
màn zhōnɡ zǐ
  • slow neutron;low-speed neutron
  1. 低通量慢中子辐照对高Tc超导体正常态电阻的影响及其机理探讨

    Effect and mechanism of slow neutron irradiation with low fluence in normal resistivity of superconductors

  2. 太阳系的元素丰度分布与AGB星慢中子俘获元素

    Abundance Distribution in the Solar System and Slow Neutron Capture Elements in AGB Stars

  3. 低通量慢中子对Bi系超导体的辐照效应

    Irradiation effect with slow neutrons of low fluence on Bi-based superconductors

  4. 对演化波函数取绝热极限可得到Berry几何相,并将这些结果与Bitter等的慢中子实验做了比较。

    Berry 's geometric phase was obtained by taking the adiabatic limit on the exact evolutional wave function and was compared with the slow helical neutron experiment done by Bitter and Dubbers .

  5. 实验结果表明,HTSC在低通量慢中子辐照后,正常态电阻R不仅不遵从随辐照通量φn按指数增加的规律,而且还会较大幅度地减小。

    The experimental results indicate that the normal resistivity R not only follows the law that R is increasing exponentially with the enhancement of fluence φ _n , but also decreases greatly after irradiation of slow neutron with low fluence .

  6. 研究了低通量(~10~8n/cm~2)慢中子对Y系、Bi系及其掺杂高Tc超导体(HTSC)正常态电阻的影响及其机理。

    This work studies the effect and mechanism of slow neutron irradiation of low fluence ( ~ 10 ~ 8n / cm ~ 2 ) in normal resistivity of Y and Bi system and the doped high T_c superconductors .

  7. 本文从实验上证明,BF3正比管慢中子反应核脉冲分布曲线低能段的两个平台式分布,是由于反应产物氦核及锂核的管壁效应所引起的。

    Tt has been proved by experiments , that two plateform distributions in the low energy section of nuclear pulse distribution curve of slow neutron reaction in BFs proportional counter is caused by wall effect of reaction product-helium and lithium nuclei .

  8. 慢中子束对钢板的静态测厚研究

    Static measurement of thickness of steel plate using slow neutron beam

  9. 贫金属星的表面丰度与慢中子俘获过程

    Abundances of Metal-Poor Stars and Slow Neutron - Capture Progress

  10. 电晕放电慢中子计数管

    A thermal neutron counter working in the corona discharge region

  11. 慢中子正比计数器探测效率研究

    Study of detection efficiency of slow neutron proportional counter

  12. 慢中子和中能中子可以通过其它方式产生间接电离作用。

    Neutrons in the slow and moderate speed ranges can produce ionization indirectly in other ways .

  13. 闪烁体慢中子探测器

    Scintillator slow neutron detector

  14. 利用慢中子束对钢板厚度的静态测量方法进行了研究。

    The static method is used to measure the thickness of steel plate by means of slow neutron beam .

  15. 结果表明,对于慢中子,当样品半径与厚度之比大于20,使用无限大平板模型并进行半解析处理具有明显的优越性。

    The results show that , if the radius-to-thickness ratio of the sample is greater than 20 , the infinite slab model with semi-analytical treatment is obviously advantageous for slow neutrons .

  16. 为选出能有效地实现慢中子γ光子转换的核素,根据有关截面数据分析了主要的决定因素,并结合具体模型用离散纵标法作了计算。

    For selecting nuclides to transform slow neutron into gamma photon effectively , the main decisive aspects are analyzed basing on relative cross section data and a specific model is calculated by using S N method .

  17. 慢中子探测器和中子源组成的探头在储油罐内升降移动,动态扫描不同高度的物料,根据气、油和水的慢中子计数率不同,测定出三相界面的高度;

    The slow neutron detectors move down and up in the tank and scan dynamic ally the material in different height . On the basis of the different slow neutron counting rate of gas , oil and water , the three-phase interface heights are determined .

  18. ~(235)U热(慢)中子裂变碎片在水中的射程

    Ranges of the fragments from thermal ( slow ) neutron fission of ~ ( 235 ) u in water

  19. Boltzmann方程的矩形式及旋转慢收缩中子星中心附近的温度特性

    Moments of the Boltzmann equation and properties of temperature near the center of a rotating and slowly contracting neutron star

  20. Saa有挠引力模型下慢旋转磁中子星的电磁场

    Electromagnetic Fields of a Slowly Rotating Magnetized Neutron Star in Saa 's Model of Gravity with Torsion

  21. 这核子已经俘获慢运动的中子;这颗恒星俘获了一颗慧星。

    This nucleus has captured the slow-moving neutrons ; The star captured a comet .

  22. 慢化球中子探测器的研制及应用

    Development and application of spherical moderating neutron detectors