
  • 网络Thomson;thompson;Thomsen;Tomson;James Thomson
  1. 那家人已经指示律师起诉汤姆森,要求赔偿。

    The family has instructed solicitors to sue Thomson for compensation

  2. 汤姆森流露出不解的,同情的神色,跑出房间。

    Thomson gave a queer , sympathetic look , then ran out of the room .

  3. 汤姆森名列第四。

    Thompson is lying in fourth place .

  4. 数据服务提供商汤姆森金融(thomsonfinancial)预计,去年已宣布的交易数量增长了36%。

    Thomson Financial Services estimated that announced deals increased 36 per cent last year .

  5. 汤姆森金融(thomsonfinancial)的数据显示,中国企业集团今年的海外投资额已增长近一倍。

    Overseas investment from Chinese groups has nearly doubled this year , according to Thomson Financial .

  6. 汤姆森金融(ThomsonFinancial)称,今年到目前为止,亚太地区(日本除外)的交易规模比去年同期增长了40%。

    Asia Pacific ex-Japan deal sizes are up 40 per cent year-to-date , according to Thomson Financial .

  7. 据汤姆森金融公司(ThomsonFinancial)报道,分析人士普遍希望该季度苹果公司能够实现营收297亿美元。

    The analyst consensus for the quarter was calling for Apple to report revenue of $ 29.7 billion according to Thomson Financial .

  8. 然而,汤姆森金融(thomsonfinancial)的数据显示,全球投资级债券市场活动大幅减少,暗示这次市场动荡的影响正在扩散。

    However , figures from Thomson Financial show a significant decline in activity in the global investment-grade market suggesting the impact of the market turmoil is spreading .

  9. 据汤姆森-路透(ThomsonReuters)报道,今年IPO的募资总额只比去年创记录的总额的四分之一多一点。

    IPOs have raised little more than a quarter of last year 's record amounts , according to Thomson Reuters .

  10. 亨德森全球投资公司(HendersonGlobalInvestors)的理查德•汤姆森(RichardThomson)表示:我们非常严肃地看待这一问题,并对德意志银行感到极其失望。

    We are treating this issue very seriously and are extremely disappointed with Deutsche Bank , Richard Thomson , of Henderson Global Investors , said .

  11. 亚当•汤姆森(AdamThomson)巴黎、詹姆斯•波利提(JamesPoliti)罗马和邓肯•罗宾逊(DuncanRobinson)补充报道

    With additional reporting by Adam Thomson in Paris , James Politi in Rome and Duncan Robinson

  12. 汤姆森金融(thomsonfinancial)的数据显示,过去一个月里,分析师对标准普尔500指数(s&p500)成份股公司的第四季度收益预期已调低近一半。

    In the past month , fourth - quarter earnings expectations for companies in the S & P 500 have fallen by nearly half , according to Thomson Financial .

  13. 民间文学艺术在国际上通行的术语是folklore,最初由英国的W·J·汤姆森于1846年提出。

    The common term " folklore " which is used to refer to the folk literature and folk arts is first put forward by a British person W. J.

  14. 其中主要运用了波特五种竞争力模型、SWOT矩阵以及汤姆森和斯特克兰方法等分析工具。

    The analytic methods the paper mainly uses include the Porter five-kind competitive abilities model , the SWOT matrix as well as the Thompson and Stirkland method .

  15. 这促使规模较大的开发商寻求在股票市场上市:汤姆森金融(ThomsonFinancial)称,今年迄今为止,已有10家中国地产开发商通过上市筹集到80亿美元的资金。

    That has prompted the bigger developers to obtain stock market listings : so far this year , 10 Chinese property developers have raised $ 8bn of equity , according to Thomson Financial .

  16. 自3月以来,商业信息集团汤姆森金融(ThomsonFinancial)一直在利用电脑自动生成部分新闻。公司对这一做法的结果非常满意,计划扩大这一业务。

    Thomson Financial , the business information group , has been using computers to generate some stories since March and is so pleased with the results that it plans to expand the practice .

  17. 在获得FoundersShareCompany的由衷认可后,两家公司披露了汤姆森以现金加股票的方式并购路透的详细计划。FoundersShareCompany是一家旨在保护路透独立性和编辑操守的机构。

    The two companies unveiled detailed plans of Thomson 's cash-and-shares offer for Reuters after securing the hearty endorsement of the Founders Share Company , the body that exists to defend Reuters ' independence and editorial integrity .

  18. 据汤姆森金融(thomsonfinancial)的数据显示,在过去12个月内的113例a股发行中,有三分之一以上的股票在上市首日上涨超过一倍。

    Over the past 12 months , more than a third of the 113 offerings on the A-share market more than doubled in value on their debut , according to data from Thomson Financial .

  19. 但数据供应商汤姆森金融(thomsonfinancial)称,在2007年香港上市首个交易日下跌的公司中,多数为较不引人注目、融资规模低于3亿美元的中型企业。

    But the majority of the first-day losers in Hong Kong in 2007 were more obscure mid - sized companies that raised less than $ 300m , according to Thomson Financial , the data provider .

  20. 汤姆森金融(thomsonfinancial)的数据显示,今年第一季度,在全球其它地方的可转换债券发行量下降的同时,亚太地区却呈现强劲增长,达到创纪录水平。

    Issuance of convertible bonds in the Asia-Pacific region grew strongly to hit record levels in the first quarter of the year while declining in the rest of the world , according to Thomson Financial .

  21. 从现有记录看,据汤姆森/第一呼叫(Thomson/FirstCall)公司报道,当前苹果公司12个月目标股价区间为从低位的210美元直至高位的612美元,中位数为450美元。

    For the record , the current 12-month price targets for apple , as reported by Thomson / first call , range from a low of $ 210 to a high of $ 612 , with a median target of $ 450 .

  22. 汤姆森金融(ThomsonFinancial)的数据显示,今年头9个月,日本之外亚洲市场的后续股票发行额达到了715亿美元,较去年同期增长72%。

    The volume of follow-on issuance in Asia , excluding Japan , reached $ 71.5bn in the first nine months , a 72 per cent rise on the same period last year , Thomson Financial found .

  23. 根据汤姆森金融(ThomsonFinancial)的数据,上述数字比2000年的水平高出180%,当时正值并购热潮的鼎盛时期,交易总额为52亿美元。

    The figure is 180 per cent higher than in 2000 , when , at the height of the M & A boom , the total value was $ 52bn , according to data from Thomson Financial .

  24. 印度方面,汤姆森金融预计国有石油集团GujaratStatePetroleum的IPO,将是下半年最大的发行交易之一,该公司计划融资8亿美元。

    In India , Thomson Financial predicted that Gujarat State Petroleum , a state-owned oil group , would be among the largest to float in the second half of the year with a planned $ 800m IPO .

  25. 该排行评估了各大学在教学和研究上的国际声誉。这一排行基于对131个国家的1.3万名学者的调查。该调查是IpsosMedia公司为《泰晤士高等教育》杂志的排行数据供应商汤姆森路透集团在2010年开展的。

    It is based on a survey of 13388 academics from 131 countries , carried out in 2010 by Ipsos Media for the Times Higher Education magazine 's ranking-data supplier Thomson Reuters .

  26. (NEL)势,计算氢流体的第二维里系数,并从第二维里系数求得波义耳温度、焦耳-汤姆森效应的转变温度,并与实验结果进行了比较。

    The Boyle temperatures and the inversion temperatares of the Joule - Thomson effect were found from the second virial coefficient .

  27. 白宫称,美国政府将买下位于芝加哥以西约150英里的汤姆森监狱(ThomsonCorrectionalCentre),用于关押囚犯。这是一处最高防卫级别的设施,有1600间牢房,目前没有得到充分利用。

    The US government will buy the Thomson Correctional Centre , an under-utilised 1,600-cell maximum security facility about 150 miles west of Chicago , to house the detainees , the White House said .

  28. 汤姆森金融(thomsonfinancial)的数据显示,加上中国炼油企业中石化(sinopec)发行的可转债,这些增发交易的规模约为300亿美元,相当于2007年中国内地增发交易总额的4倍。

    Add in a convertible bond issue from Sinopec , the oil refiner , and these follow-on deals are worth some $ 30bn , or four times the total for 2007 mainland follow-ons , according to Thomson Financial .

  29. 知情人士表示,普林斯不太满意汤姆森对他与美国cnbc记者、人称“财经甜姐儿”(moneyhoney)的玛丽亚巴蒂罗姆(mariabartiromo)之间友谊的处理方式。

    People close to Mr Prince said he had been concerned about the way Mr Thomson had managed his friendship with Maria Bartiromo , the CNBC correspondent known as the money honey .

  30. 就在默多克证实他竞购道琼斯数日之后,路透(Reuters)和汤姆森(Thomson)宣布进行了规模为170亿美元的合并,旨在主宰电子分销信息市场。

    Just days after Mr Murdoch confirmed he had bid for Dow Jones , Reuters and Thomson announced a $ 17bn merger , aimed at dominating the market for electronically distributed information .