
  • 网络tcm;Chinesemedicine;chinese medicine
  1. 加入WTO与我国中医药发展策略分析

    China 's joining WTO and TCM development strategy

  2. 提出了中医药信息服务的发展对策,即加入WTO后加强中医药信息研究的必然性;

    Increasing the research and development of TCM information , therefore , has become an important task in TCM information service .

  3. 可喜的是,本届人大已经把中医药立法列入计划。

    It is good to see the NPC has put it on the legislation agenda .

  4. WTO与高等中医药教育的人才培养

    WTO and the Talent-training of College Education of Chinese Medicine

  5. 加入WTO后,中国中医药企业面临激烈竞争。

    Chinese traditional medicine corporations are facing fierce competition after entering WTO .

  6. 中医药治疗艾滋病应重视对无症状HIV感染期的早期干预

    Attention Should Be Paid to Early Intervention of Asymptomatic AIDS HIV Infection with Chinese Medicine

  7. 医疗实践证明,中医药对于IgA肾病的治疗显示了一定的优势。

    Medical practice can prove that TCM have prevalent therapy in nephronia .

  8. 目的探讨中医药辨证治疗IgA肾病20例的疗效。

    Objective To observe the effects of Chinese herb decoction for IgA nephropathy .

  9. 尤其是中国加入WTO以来,中医药的国际化发展面临着新的历史机遇和挑战。

    Especially after China entered into the WTO , the international development of Traditional Chinese Medicine has faced with the new chances and challenges .

  10. 1目的:观察中医药辨证论治治疗IgA肾病的临床疗效。

    Goal : Observation Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment treatment primary IgA nephrosis clinical curative effect .

  11. 中医药综合疗法对腰椎间盘突出症患者血清SOD活性、NO含量的影响及相关临床研究

    Effect of Combined Therapy of Chinese Medicine on Serum SOD Activity , and NO Content in Patients of Protrusion of Lumbar Intervertebral Discs

  12. 运气学说对中医药辨治SARS的启示

    Inspiration for Treatment of SARS with Doctrine of Five Evolutive Phases and Six Climatic Factors Based on Syndrome Differentiation of TCM

  13. 加快中医药实验室标准操作程序(SOP)建设

    Accelerating the pace of setting up standard operation practice in laboratory of TCM

  14. 探索中医药治疗活动期RA,发挥中医药的优势符合我国现在医疗现状。

    Explore TCM treatment of active RA and take the advantages of Chinese medicine are accord with our current health care situation .

  15. 对于类风湿性关节炎(RA)等临床常见病、疑难病,中医药辨证施治(分证论治)是具有优势的治疗手段。

    The treatment based on differentiation of syndromes in Chinese Medicine ( CM ) has manifested its superiority to some chronic and common diseases .

  16. 中医药治疗Tourette综合征8例

    Cases of TOURETTE Syndrome Treated With TCM

  17. 研究证实:肝郁患者表现为神经内分泌免疫(NEI)网络失调状态,中医药具有良好的整体调节NEI网络作用。

    Some fruits indicate that GANYU patients are all in a disorder condition of NEI ( neuroendocrine immune ) net .

  18. 临床疗效采用国家中医药管理局《中医病症诊断疗效标准》制定的疗效标准进行评定,疼痛程度采用视觉模拟尺(VAS)进行量化评定。

    The effect was evaluated by " diagnostic efficacy standards for diseases in Traditional Chinese Medicine " of State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine .

  19. 采用辨证论治的中医药方法治疗早期先兆流产取得了较好临床效果,血清性激素水平治疗后与治疗前相比较,总体来说呈上升趋势,有差异性(P0.05)。

    Using traditional Chinese medicine of differentiation method treatment to early trillion abortion got good clinical effect , serum hormone level after treatment compared with before treatment , increased significantly , have differences ( P 0.05 ) .

  20. 目的:研究中医药干预治疗对ICU危重病非心源性心肌损伤患者急性左心衰发生率的影响。方法:采用前瞻性,完全随机对照的研究方法。

    Object : Research on the TCM intervention to patients in ICU medical intervention in critically ill with non-cardiac myocardial injury incidence of acute left ventricular failureMethod : using Prospective , Completely randomized Methods .

  21. 根据文献报道,中医药治疗ITP的疗效特点为改善症状明显、无毒副反应,并可减少复发率。

    According to the literature reports , the efficacy of Chinese medicine treatment for ITP is characterized by improving symptoms , without toxic side effects , and reducing the relapse rate .

  22. AD治疗包括胆碱酯酶抑制剂、精神药物及延缓疾病进程药物,诸如降低胆固醇的药物、雌激素替代疗法、维生素E及某些中医药等。药物治疗或预防AD的临床试验在策划或进行中。

    Treatments for AD include cholinesterase inhibitors , psychotropic agents and slowing of disease progression with cholesterol-lowering drugs , Anti-inflammatory , estrogen replacement therapy , vitamin E and some Chinese medicine , Drugs for AD in the treatment or preventive clinical trials are planned or under way .

  23. 方法1999-11/2004-11在广州中医药大学附属南海妇产儿童医院住院的不孕妇女或疑为EM经腹腔镜检查证实为EM的患者276例,双侧完全性输卵管阻塞患者或男方精液异常者不包括在内。

    Methods Among the 276 patients of infertility women or uncertain EM and then EM patients treated by celioscope are in our hospital ( 1999-11 / 2004-11 ), except patients of double-side perfectibility fallopian tube emphraxis or male patients of semen abnormalities .

  24. 积极发展社区卫生服务(以下简称CHS)是改革我国医药卫生体制的重要举措,中医药社区卫生服务作为其中之一也成为了改革的重点。

    Community Health Service ( CHS ) is an important act for actively reforming health delivery , so Traditional Chinese Medicine service becomes the key point of the reform as a part of CHS system .

  25. 选用辛伐他汀药物及中医药益气、活血、化痰等不同治法,将药物与泡沫细胞共同培养,了解泡沫细胞MMPs、TIMPs表达情况。

    Cultured macrophage-derived foam cells with Amlodipine and Chinese herbs which having the functions of tonifying qi , promoting blood circulation and resolving phlegm , the expressions of MMPs , TIMPs in foam cells were observed .

  26. 穿心莲软胶囊(APNsoftcapsules)系广州中医药大学新近开发的中药提取物制剂,是用爵床科植物穿心莲(AndrographisPaniculataNees,APN)地上部分提取的浸膏制成。

    Andrographis Paniculata Nees soft capsules ( APN soft capsules ) is a pure traditional Chinese drug preparation that developed in Guangzhou university of traditional Chinese medicine recently , was made up of extraction from the plant Andrographis Paniculata .

  27. 对中医药治疗幽门螺杆菌(Hp)相关性胃病的现状和发展提出以下看法:(1)中药体外抑杀Hp实验存在局限性,应借助动物模型进行体内抗Hp的研究。

    The following are views about present situation and development of TCM treatment of Helicobacter Pylorum ( Hp ) infection related gastrointestinal diseases : ( 1 ) In vitro Chinese drugs inhibiting and killing Hp experiments have limitations , and animal models should be used for in vivo anti-Hp study .

  28. 中医药治疗PCOS疗效肯定,但中医证候多样化,其辨证分型值得深入探讨。结论:1、青春期PCOS存在胰岛素抵抗,且胰岛素抵抗比育龄期更明显。

    Chinese medicine treatment is effective to PC OS , but its symptoms are various , so TCM syndrome differentiation is worth to discuss . Conclusions : 1 Insulin resistance exists in adolescent PCOS , and it is more obvious than the reproductive age .

  29. 全反式维甲酸并中医药治疗急性早幼粒细胞性白血病68例临床观察全反式维甲酸对SHI-1细胞株糖基转移酶表达的影响

    Observation on Rate of Remission in 68 Cases of Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia Treated with All - trans - retinoic Acid Concerted with TCM Therapy Study on Influence of All-trans-retinoic acid on Expression of Different Glycosyltransferase Gene Families in SHI-1 Cells

  30. 广州中医药大学学生心理健康教育

    Mental Health Education for Students of Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese