. 《一千零一夜》或称《阿拉伯之夜》,也由所收集的波斯人和埃及人的民间故事演变而成。

    The Thousand and One Nights , or Arabian Nights ' Entertainments derives from Persian and Egyptian folktales .

  16. 再来说说那台印刷机吧。那个故事被印了出来,是《一千零一夜》中一个奇怪的故事。

    As for the press , the story when printed was a strange tale of the Arabian Nights .

  17. 这种古代金石铭文,一刻千金。《一千零一夜》和《金银岛》都是传奇故事。

    Every cut of ancient epigraph of this kind is precious . The Arabian Nights and Treasure lsland are romances .

  18. 《五卷书》是印度著名的寓言故事集,《一千零一夜》则是阿拉伯的民间故事集。

    Pancatantra is a famous collection of Indian fables , while The Arabian Nights is a collection of Arabian folk tales .

  19. 阿拉伯鼎盛时期的文学经典《一千零一夜》,在中国家喻户晓。

    One Thousand and One Nights , a literary classic in the Arab heyday , is known to every Chinese household .

  20. 她给苏丹讲的故事,现在就叫做《天方夜谈》,或者叫做《一千零一夜》。

    Now the stories she told to the Sultan were called Stories from the Arabian Nights , or The Thousand and One Nights .

  21. 等于是一千零一夜寓言的重述,原发的时候说明了的。

    Stated in F & SF as being retold from the Sir Richard Burton translation in " A Thousand Nights and a Night " .

  22. 科威特紧随这两个国家之后,准备建设“丝绸城”项目,其中“一千零一夜摩天大楼”高度将超过1000米。

    Hot on its heels , the Burj Mubarak Al Kabir , proposed for the planned'City of Silk'in Kuwait , could also break the1000-meter barrier .

  23. 有人跟我讲述中国玫瑰,有人跟我讲述<一千零一夜>,大地的晚景,残尽的黄昏;

    One told me of China Roses , One a Thousand nights and one night , Earth 's last picture , the end of evening ;

  24. 很多年我都贯彻着对《一千零一夜》的幼稚理解,直到,被大学的重读所改变。

    I have many years to implement a naive understanding of the " Arabian Nights ", until , by the University of repeaters has changed .

  25. 这里还有日本动画片《千与千寻》中的人物,迪斯尼经典动画片《一千零一夜》中的阿拉丁以及《白雪公主与七个小矮人》中的人物。

    Japanese cartoons such have " Spirited Away " and Disney Classics " Aladdin " and " Snow White and the 7 dwarfs " also feature .

  26. 但是他讲的,关于每个中国家庭都十分喜爱阿拉伯经典的一千零一夜的事例,却遭到阿拉伯联盟秘书长穆萨委婉的苛责。

    But his reference to how every Chinese household has embraced the Arabic classic , 1001 Nights drew a gentle rebuke from Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa .

  27. 《一千零一夜》的主干故事定下了文本中女性话语的基调:重残下的美艳。

    The main plot of Arabian Nights sets he keynote of the female words in the works , which can be identified as " beauty under brutality " .

  28. 曾经,《一千零一夜》和《格林童话》以及《安徒生童话》一样都是我童年的最爱。

    Once in a while ," One thousand and one more nights " was one of my favorites along with " Green Fairy Tales " and " Andersen 's Fairy Tales " .

  29. 自从昨天傍晚以来,他已真的变成《一千零一夜》神话里的角色之一了,他身不由己地又被吸引到岩洞面前。

    Since , the evening before , he had really been the hero of one of the tales of the Thousand and One Nights , and he was irresistibly attracted towards the grotto .

  30. 他很卖力地叙述了如何得到伯爵那次几乎象变魔术似的款待,如何在那《一千零一夜》的岩洞里受到他富丽堂皇的房宅里的招待。

    He dwelt with considerable force and energy on the almost magical hospitality he had received from the count , and the magnificence of his entertainment in the grotto of the Thousand and One Nights .