
màn xìnɡ chánɡ yán
  • chronic enteritis
  1. 在糖尿病、动脉粥样硬化、冠心病、慢性肠炎、尿毒症等疾病中发现AOPP表达水平均有所增高,这表示AOPP可能与这些疾病的发生发展具有相关性。

    The expression levels of AOPP are increased in diabetes , atherosclerosis , coronary heart disease , uremia , chronic enteritis and other diseases .

  2. 近来人们发现,HB-EGF/EGFR通路可作为IL-17的下游通路参与骨关节炎、类风湿关节炎、慢性肠炎以及银屑病等自身免疫性疾病的发病。

    Recent studies observed the involvement of HB-EGF / EGFR pathway in IL-17-mediated autoimmune diseases , such as osteoarthritis , rheumatoid arthritis , chronic enteritis and psoriasis .

  3. 结论:(1)采用不同浓度的TNBS进行不同持续时间的灌肠,可建立不同类型的小鼠结肠炎模型包括急性肠炎和慢性肠炎伴纤维化。

    With inherent muscle Obvious thickened . Conclusion : ( 1 ) Different concentrations of TNBS used for different duration of the enema , can create different types of colitis mouse model , including acute colitis and chronic colitis with fibrosis .

  4. 电针治疗慢性肠炎45例

    Therapy of Electropuncture for 45 Cases with Chronic Enteritis

  5. 流行因素分析说明慢性肠炎和痔疮与结肠癌关系密切。

    Chronic diarrhea and hemorrhoids are important epidemiological factors Significantly related to the prevalence of colon cancer .

  6. 用于真菌或细菌引起的急、慢性肠炎、腹泻。

    Used for the treatment of acute and chronic enteritis and diarrhea caused by bacterium or fungus .

  7. 基于粪便可见-近红外反射光谱的高山麝慢性肠炎诊断

    Diagnosis of Chronic Enteritis of Alpine Musk Deer ( Moschus Chrysogaster ) Based on Visible-Near Infrared Reflectance Spectra of Feces

  8. 首先要明确诊断,里急后重和黏液便、腹泻应该是肠道方面的问题,个人认为可能是慢性肠炎。

    Want to definitely diagnose first , inside tenesmus and mucus then , diarrhea should be the problem of intestine way , personal think may be a chronic enteritis .

  9. 根据发病缓急程度、病理变化及临床表现特点,分为急性阑尾炎型、慢性肠炎型、肠梗阻型、腹腔肿块型、腹膜炎型、出血型、肠瘘型、中毒性巨结肠及癌变型。

    In accordance with disease course , pathological changes and clinical presentation , it could be classified into 9 types of acute appendicitis , chronic enteritis , intestinal obstruction , abdominal mass , peritonitis , hemorrhage , intestinal fistula , toxic megacolon and cancer .

  10. 慢性放射性肠炎并发小肠梗阻的外科治疗

    Surgical management of small bowel obstruction from chronic radiation injury

  11. 目的探讨慢性放射性肠炎的手术适应证及手术方式。

    Objective To investigate the indication and mode of surgical management for chronic radiation enteritis .

  12. 慢性放射性肠炎外科治疗探讨

    Surgical management of chronic radiation enteritis

  13. 方法:回顾分析4例结直肠癌术后辅助放疗后并发慢性放射性肠炎、小肠梗阻的外科治疗结果和手术失败的原因。

    Methods : The surgical results of 4 colorectal cancer patients admitted for chronic enteritis complicated with small bowel obstruction and the reasons for management failure were analyzed retrospectively .

  14. 方法回顾分析1990~2004年我院经手术治疗9例小肠慢性放射性肠炎的临床资料。

    Methods Clinical data of 9 patients with chronic small bowel radiation enteritis who had undergone surgical management from 1990 to 2004 in the Third People ′ s Hospital of Chongqing were analyzed retrospectively .

  15. 目的:探讨驻衡官兵慢性末端回肠炎(CTI)的发病情况及临床转归。

    Objective To research the conditions of chronic terminal ileitis ( CTI ) and its clinical course .

  16. 目的探讨慢性末端回肠炎的回盲瓣舒缩功能变化及其意义。

    Objective To investigate the clinical practical value of colonscopy examing terminal ileum .

  17. 结果Sheehan综合征长期误诊率为58%,常见误诊疾病有神经衰弱(71%)、慢性胃炎(57%)、慢性肠炎(43%)、精神障碍(21%)等。

    Results Long term misdiagnosis rate of the aged Sheehan ′ s syndrome was 58 % . Common misdiagnosed diseases were neurasthenia ( 71 % ), chronic gastritis ( 57 % ), chronic enteritis ( 43 % ), dysphrenia ( 21 % ) and so on .