
  • chemical and biological weapons;Biochemical weapons;CBW
  1. 公开信中表示,为了预防下一场疫情的到来,那些进行危险的病毒乃至生化武器研究的实验室,应该被世界卫生组织重点关注。公开信特别指出了美国军方的德特里克堡生物实验室。

    They said in the letter that to prevent the next pandemic , the WHO should pay special attention to labs that are conducting studies on dangerous viruses or even on biochemical weapons .

  2. 这中战争上越来越大的不对称性会不会让我们的敌人,去采用更加穷凶恶及的策略和手法呢,例如:更努力地去获得核武器或生化武器?

    Would this increasing asymmetry in warfare cause our enemies to use even more desperate strategies and tactics , such as intensifying efforts to acquire nuclear or biochemical weapons ?

  3. 根据轨道上的费城内部的可靠来源证实,GDI科学家正在研究生化武器来对付无辜平民,把致命病毒释放到

    Reliable sources onboard the orbiting Philadelphia have confirmed that GDI scientists working on biological weapons intended for innocent civilians , released deadly virus into the

  4. 作为FBI生物对策部门一位负责监管的特工,尤警告称,美国没有保护用来制造有利可图的新药的基因组数据,而这些数据可能还被用来开发可怕的生化武器。

    A supervisory special agent in the bureau 's biological countermeasures unit , Mr You warns that the US is not protecting the genomic data used to create lucrative new medicines - but which can also be used to develop fearsome bioweapons .

  5. 这种无人机将用于投放生化武器。

    UAVs are well suited for dispensing chemical and biological weapons .

  6. 这么说我们可以阻止生化武器进入。

    So , we could potentially stop a dirty bomb .

  7. 和一流的实验室才能制造这种生化武器。

    And a big-bucks lab to make this bio-weapon .

  8. 起初大家都以为是生化武器的搜索行动。

    At first it 's believed to be a search for biological weapons .

  9. 还有什么会让个女人偷取生化武器并且使用呢?

    Why else would a woman who fought to ban biological weapons use them ?

  10. 比如,合成生物技术可能会给恐怖的生化武器的出现铺平道路。

    Synthetic life could , for instance , pave the way to terrifying biological weapons .

  11. 但是这个建议转移了大家对真正的纳米粘质一生化武器的注意力。

    But that suggestion diverts attention from the real nano goo : chemical and biological weapons .

  12. 核技术、生化武器、转基因食品威胁人的生命安全与生存环境。

    Nuclear technique , biology and chemistry weapon and gene food menace human beings ' life .

  13. 起因是一场普通的战争,然后就有了核武器和生化武器的使用。

    Will start as a normal war , then will include usage of nuclear and chemical weapons .

  14. 因为生物学家和化学家很努力,也很成功地,在推动禁止生化武器的出现。

    because biologists and chemists pushed hard -- and successfully -- for bans on biological and chemical weapons .

  15. 让法国介入的唯一方法就是告诉他们在伊拉克找到了生化武器。

    The only way the French are going in is if we tell them we found truffles in Iraq .

  16. 然而,它们的适应性允许它们作为生化武器的替代而实用。

    However , they have a flexibility which permits their use as a substitute for biological weapons as well .

  17. 士兵:把手放好,让我查查你身上是否带有生化武器。

    Soldier : Put your hands on the wall . I will see if there is any chemical weapon on you .

  18. 专家们告诉参议员外交关系委员会:这就是为什么生化武器如此危险的部分原因。

    Experts told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that this is part of the reason why biological weaponry is so dangerous .

  19. 官员们称伊拉克总统萨达姆?侯赛因正在扩大他的生化武器计划,并且准备建造核武器。

    Officials say Iraqi President Saddam Hussein is expanding his biological and chemical weapons program and seeking to build nuclear weapons .

  20. 他现在对生根周五晚灯,而他存钱,或新的生化武器计划,他研制出来的?

    Is he now rooting against Friday night lights , which he saved , or the new NBC schedule he developed ?

  21. 这些能量组合预言了一个新的疾病过程、生化武器、与爱滋病研究的突破。

    A new disease process , biological weapon , and a breakthrough in AIDS research is foretold by these energetic alignments .

  22. 据报道,针对人群遭到无人机投放生化武器的可能性,法国当局已开展训练。

    French authorities have reportedly trained for the possibility of drones being used to disperse chemical or biological weapons over crowds .

  23. 若不达成国际共识,核扩散和生化武器问题将永远无法解决。

    The proliferation of nuclear , chemical and biological weapons will never be halted outside of an international consensus to do so .

  24. 达特沼地也是政府最神秘机构的所在地生化武器研究中心

    Dartmoor is also home to one the government 's most secret of operations , the chemical and biological weapons research centre ,

  25. 他一再公然藐视联合国决议,阻挠联合国武器视察小组的工作,研制生化武器,还觊觎发展核武器。

    He has repeatedly defied UN resolutions , thwarted UN inspection teams , developed chemical and biological weapons , and coveted nuclear capacity .

  26. 希茨内认为,在限制破坏范围的条件下要摧毁生化武器实验室,使用珀尔修斯是不错的选择,在摧毁目标的同时还能进行一次彻底消毒。

    This makes the bomb a good way to destroy and sterilise germ-and chemical-warfare laboratories while limiting damage nearby , says Mr Hiznay .

  27. 第一次世界大战运用了化学武器之后,1925年的《日内瓦议定书》禁止生化武器的运用。

    The use of chemical and biological weapons was prohibited in1925 by the Geneva Protocol following the use of chemical weapons during World War I.

  28. 为了支持其生化武器计划,伊拉克使用扩展的秘密网络从世界各地获得其所需要的东西。

    To support its deadly biological and chemical weapons programs , Iraq procures needed items from around the world using an extensive clandestine network .

  29. 该设备用于为伤员提供战地现场复苏急救,极大的提高抢救效率和生命成活率,为防敌军使用生化武器而设计。

    The device is designed for NBC protection , used as field local first-aid resuscitation , which enhances salvage rate and life survive rate .

  30. 上星期,加州警卫队设立实验室探测好莱坞的奥斯卡颁奖晚会有无生化武器。

    Last week , the California National Guard set up a lab to test for chemical or biological weapons at the Academy Awards in the Hollywood .