
yī dǎng zhì
  • One-party system;single-party system
一党制[yī dǎng zhì]
  1. 叙利亚长期以来一直是由阿萨德家族的复兴党领导的一党制。

    Syria has long had a single-party system led by the Ba'ath party of the Assad family .

  2. 在新加坡的政党制度类型上,有些学者同意亨廷顿的观点,认为新加坡实行一党制,因此是权威主义国家。

    Some scholars agree with Samuel P. Huntington and argue that Singapore is one of the states of authoritarianism for its practice of a single-party system .

  3. 反腐工作在一党制下更加困难。

    Fighting corruption under one-party rule is more difficult .

  4. 津巴布韦向一党制缓慢前进

    Zimbabwe : advancing slowly towards one - party system

  5. 没错,精英管理只能在一党制国家的环境中发挥作用。

    Yes , meritocracy can only work in the context of a one-party state .

  6. 一党制国家的法律特征,不仅局限于这些令人瞩目的刑事案件。

    The legal peculiarities of a one-party state are not confined to high-profile criminal cases .

  7. 但是,事实上,你实际可以这样做,在一个一党制的国家。

    Well , it turns out you actually can have a one-party state and those things .

  8. 我想现在已经是着手研究一党制好处的时候了。

    S.A * I think it , s time to investigate the advantages of a parliamentary system .

  9. 目前尚不清楚一党制的中国能否解决好这个问题。

    It is not yet clear whether China , as a one-party state , can finesse this problem .

  10. 在凯末尔的一党制的领导下,土耳其稳步地进行着欧美化的进程。

    There was a steady process of secular westernization , guided by Kemal , under this one-party rule .

  11. 非洲国家实行多党制和一党制的经验及其改革初探

    A preliminary probe into the experiences and reforms of African countries in implementing multi-party system and one-party system

  12. 公众范围在多党制国家与一党制国家有着不同的理解与不同的行使方式。

    Countries of multi-party system and one-party system have different understandings and exercise styles over the public sphere .

  13. 在北京方面看来,牢牢控制住新疆,是其保持中国领土完整和一党制的关键。

    Beijing sees firm control of Xinjiang as key to its ability to preserve territorial integrity and one-party rule .

  14. 25年前,欧洲成为一个自由的整体,中国则选择了市场经济加一党制。

    Twenty-five years ago , Europe became whole and free , while China chose market economics and the party state .

  15. 新加坡和日本都证明了,一党制即使不使用武力,也可以保持权力的维系。

    Both Singapore and Japan offer evidence that one party can maintain power , even without the benefit of force .

  16. 他们指控现任总统爱伦•约翰森•希尔丽夫试图在利比里亚恢复一党制。

    They accuse the incumbent President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf of trying to bring back a one-party state system in Liberia .

  17. 人们不可能知道,中国的一党制与不断增长的私人利益之间的冲突,将会如何解决。

    It is impossible to know how this conflict between single-party rule and growing private interests in China will be resolved .

  18. 从这个角度而言,她认为中国政治发生了很大变化,尽管依然是一党制。

    From this perspective , she thinks Chinese politics has changed a great deal , even if there is still one-party rule .

  19. 这种坚持不仅来自于我们所论述的纵向研究,而且来自于横向比较,来自对一党制、多党制的理性分析。

    Such insistence on not only comes from our previously discussed longitudinal study , but from the horizontal , from the one-party system .

  20. 后北京奥运会时代我国体育发展的方向性思考一党制+议会制?&后普京时代俄罗斯政治发展透视

    On direction of China sports after Beijing Olympics " One-party system " + " parliamentarianism "? & Perspective of post-Putin Russian political development

  21. 中国的一党制体系能否承受经济放缓至5%以下?光是讨论这个问题,就让中国的研究人员头疼。

    Just discussing whether China 's one-party system can sustain an economic slowdown to less than 5 per cent is difficult for Chinese researchers .

  22. 中国刚刚开始建立专业机构,迄今为止,那种机构所具有的独立性还从未在一党制国家发展起来。

    China is just starting to build professional bodies with the kind of independence that has so far not thrived in a one-party state .

  23. 富人的崛起,中产阶级的诞生,教育和国际交流,这一切都潜在地挑战着一党制,并慢慢滋养着一种新的政治形态。

    The rise of wealth , a middle class , education and international contacts are slowly undermining one-party rule and nurturing a new kind of politics .

  24. 精英间的团结对一党制政体至关重要,高层领导间任何深层的裂痕都可能造成连锁反应,破坏稳定。

    For a one-party regime for which elite unity is critical , any deep schisms within its top leadership could trigger a chain of de-stabilizing events .

  25. 乏善可陈的一党制,死记硬背的育人方式和对于大型企业的国有管制,这些束缚最终还是很难使“新中国”成为孕育创新思想的温床。

    With its unreformed one-party system , its rote-learning in schools and state control of big businesses ," new China " is hardly a haven for innovative thinking .

  26. 在一党制国家,人们常因批评政府政策而入狱,人民谨慎微言,只有最勇敢或最鲁莽的人才会大声疾呼(2)。

    IN A one-party state where people are routinely jailed for criticising government policy , it is rare for all but the most brave or foolhardy to speak out .

  27. 朱玺表示,中国经济增长放缓的种种迹象确实令人担忧,但中国的一党制使政府能够迅速做出反应。

    Mr Chu said signs of a slowdown in the Chinese economy were a real concern but that the country 's one-party system had made it possible for the government to react quickly .

  28. 这一符合中国国情的社会主义政党制度,既不同于西方资本主义国家的多党制,也不同于一些社会主义国家的一党制,它是马克思列宁主义同中国革命与建设结合的一个典范。

    This political party system is suitable for the current situation in China . It is different neither from the western multi-party system nor from the one-party system in some socialist countries , It .

  29. 然而,在日文版报告的前言部分,黑川清对事故的文化背景提出了更有分寸的批评,不再笼统地归咎于民族文化,而是具体归纳为三点:一党制、论资排辈制以及终生雇佣制。

    In his preface to the Japanese version of the report , however , Mr Kurokawa offered a more measured critique of the cultural background to the crisis , blaming one-party rule , seniority systems and lifetime employment rather than the nation 's culture as a whole .

  30. 我的美国同胞们,无论你信仰什么,无论你支持一党制或无党制,无论你支持还是反对我,美国的未来掌握在你们手中,需要你们自愿履行好自己作为公民的义务。

    So , my fellow Americans , whatever you may believe , whether you prefer one party or no party , whether you supported my agenda or fought as hard as you against it , our collective future depends on your willingness to uphold your duties as a citizen .