
  • 网络Yukawa;Hideki Yukawa;Yukawa Hideki;Yukawa,Hideki
  1. π介子理论的提出&记日本物理学家汤川秀树

    Proposal of the meson theory by Hideki Yukawa

  2. 日本第一位获得诺贝尔奖的物理学家&汤川秀树的个性及成就

    The first Nobel Prize winner of in japan & Yukawa . H 's personal character and his achievement

  3. 在介子理论提出10年后,π介子才被英国物理学家鲍威尔在宇宙射线中发现,证实了汤川秀树的假设。

    The theory was verified after the π meson was discovered in cosmic rays by C. P. Powell , a British physicist .