
  • 网络Economic history
  1. 五年前的12月11日,发生了现代经济史上最重要的事件之一:中国加入了世界贸易组织(WTO)。

    One of the most important events in modern economic history occurred five years ago today when China joined the World Trade Organisation .

  2. 日本极道的历史可以追溯到好几百年前。《集团犯罪的经济史》(AnEconomicHistoryofOrganizedCrime)的作者丹尼斯o麦卡锡表示,极道团伙是全球最为集权的组织之一。

    The Yakuza date back hundreds of years , and according to Dennis McCarthy , author of An Economic History of Organized Crime , Yakuza groups are among the most centralized in the world .

  3. 经济学家斯蒂格勒(GeorgeJ.Stigler)曾指出,企业通过并购对手而成为巨型企业是现代经济史上一个突出的现象。

    Economist George J. Stigler once pointed out , it was a prominent phenomenon in modern economic history that enterprises became huge corporations through Merger and Acquisition ( M & A ) .

  4. 国际金融协会的执行主任查尔斯.达拉拉(CharlesDallara)星期四在华盛顿举行记者招待会公布了该协会的一份研究报告。达拉拉称目前的形势是“当代经济史上最严重的全球同步衰退。”

    Charles Dallara , managing director of the IIF , called the current situation " the most severe , globally synchronized recession in modern economic history " as he presented the report at a news conference in Washington on Thursday .

  5. 中国体育经济史的理论构架

    The Theoretical Framework for the History of Sprots Economy in China

  6. 你是学经济史的,理解这一点。

    As a student of economic history , you understand this .

  7. 中国农村社会经济史的深刻反省

    Deep Reflections on the Social and Economic History of Rural China

  8. 批判的科学(反思)使经济史研究具有强烈的实践倾向。

    And critical science is of practical significance to economic history studies .

  9. 实证科学有助于经济史研究的准确性;

    Positive science is helpful for the accuracy of economic history studies ;

  10. 疏通知远:中国经济史通识的获取

    The Obtainment of the General Knowledge of Chinese Economic History

  11. 历史的&诠释的科学为经济史研究开拓了更为广阔的认识道路;

    Explanatory science opens up a wider path for economic history studies ;

  12. 历史哲学意义上的商品经济史研究

    The Historical Study of Commodity Economy from the Perspective of Historical Philosophy

  13. 中国古代经济史中的牛耕

    On the Use of Cattle in Tilling Fields in Ancient Chinese Economic History

  14. 在20年代美国又将企业史从经济史中分化出来。

    Business history split off from economic history in the U.S.A. in 1920s .

  15. 中国经济史研究需要理论的整合与创新。

    Theoretically speaking , researches in Chinese economic history need conformity and innovation .

  16. 中西经济史比较的新探索&兼谈加州学派在研究范式上的创新

    Comparative Studies on Economic History between West and China

  17. 技术发展的经济史分析及其启示

    Economic Historical Analysis on Technological Progress and Its Enlightenments

  18. 中国现代经济史研究的新进展

    New Advances in Research on Modern Chinese Economic History

  19. 从土家族区域经济史看当代可持续发展

    History of Tujia Economy and Modern Sustainable Development

  20. 中国经济史学会2002年年会现代组讨论综述

    A Summary of the Chinese Economic History Society Modern Era Group 's 2002 Meeting

  21. 她撰写了大量有关经济史和经济思想史的著作和论文。

    She has written extensively on economic history and the history of economic thought .

  22. 80年代以来近代湖南经济史研究综述

    A Summary of the Research Since the 1980s in Economic History of Modern Hunan

  23. 经济史上的传统与现代

    The Traditional and the Modern Economy in History

  24. 环境史视野与经济史研究&以农史为中心的思考

    Perspective of Environmental History and Economic History Studies & A Contemplation around Agricultural History

  25. 中国经济史研究现状与出路

    The Present Condition and Future Development in the Study of China 's Economic History

  26. 新经济史视域下中日现代化的制度比较

    A Comparative Study of Chinese and Japanese Modernization From the Perspective of New Economic History

  27. 《氓》诗对中国古代经济史研究的价值探析

    The Value of Meng Poems to the Research of the History of Chinese Ancient Economy

  28. 浅议中国人口经济史

    On Economic History of the Chinese Population

  29. 认识兴趣与经济史研究

    Cognitive Interest and Studies of Economic History

  30. 经济史与社会经济史

    Economic History and Social Economic History