
  • 网络central and eastern europe;CEE;Central Eastern Europe
  1. 我乐于打赌,到今年年底,大多数中东欧国家都将获得一个imf项目,因为在提供迫切所需的支持方面,其他任何一家机构都没有imf准备得这样充分。

    I am willing to bet that the majority of CEE countries will have an IMF programme by the end of this year , as no other institution is as ready to provide the urgently needed support .

  2. 祝中东欧各国人民生活更加幸福!

    I wish the people of CEE countries greater happiness .

  3. 有关政策自满的另一个恰当例子是他们对中东欧(cee)货币危机的反应。

    Another fitting example of policy complacency is the response to the central and East European ( CEE ) currency crisis .

  4. 之后,他加入了JP摩根,成为中东欧地区经济研究部门的副总裁。

    He subsequently joined JP Morgan , where he was a vice president in the economic research department with responsibility for Central and Eastern Europe .

  5. 汽车咨询公司JDPower&Associates中东欧销售分析师卡罗尔•托马斯(CarolThomas)表示:如果油价持续下跌,俄罗斯信心将受到打击。

    If the oil price continues to tick down , confidence will take a hit in Russia , said Carol Thomas , central and eastern Europe sales analyst with consultancy JD Power & Associates .

  6. 但中东欧地区有一件事做对了。

    But the central and Eastern Europeans got one thing right .

  7. 汇率制度选择及其通胀绩效的实证考察&以中东欧转轨国家为例

    An Empirical Investigation into Choice of Exchange Rate & Inflation Performance

  8. 论中东欧国家转型中的社会经济特征

    On Social and Economic characteristics in Transformation of Middle-eastern European Countries

  9. 一个更迫在眉睫的危险潜伏在中东欧地区。

    A far more imminent danger lurks in central and Eastern Europe .

  10. 对冷战结束之际密特朗中东欧政策的评析

    Mitterrand 's Central and Eastern Europe Policies after the End of Cold War

  11. 而在地中海以及中东欧,事情就走走停停。

    In the Mediterranean and Central-Eastern europe , it was a stop-start affair .

  12. 但对于多数中东欧国家来说,这个观点过于夸张。

    But this seems too apocalyptic a view for most of the CEE region .

  13. 因此,欧盟决心将中东欧国家融入欧洲一体化进程,东扩是欧盟在冷战后的欧洲一体化的必然选择。

    So Eastward Enlargement is the necessary choice for EU after the cold war .

  14. 匈牙利是中国在中东欧最大的投资目的地。

    Hungary is the largest investment destination for China in Central and Eastern Europe .

  15. 最终,一场系统性的金融危机得以在中东欧地区避免。

    In the end , a systemic financial crisis in the region was avoided .

  16. 我这次访问中东欧,既是友谊之旅,也是合作之旅。

    My current visit is both a journey of friendship and a journey of cooperation .

  17. 欧尔班似乎盼望中国进一步投资中东欧国家基础设施。

    Orban appeared to be keen on seeing further Chinese investment in infrastructure in CEE countries .

  18. 国际金融危机冲击下中东欧国家经济走势分析

    Analysis on Economic Trends in Central and Eastern Europe under the Impact of International Financial Crisis

  19. 20多年前,我曾访问一些中东欧国家,留下了深刻印象。

    My visit to some CEE countries over 20 years ago left a deep impression on me .

  20. 其次,欧盟应迅速向中东欧国家提供透明、切实的支持。

    Second , the EU should quickly come up with transparent and tangible support for CEE countries .

  21. 学习汉语、留学中国、欣赏中国艺术在中东欧国家已成为潮流。

    Learning Chinese , studying in China and appreciating Chinese art have become popular trends in CEE countries .

  22. 最明显的落后者是中东欧,该地区的许多国家都过度依赖外债。

    The notable laggards are central and Eastern Europe , where many countries relied too heavily on external debt .

  23. 他们停止围困而撤走。而在地中海以及中东欧,事情就走走停停。

    They rose from a siege . In the Mediterranean and central-eastern Europe , it was a stop-start affair .

  24. 欧盟的新成员国大多是发展中国家,且其中很大一部分中东欧国家是前社会主义国家。

    The 12 new EU member states mostly consist of developing countries , among which most are former socialist countries .

  25. 不少中东欧国家的青年学生踊跃参加汉语桥竞赛活动,并取得了优异成绩。

    Quite a few students from CEE countries have actively participated and excelled in the Chinese Bridge Chinese Proficiency Competition .

  26. 而在地中海以及中东欧,事情就走走停停。他不停地走来走去。

    In the Mediterranean and central-eastern Europe , it was a stop-start affair . he still paced to and fro ;

  27. 实证检验结果显示,在短期内,外资银行进入提高了中东欧国家内资银行效率,但也显著降低了这些国家内资银行税前资产利润率和非利息收入占总资产的比重;

    But the foreign banks entry is associated with lower before-tax profits to total assets and non-interest income to total assets .

  28. 欧元区决策者一直拒绝让中东欧成员国走上加入欧元区的快车道,这可能影响了稳定。

    The persistent refusal by eurozone policymakers to concede fast-track Euro accession for central and Eastern member states could yet prove destabilising .

  29. 李说更加紧密的关系将带来大量的中国投资以及为中东欧商品打开巨大的中国市场。

    Li said that closer ties would bring massive Chinese investments and open up large Chinese markets for central and eastern European goods .

  30. 但还有一个原因是,他们感到,在自己生活的中东欧,犹太人的前途十分黯淡。

    But they also felt that the outlook for Jews in their part of the world in central and Eastern Europe was distinctly gloomy .