
  • 网络the cost of living;living cost
  1. 生活成本大幅上涨。

    The cost of living has increased dramatically

  2. 至少,这是咨询公司美世(Mercer)在其生活成本年度调查中得出的结论。

    At least those are the findings of the annual cost of living survey by consultants Mercer .

  3. Thesqueezedmiddle指收入一般的人群因为生活成本提高而收入未曾增加而变得手头紧,原先能买的东西现在都没钱买了,我们称之为“受挤压的中产阶级”。

    The squeezed middle refer to people on average incomes who have less money than previously to buy the things they need because rising costs have not been matched by an increase in pay .

  4. 跳城(cityhopping)指中国的一些年轻人因为激烈的职场竞争和不断攀升的生活成本而被迫放弃上海、北京等大城市的工作,试图在二三线城市安顿下来。

    City hopping describes the situation that some young Chinese are forced to give up jobs in large cities like Shanghai and Beijing and try to settle down in second-or-third-tier cities because of harsh competition at work and increasing living costs .

  5. 来自欧盟(EU)新成员国的外国人降低了中层纳税人的生活成本,但也压低了已经在英国的部分工人的工资。

    The inflow of foreigners from the new Europe Union accession states makes life cheaper for middle - class taxpayers , but depresses the wages of some workers already here .

  6. 调查公司mercer根据六大洲143个城市的外国移民的生活成本来进行这个一年一度的调查。

    The latest annual survey by research firm Mercer measures the cost of living for expatriates in 143 cities in countries on six continents .

  7. ECA表示,所调查的生活成本包括食物、服装和饮料等花费,但不包括房租,因为公司一般会为员工提供单独的住房津贴。

    The report takes food , clothing and drink expenses for its rankings , but not rent since companies typically offer a separate housing allowance , ECA said .

  8. 经济学人智库(EconomistIntelligenceUnit,简称EIU)进行的“全球生活成本”调查发现,东京的排名从去年的第一降至第六。

    The Economist Intelligence Unit 's ' The Worldwide Cost of Living ' survey also found that Tokyo , Japan 's notoriously spendy capital , has fallen to sixth place from top spot in its ranking from last year .

  9. 虽然当地人抱怨生活成本上升,但澳大利亚家庭平均拿出19%的可支配收入用于维持必要的生活开支,这一比例低于OECD调查显示的21%的平均水平。

    While locals complain of living costs , Australian households on average spend 19 % of their disposable income on keeping a roof over their heads , below the OECD 's average of 21 % .

  10. EIU驻香港经济学家贝尔(EdwardBell)说,持续的通胀,尤其是购车带来的成本是新加坡荣升全球生活成本最高城市桂冠的主要因素。

    Persistent inflation , especially with regard to car ownership , was one major factor pushing Singapore to the top of the ranking , said Edward Bell , a Hong Kong-based economist at the EIU .

  11. 购买力平价(ppp)而非市场汇率被视为衡量相对生活成本的更好尺度,因为它的衡量基础是各个家庭用本国货币所能购买的商品和服务。

    PPP , rather than market exchange rates , is regarded as a better measure of the relative cost of living , since it is based on goods and services households can buy with their domestic currency .

  12. 据咨询公司Mercer的信息,酒店、餐馆和出租车的高昂价格令伦敦的生活成本高居全球第三,仅次于莫斯科和东京。

    High prices for hotels , restaurants and taxis make London the world 's third-most expensive city , behind Moscow and Tokyo , according to Mercer , a consulting firm .

  13. 六年来,巴拉圭首都Asuncion一直是生活成本最低的城市。

    For the six years in a row Asuncion Paraguay , it is the cheapest city to live in .

  14. 东京依然是外派人员全球生活成本第二高的城市,仅次于安哥拉首都罗安达(Luanda)。后者连续第二年蝉联生活成本最高城市。

    Tokyo retained its status as the second most expensive city in the world for expatriates after Luanda in Angola , which topped the list for the second year in a row .

  15. InterNations将厄瓜多尔列为移民最佳地,因为它生活成本低廉,医疗费用低,个人满意度高。

    InterNations ' Expat Insider listed Ecuador as its top expat destination thanks to its low living expenses , affordable healthcare and high levels of personal satisfaction .

  16. 美世的负责人兼研究经理伊冯娜•特拉伯(YvonneTraber)表示,生活成本以美元计算,而美元走弱和欧元走强已影响到今年的研究结果。

    Cost are measured in dollars and this year 's study has been influenced by the weakening of the US currency and the strengthening of the euro , said Yvonne Traber , principal and research manager at Mercer .

  17. 就生活成本而言,这又向我们说明了什么问题?

    What does that tell us about the cost of living ?

  18. 中国的生活成本更低,而且中国的经济正发展得越来越快。

    China is cheaper , and China 's economy is growing faster .

  19. 但是,大城市的生活成本高,而且拥挤不堪。

    However , living in a large city is expensive and crowded .

  20. 香港的生活成本只是稍稍贵了一些。

    Living in Hong Kong just got a little pricier .

  21. 感谢收看“怎样降低家庭生活成本”视频节目。

    Thanks for watching video How To Spend Less At Home

  22. 通胀水平和基本生活成本日益上升。

    Inflation and basic cost of living are rising .

  23. 丹妮尔:我已经准备好适应生活成本的差异。

    Danielle : I 'm ready for the differences in the cost of living .

  24. 生活成本急剧上升。

    The cost of living has risen sharply .

  25. 除了风险,她什么都没得到,你的生活成本却降低了。

    She took on nothing but risk , while you lived on the cheap .

  26. 不过,降低生活成本并不是她的唯一目标。

    However , living cheaper is not the only goal she has in mind .

  27. 然而庆幸的是,“蚁村”的生活成本是可以承受的。

    But , luckily , the cost of living in an ant village is affordable .

  28. 延迟退休不仅仅是由于生活成本的飞速增长。

    It is not just the soaring cost of living which is triggering the delay .

  29. 在全球生活成本最高的城市之一纽约,她是如何办到的?

    How was that possible in one of the most expensive cities in the world ?

  30. 伦敦最大的问题在于高得可怕的生活成本。

    By far the biggest problem is the sheer price of living in the city .