
ɡuó jì xínɡ shì
  • international situation
  1. 这是一个有关当前国际形势的报告。

    It is a report on the current international situation .

  2. 他对国际形势一无所知。

    He is ignorant of the international situation .

  3. 定于星期六下午3点在礼堂举行国际形势报告会,特此通知。

    It is hereby announced that there will be a talk on the international situation in the auditorium at 3 on Saturday afternoon .

  4. 国际形势错综复杂,千变万化。

    The international situation is complex and changeable .

  5. 当前,国际形势继续发生深刻复杂变化。

    The world today is experiencing profound and complex changes .

  6. 从我国的小康建设、国际形势、改革进程、产业结构的优化升级及加入WTO的需要等五个方面,分析了当前我国农业结构调整的紧迫性和必要性。

    The urgency and necessity of current agricultural structure adjustment were analysed from the five aspects including building of comparatively well off society , international situation , reform process , optimization and upgrade of industrial structure , and the need of entering the WTO .

  7. 随着国际形势的变化,日本在国际贡献的名目下,制定出PKO法,并公然向海外派兵,这更是宪法所不容许的。

    With the changes in the international situation , Japan promulgated the Law of PKO and openly sent armed forces abroad under the name of international contribution , which is even more prohibited by the Constitution .

  8. 国际形势相对平稳却不平静。

    The international situation relatively remained stable but was not peaceful .

  9. 国际形势已发展到极其严峻的地步。

    The international situation has reached a point of extreme gravity .

  10. 自2007年首届金融论坛之后,国际形势发生了很大的变化。

    How things have changed since our first Forum in2007 .

  11. 新世纪前夜的动荡、调整与启示&一九九八年国际形势回顾

    Turbulences , adjustments and Inspirations on the eve of a new century

  12. 他来到华盛顿,就国际形势来说,时机正合适。

    He arrived in Washington at a ripe moment internationally .

  13. 双方还都十分拘谨,不交换对国际形势的估计。

    Both sides were still too cautious to share their international assessments .

  14. 国际形势正在发生复杂而深刻的变化。

    The international situation is undergoing complex and profound changes .

  15. 图灵死后,国际形势也变得缓和了。

    He also died just before the international situation relaxed a little ;

  16. 正确把握国际形势营造良好国际环境

    Correctly Mastering International Situation and Creating Good International Environment

  17. 面对国际形势的新变化,提出四个正确认识;

    Put forward " four correct understandings " facing the new international situation ;

  18. 对2005年国际形势的一些看法

    Some Basic Views on the International Situation in 2005

  19. 从90年代世界大事看国际形势发展趋势

    Trends of International Situations : A Perspective from World Events in 1990 's

  20. 纵观国际形势,中美两国经贸合作正面临一个难得的重要战略机遇期。

    Internationally , China-US economic partnership faces a window of rare strategic opportunity .

  21. 关于目前国际形势的几点估计

    Some points in appraisal of the present international situation

  22. 如果你转而看国际形势,消息也不见得好到哪里去。

    If you turned to international situation , the news was no better .

  23. 目前的国际形势极其微妙。

    The international situation is very delicate at present .

  24. 你在专心听那个关于国际形势的报告吗?

    Are you listening to the speech relating to the international situation attentively ?

  25. 卡梅伦仍在学着了解国际形势。

    Mr Cameron is still learning about abroad .

  26. 国际形势、外交战略与政策选择&试论中国在21世纪头20年的宏观外交战略与政策

    International situation , diplomatic strategies and policy selection

  27. 应对国际形势加强体育法制建设

    Construction of sports law facing the international situation

  28. 在国际形势下,中国已经有好有坏运气。

    In the international situation , China has had both good and bad fortune .

  29. 国际形势也是好的。

    The international situation is also good .

  30. 国际形势变化的两重性

    Duality of Changes in the World Situation