
zhōnɡ děnɡ fā dá ɡuó jiā
  • moderately developed country
  1. 从人均GDP来看,目前我国已经进入中等发达国家之列,在这个特殊的历史时期里,各种利益主体的利益诉求都应当给予充分尊重并进行妥善处理,否则就会影响社会稳定和社会和谐。

    We have entered the range of moderately developed country according to GDP per capita in China . In this special historical period , benefit demand of various benefit body should be fully respected and appropriately handled . Otherwise , our society will be unstable .

  2. 在六十一年后,一个十五亿人口的国家,达到中等发达国家的水平,是了不起的事情。

    It will be something wonderful for a country with a population of1.5 billion to reach the level of a moderately developed country IN61 years .

  3. 人均国内生产总值达到中等发达国家水平。

    The per capita GDP will reach the level of moderately developed countries .

  4. 预计5年后,人均GDP达到2万美元左右,接近中等发达国家水平。

    It is estimated that in five years Beijings per capita GDP will reach about $ 20,000 . That will be close to the level of medium developed countries .

  5. 广西可望在2050年达到中等发达国家水平。

    Expecting to reach the level of medium-developed country in Guangxi in2050 .

  6. 对中等发达国家含义的解读主要有以下三种:一是中等发达国家即发达国家的中等水平;

    There are three main interpretations of intermediately developed countries .

  7. 人均国民生产总值达到中等发达国家水平

    The average per-capita GNP will reach the standard of moderately developed countries

  8. 再往后五十年,达到一个中等发达国家的水平。

    In another 50 years , we are to reach the level of the moderately developed countries .

  9. 我们的目标是到下个世纪中叶赶上中等发达国家的发展水平。

    Our objective is to catch up with the moderately developed countries by the middle of next century .

  10. 人均期望寿命2002年达71.8岁,接近中等发达国家水平。

    The average life expectancy reached 71.8 years in 2002 , close to that of a medium-level developed country .

  11. 服务外包发包国以发达国家为主,而承接国则主要包括新兴发展中国家和中等发达国家,服务业外包对发包国和承接国的经济都产生了深远的影响。

    The host-countries of service outsourcing are mainly developed countries , while the undertaking economies are mainly emerging developing and developed countries .

  12. 广东已达中等发达国家水平,将从“发展中经济”向“发达经济”转变。

    Guangdong has reached the level of moderately developed countries and will transform from " developing economies " into " developed economy " .

  13. 西部地区城市化现状不容乐观,要在新世纪中叶,达到中等发达国家的城市化水平,其任务是极为艰巨的。

    The task is very hard to reach the level of intermediate and developed country 's urbanization in the middle of the new century .

  14. 到本世纪中叶,我国要达到中等发达国家水平,并且基本实现现代化。

    By the end of the middle century , our country will achieve the level of middle developed-country and complete the course of modernization .

  15. 到2049年,也就是中华人民共和国成立100周年的时候,我们将达到世界中等发达国家的水平。

    By2049 , the year the People 's Republic will celebrate its centenary , we will have reached the level of a medium-developed country .

  16. 预计到21世纪中叶,中国将基本上实现现代化,达到中等发达国家的水平。

    It is estimated that by the middle of the21st century , China will be generally modernized and reached the level of the middle-developed countries .

  17. 下个世纪用三十年到五十年时间再走一步,达到中等发达国家的水平。

    The third step , which will take us30 to50 years into the next century , is to reach the level of the moderately developed countries .

  18. 所以说,中国到本世纪中叶才可能达到中等发达国家水平,最终实现现代化。

    That is why we say that China will not be able to become a medium-level developed country and achieve modernization until the middle of the century .

  19. 对于我国来说,要实现本世纪中叶赶上中等发达国家经济发展的目标,提高劳动力资源的利用率,无疑具有十分重要的现实意义。

    In the drive to realizing the medium developed country in the middle period of this century , China shall upgrade the efficiency of labor resource utilization .

  20. 特别是国民生产总值,按人口平均来说不会很高。人均国民生产总值达到中等发达国家水平

    We did this because our per capita GNP will not actually grow very high . The average per-capita GNP will reach the standard of moderately developed countries

  21. 那意味着什么?就是说,到下一个世纪中叶,我们可以达到中等发达国家的水平。

    What does this mean ? It means that by the middle of the next century we hope to reach the level of the moderately developed countries .

  22. 国际经济发展的现实表明,经济服务化已经成为当代发达国家的普遍经济特征并进一步向中等发达国家与地区扩散。

    Tertiarization , or the transformation from commodity economy to service economy , has become a significant economic feature in the developed countries and is diffusing to the mid developed countries .

  23. 他们由经济落后的国家很快达到了中等发达国家的水平。人口多,耕地少,人均资源相对不足,经济文化比较落后,这是中国的基本国情。

    Many people , little arable land , comparatively inadequate per-capita share of natural resources plus a relatively backward economy and culture & these features spell out China 's basic national conditions .

  24. 为了在21世纪中叶实现祖国达到中等发达国家水平的奋斗目标,能源工业还必须要高速发展。

    In order to realize the objective of China 's achieving the middle developed country level in the middle of the 21st century , energy industry must be developed at a high speed .

  25. 本世纪中叶,实现我国经济现代化,使我国人民的生活水平达到当时世界中等发达国家的水平,是我国社会主义现阶段发展的伟大目标。

    It is a great goal , in the middle of this century , to realize the economy modernization and improve the people 's living standard to the level of the mean-developed countries .

  26. 第三步即到21世纪中叶达到中等发达国家的水平,使全国人民实现共同富裕,已经有了较好的基。

    The goal of the third stage to reach the level of the medium-developed countries in the mid-21st century , so that the entire Chinese people can realize common prosperity already has a relatively good foundation .

  27. 在世界中等发达国家普遍实现了农业现代化之后,作为农业在国民经济中占重要地位的发展中国家&中国,应当如何加速实现农业现代化?

    After the world 's moderately developed countries have fulfilled the modernization of agriculture , how could China accelerate hers since she is a developing country whose agriculture is of vital importance in her national economy ?

  28. 根据我国服装企业的现状和特点,我国服装企业在目标市场选择上应该先进入中等发达国家,然后进入发达国家,最后成为世界品牌。

    Clothing enterprises with current situation and the characteristics , we should first enter in a moderately developed country in the target market selection , and then enter the developed countries , and finally become a world brand .

  29. 尤其像我们这样的发展中国家,充分发挥人在经济发展中的作用,更是实现下世纪中叶赶上中等发达国家发展水平目标的重要途径。

    Especially for the developing country , like our country , attachment importance to the role of human is the key way to catch up with the developmental level of the medium-developed country by the middle of this century .

  30. 在社会主义初级阶段向中等发达国家的目标迈进的大前提、大背景下,社会各种内部不可调和因素开始闪现,社会各阶层、国家各地域之间矛盾日趋复杂。

    The major background is that China is developing from the primary stage of socialism to medium developed country , the social various internal incompatible factors appear . All levels of the society , different regional conflicts have becoming complex .