
yǒng dòng jī
  • perpetual motion machine
永动机 [yǒng dòng jī]
  • [perpetual motion machine] 按照能量守恒定律,根本不可能有的机器,这种机器可以连续无限期地作功而不从外部能源吸取能量

永动机[yǒng dòng jī]
  1. 查尔斯·李德黑法(CharlesRedheffer)凭永动机在费城筹集了巨款,又于1813年将它带到纽约,数百人都花一美元来看该机器。

    Charles Redheffer raised large sums of money in Philadelphia with a perpetual motion machine and then took it to New York in1813 , where hundreds paid a dollar each to see it .

  2. 我想现在是时候看一看这个非凡的发明了这部永动机开创了人类历史的先河那么,T.S.

    And oddly , the time has come to take a look at this extraordinary invention.This is the first perpetual motion machine in the history of mankind . Well , T.S. How does it work ...

  3. 在Kaku看来,只有永动机和超级视觉属于此不可能之类。

    Mr Kaku identifies just perpetual-motion machines and clairvoyance as being truly beyond the realm of possibility .

  4. 创新&户外广告魅力的永动机

    Innovation , Be The Perpetual Motion Machine Of Outdoor Advertising Glamour

  5. 需要一个永动机所以不太可能

    would require a perpetual-motion machine , so it 's not possible .

  6. 因为永动机违背了宇宙的物理定律

    Such a machine defies the laws of the universe .

  7. 对你这台永动机来说,这将是一全新的体验。

    This will be a whole new experience for you , the perpetual-motion machine .

  8. 他们却在谈论永动机

    and they were talking about perpetual motion .

  9. 永远创造财富的机制像永动机一样是不可能存在的。

    A perpetual wealth machine is just as impossible as a perpetual motion machine .

  10. 科学边缘的他者&从《永动机与歌德巴赫猜想》说起

    The Other on the Border of Science

  11. 作为工作装置来看,永动机属于科学空想和科学上的杜撰。

    As operating devices , perpetual-motion machines are the province of crackpot science and science fiction .

  12. “永动机”可能会存在吗?

    Is a perpetual-motion machine possible ?

  13. 从一个物理问题的回顾与再思考出发,提出了否定毛细永动机的一种思考方案。

    A thinking plan to negate capillary perpetual motion is presented from thinking a physical question again .

  14. 就像是那个著名的苹果砸到你头上了?于是灵光一闪,你就发明了那台永动机?

    Did the proverbial apple just fall on your head and light bulb , you invent the perpetual motion machine ?

  15. 我觉得我的老师架永动机,他好象从来都不吃东西,却能说上一整天的话。

    I always think that my teacher is a dynamo because he never seems to eat but can talk all day .

  16. 你说什么?但你可没法造出永动机通过学会用鼻子顶球!

    I 'm sorry , but you don 't invent the perpetual movement machine by balancing a ball on your nose !

  17. 只要能够做到将微观能量可持续的向宏观能量转化,就能制造出永动机。

    As long as they do the micro to the macro-energy sustainable energy conversion , you can create a perpetual motion machine .

  18. 至今没有任何科学挑战能够在重大性声望性和神秘性上超过寻求永动机之谜的钥匙

    No scientific challenge remains greater , most prestigious , more mythical , than that of finding the key to perpetual motion .

  19. 勒布朗-詹姆斯堪称人形永动机,爆砍39分,只差1个助攻而与又一次三双擦肩而过。

    LeBron James was a human frieght-train the entire night , going off for 39 points and coming one assist shy of a triple-double .

  20. 第一类永动机幻梦破灭的历史引起了人们的反思与启示,有力地促进了19世纪中叶能量转化和守恒定律的确立。

    Following the history , people got reconsidering and enlightenment , which paved the way to the establishment of the law of conversion of energy .

  21. 许多人以为永动机没有办法获得专利,那是不正确的,以下是一些例子。

    Many persons think that you can 't get a patent on a perpetual motion machine . that 's not true , as these examples show .

  22. 高等教育竞争力是国家竞争力的重要基石,区域高等教育是区域经济竞争力提升的永动机。

    Higher education competitiveness is an important cornerstone of national competitiveness , and regional higher education is the perpetual motion machine to enhance regional economic competitiveness .

  23. 四百年似乎很长但对地质年代而言,却只不过是沧海一粟因此我们距离永动机还要走很长的路有问题么?

    In geological time , it 's not even a fraction of a second.So , we 're actually far from having a perpetual motion . Any Questions ?

  24. 寻找永动机我是说,这可是创造桂冠上的明珠跟我说说,斯比维特先生,我想你住在蒙大拿州?

    The quest for perpetual movement ! I mean , Its the Holy Grail of inventors ... Tell me Mr.Spivet , I take it you live in Montana ?

  25. 就目前的科学技术而言永动机的探索不是更适合那些空想家和诗人,而不是科学家么?

    Yeah . Given the current state of Science and Technology , isn 't the quest for perpetual motion better suited for idealists and poets than real scientists ?

  26. 对生活要怀有善意、关怀和慈悲之心,这有利于维持你生活中的中心位置保持与原极的感应.你心中的无尽源泉就是你的永动机。

    Live a life of kindness , compassion , and charity-it keeps you connected to your center , your source , that infinite reservoir within you that is your powerhouse .

  27. 介绍了13~18世纪物理学史和科技史上曾名噪一时的第一类永动机的设计方案的破灭。

    The downfall of the designs of the first perpetual motion engine is introduced , which is well known in the history of the physics and technology from13th to18th century .

  28. 永动机原理其实已经存在我所做的不过是创造了一个系统来…大部分其他人在十岁时都还在爬树,那你喜欢玩什么?

    It actually already existed . But , we needed to invented was a system to ... At an age when most ten year olds are climbing trees , what do you do for fun ?

  29. 就统计上来说下一位新出生的斯比维特有很大可能会是一个面包机的转世同时,我只有一个月的时间用来完成我的新的永动机设计了

    Statistically speaking , there are better chances that next newborn Spivet , will be the reincarnation ... of a toaster . And in mean time , I had only one month left to finish my plans for a new perpetual motion machine .