
shēnɡ zhǎnɡ chí huǎn
  • Growth retardation;delayed growth
  1. 目的探讨生长迟缓儿血铅水平现状及其相关的影响因素。

    Objective To investigate the current status and affected ingredients of the blood lead level in delayed growth infants .

  2. 安素(ENSURE)治疗胎儿宫内生长迟缓的临床研究

    Ensure Treatment for IUGR

  3. 川芎嗪治疗胎儿宫内生长迟缓中氧自由基与血栓素B2、6-酮-前列腺素(1α)的相关性研究

    Study on Relativity between Oxygen Free Radical and Thromboxane B_2,6-keto-PGF_ ( 1 α) during Ligustrazine Treatment of Intrauterine Growth Retardation

  4. DNA在紫外线诱导下会产生损伤,这种损伤会导致生物体生长迟缓、诱发突变甚至死亡。

    Lesions will be induced by ultraviolet light in DNA , which will cause growth delay , mutagenesis , even death of organism .

  5. 宫内生长迟缓大鼠脂肪组织肿瘤坏死因子αmRNA表达与胰岛素抵抗关系的研究

    Expression of tumor necrosis factor α mRNA in adipose cell of intrauterine growth retarded rats and its relation to insulin resistance

  6. 方法21只孕鼠分为宫内生长迟缓组(IUGR)和对照组。

    Methods 21 pregnant rats were divided into intrauterine growth retardation ( IUGR ) group and control group .

  7. 宫内生长迟缓(IUGR)是围产儿发病率和死亡率的主要原因之一。

    Intrauterine Growth Retardation ( IUGR ) is a serious complication in obstetrics and an important cause of perinatal mortality .

  8. 目的探讨宫内生长迟缓(IUGR)引起肾单位数目减少的机制。

    Objective To investigate the mechanism of nephron deficit in the rat model of intrauterine growth retardation ( IUGR ) .

  9. [目的]探讨宫内生长迟缓(Intrauterinegrowthretardation,IUGR)新生儿是否存在钙磷代谢异常并探讨其临床意义。

    [ Objective ] To research for whether the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus in intrauterine growth retardation ( IUGR ) newborns was abnormal , and research for the clinic use .

  10. 目的:研究胰岛素是否能促进子宫内生长迟缓(IUGR)新生儿肠道的生长发育。

    Objective : The study was designed to examine the effect of insulin on gastrointestinal growth and development in IUGR neonatal piglets .

  11. 多元非条件Logistic回归方程筛选出生长迟缓的5个危险因素,即:膳食蛋白摄入量低于推荐摄入量、母亲身高低、发锌含量缺乏、H。

    The Logistic multivariate regression equations showed there were 5 risk factors of stunting : dietary protein intakes lower than recommended dietary intakes , mother 's height , hair zinc deficiency , H.pylori infection , father 's height ;

  12. 目的探讨胎儿生长迟缓(FGR)与新生儿胰岛素敏感性变化的关系。

    Objective To explore the relationship between fetal growth retardation ( FGR ) and the change of insulin sensitivity in neonates .

  13. 目的探讨硫酸镁在胎儿生长迟缓(IUGR)治疗中对脐血流及妊娠结局的影响。

    Objective : To discuss the treatment of intrauterine growth retardation ( IUGR ) with magnesium sulfate which influence the cord blood flow and pregnant outcome .

  14. 目的了解出生后早期营养干预对宫内生长迟缓(IUGR)大鼠体格、小肠发育的影响。

    Objective To study the effect of early nutrition on the development of physique and small intestine in rats with intrauterine growth retardation ( IUGR ) .

  15. 结果表明:香烟烟雾对孕鼠胚胎有明显的毒性,可引起胚胎死亡、畸形和宫内生长迟缓(IUGR);

    The results showed : cigarette smoking had obvious embryotoxicity . It could caused death , malformation and intrauterine growth retardation ( IUGR ) of embroys ;

  16. 目的探讨产妇血清激活素(activin)A水平与胎儿生长迟缓(IUGR)及妊娠期高血压疾病(PHD)的关系。

    Objective To explore the relationship of serum levers of activin A with intrauterine growth retardation ( IUGR ) and hypertensive disorders during pregnancy ( PHD ) .

  17. REV和CAV共同感染所引起的生长迟缓,特别是对NDV疫苗抗体反应的免疫抑制作用比单一病毒感染要严重得多。

    REV and CAV co-infection caused by growth retardation , especially in the immune response to NDV vaccine antibody inhibition is much more serious than single virus infection .

  18. 转Bt棉品种在苗期的子叶面积和干物质积累量都小于常规棉品种,说明转Bt棉品种营养生长迟缓。

    As to Bt-transgenic , the cotyledon area and plant 's dry matter accumulation during seedling period were less than other cotton varieties . It suggested that vegetative growth of Bt-transgenic cotton was slower than that of others .

  19. IVA型患儿临床表现主要为生长迟缓,骨骼畸形,关节松弛,智力正常,尿GAG定量和电泳结果可正常。

    The main clinical manifestations of type ⅳ A patients were growth retardation , skeletal deformities , laxity joints , normal intelligence and slightly increased or normal GAG in urine .

  20. 用酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)检测胎儿宫内生长迟缓(IUGR)孕妇血清抗心磷脂抗体(ACA),探讨IUGR与ACA的相关性。

    To investigate the relationship between anticardiolipin antibodies ( ACA ) and fetal intrauterine growth retardation ( IUGR ), serum ACA was determined in 60 pregnant women by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay ( ELISA ) .

  21. 对生长迟缓、低体重、消瘦的影响因素进行单因素X~2分析和多因素非条件Logistic回归分析,在排除可能的混杂因素后,探讨H.pylori感染是否仍为影响学龄前儿童体格生长的独立因素。

    The univariate x2 analysis and unconditional multiple logistic regression were performed to identify the risk factors of stunting , underweight and wasting , and the effect of H.pylori infection on growth among preschool children after controlling the possible confounding bias .

  22. 目的探讨胎儿生长迟缓(IUGR)时母血、脐血中维生素A(VitA)水平的变化以及对新生儿视力发育的影响。

    Objective To investigate that the changes of maternal and umbilical serum vitamine A ( VitA ) levels of women with intrauterine growth retardation ( IUGR ) effect on visual development of their newborns .

  23. 目的:研究补肾益气活血方对被动吸咽所致宫内胎儿生长迟缓(IUGR)孕鼠红细膜的保护作用。

    Objective : To observe the protective effect of Bushen Yiqi Huoxue reeipe ( BYHR ) on RBC membrane of pregnant mice with fetus intrauterins growth retard ( IUGR ) which was caused by passive smoking .

  24. 目的探讨血浆胎盘异铁蛋白(PLF)在妊娠高血压综合征和胎儿生长迟缓发病机制中的作用及其早期预测价值。

    Objective To investigate the effect of placental isoferritin ( PLF ) activation on pathogenesis of pre-eclampsia and intrauterine growth retardation and its earlier predictive value .

  25. 结果观察组NST、OCT、SD比值与对照组无显著性差异,但胎儿宫内生长迟缓、羊水胎粪污染、剖宫产率皆显著高于对照组。

    Results The NST , OCT , S / D ratio in study group were similar with those in control group , but the IUGR rate , meconium rate and cesarean section rate were higher in study group .

  26. 本研究在用更生霉素建立IUGR动物模型的基础上,应用人参茎叶皂甙、丹参、舒喘灵、硫酸锌和人参蜂王浆对胎仔宫内生长迟缓(IUGR)孕鼠进行治疗。

    Based on the animal modal of intrauterine growth retardation ( IUGR ) established using actinomycin , pregnant rats with IUGR were treated with ginsenosides , injectio salviae miltiorrhizae composita , salbutamol , zinc sulfate and ginseng royal jelly .

  27. 目的:观察补肾益气活血中药治疗胎儿宫内生长迟缓(IUGR)的临床疗效,探讨其可能的作用机理。

    Objective : To explore the therapeutic effect and its possible mechanism on using Chinese herbal medicine ( CHM ) for supplementing Kidney and Qi , and activating blood circulation in treating intrauterine growth retardation of fetus ( IUGR ) .

  28. 目的探寻既能保证宫内生长迟缓(IUGR)大鼠生长追赶又可避免或减轻其在成年期产生胰岛素抵抗(IR)的早期营养干预措施。

    Objective To look for an appropriate dietary pattern of early nutritional intervention , which does not only meet the need of catch-up growth but also avoids or reduces the incidence of insulin resistance ( IR ) in adulthood of rats born with intrauterine growth retardation ( IUGR ) .

  29. 方法比较妊娠期糖尿病孕妇82例与正常对照组82例的妊娠结局,包括孕产妇并发症、剖宫产率、早产率、胎儿生长迟缓(FGR)、巨大儿发生率、围产儿死亡率及新生儿病率等。

    Method The pregnancy outcomes of 82 pregnant women with GDM and 82 cases of normal pregnancy were compared , including pregnancy complications , caesarean section , premature delivery , FGR , incidence of macrosomia , perinatal mortality and morbidity of neonates .

  30. 宫内生长迟缓(IUGR)是指孕周大于37周胎儿出生体重小于2500g,或胎儿体重低于其孕龄平均体重的两个标准差。IUGR在我国发病率约7.5%。

    Intrauterine growth retardation ( IUGR ) refers to either the fetus , with gestational age exceeding 37 weeks , weighs less than 2500 grams or the birth weight lies below 10th percentile for that gestational age , and the Morbidity of IUGR in China is about 7.5 % .