
  • 网络the book of life
  1. 生命之书很简短,当它被翻过,除了爱以外,一切都不复存在,这就是我一直的信仰。

    The book of life is brief , and once a page is read , all but love is dead that is my belief .

  2. 所有的人的优秀作品,实际上进入了生命之书的学分,而坏作品扣款。

    All of a man 's good works are actually entered into the book of life as credits , and bad works as debits .

  3. 如果说人类基因组是生命之书,那么Crispr技术就是用来编写这本书的MicrosoftWord。

    If the human genome is the book of life , then Crispr technology is its Microsoft Word .

  4. 你们是自己生命之书的作者。

    You are the author of the book of your life .

  5. 因此我们能为您粗糙地列出您的人生之道,即我们所称的“生命之书”。

    So we can decribe your life way , here the so called " life book " .

  6. 他们的作品《生命之书》因其意义深刻、视觉感染力强而夺冠。

    Their work Book of Life won first place because of its deep meaning and strong visual effect .

  7. 把人类遗传密码叫做生命之书,仅对已经理解该内容的人有用。

    And calling the human genetic code'the book of life'may only make sense to those who already understand the issue .

  8. 他们认为新版本的人类遗传图谱或者生命之书填补了如何解释基因与常见疾病关系的许多空白。

    They said their new version of the human genetic map , or " book of life ," fills in many missing pages and chapters to explain how genes are involved in common diseases .

  9. 如果把人类基因组视作生命之书,他们绘制了大量字母或短语的变异&但忽视了书中篇幅更大的整页乃至整章的删节和重复内容。

    Looking at the human genome as a book of life they have mapped vast numbers of variations in letters or short words – but missed much larger deletions and duplications of pages or chapters .

  10. 艾扬格在2005年的《生命之光》一书中,思省了自己曾经目睹的巨大变迁。

    In a 2005 book , Light on Life , Mr. Iyengar mused about the vast changes he had seen .

  11. 我生命中最辉煌的顶点,我经历过的痛苦悔恨,我生命之中那些无价的存在和那些曾经荒废的时光,我所珍藏的每一点回忆都像是我生命之书中最精彩的画页。

    The culmination of my life , the bitter rues I experienced , the worthless things and waste times , each memory I cherished is like the most beautiful leaf of my life book .