
  • 网络economic product;economic production;gdp
  1. 由于在欧洲,大部分的经济生产毛额是来自于中小型企业,结论看起来非常没有抓到重点。

    Given that most of the gross economic product comes From the small and medium enterprises in Europe , this conclusion seems pretty far-fetched .

  2. 近年来,山东房地产业保持了快速增长的势头,但与区域经济生产总值相比,山东省的房地产投资规模存在偏小的问题,与经济社会的发展不相适应。

    In recent years , Shandong realty industry has maintained rapid growth , but compared with the regional economic product , Shandong Province 's real estate investment issues a small-scale , far form economic and social development .

  3. GDP是有关经济生产成果的一个衡量指标。

    GDP is a measure of the productive performance of the economy .

  4. 传统经济生产批量(EPL)模型没有考虑制造系统的产量柔性,机器的生产率和单位生产成本都被假定为不变的。

    The classical economic production lot size ( EPL ) models do not take volume flexibility of manufacturing system into account .

  5. 气候变化严重影响着人类的日常生活与经济生产。

    Climate change seriously affects human daily life and economic production .

  6. 论知识经济生产的内涵与形态及其特征

    On Connotation , Modalities and Characters of Production of Knowledge-based Economy

  7. 卫生是经济生产和繁荣的基本基础。

    Health is the very foundation of economic productivity and prosperity .

  8. 基于改进的工艺规划的经济生产

    Produce Economically on the Basis of Modified Process Planning

  9. 循环经济生产模式下促进经济增长的因素研究

    The Essential Factor for Accelerating Economy Growth under the Circle Economy Produce Pattern

  10. 在中世纪,绅士不从事经济生产。

    In the Middle Ages a gentleman did not engage in economic production .

  11. 田口损失函数的改进及在最佳经济生产批量中应用

    Improvement of Taguchi 's Loss Function and Its Application in Optimal Economy Production Quantity

  12. 在国民经济生产中,存在着大量的切割下料问题。

    In national economical production , there have a lot of cutting stock problems .

  13. 如今,银行正回归到服务于经济生产的寻常事务之中。

    Now it is back to the humdrum business of serving the productive economy .

  14. 配件的小批量经济生产

    Efficient Small - batch Production of Fittings

  15. 广东省群众体育消费的投入占其国民经济生产总值的比例很小,群众体育消费的持续增加,广东省体育市场的可持续发展,还有赖于城镇居民特别是农民这一群体收入的提高。

    To increase the peasant income is the key for the mass sports market continued developing .

  16. 论商品经济生产的一般性

    On Universality of Commodity Economic Production

  17. 用区间数对需求量和生产量进行模糊化来求解经济生产量模型

    Solve the production Inventory Model by Fuzzifying both the Demand Quantity and the Production Quantity with Bounded Numbers

  18. 对农用地完整价值的价格评估就应当包括这三种价值货币化的经济生产价格、社会价格和生态环境价格的计算。

    The comprehensive agrarian land value evaluation should also include the price of economic value , social value and ecological value .

  19. 因此,如何正确地核算产品成本,对于企业参与杜会经济生产有着重要的作用。

    So , how to calculate the product cost correctly is very important for an enterprise which participates in the social production .

  20. 电动机在运行中经常会由于使用不当而引发各种故障,造成电动机损坏,影响经济生产。

    The production process are broken frequently due to the motor in operation are damaged , which is caused by abnormally running conditions .

  21. 其中包括社会制度、经济生产方式、科技、传统的侗族文化以及个体因素等。

    Including social system , economy production method , technical , traditional Dong minority culture as well as individual factor and so on .

  22. 但是农业生产方式依然是落后的小农经济生产方式,这种生产方式直接对农业的现代化造成制约,并且在其土地权利体系下不能解决这种制约。

    But the agricultural production way is still the backward scrap land economy production method , And directly creates the restriction to the agricultural modernization .

  23. 人工自然向生态自然的演化需要人类的生态实践,生态实践的实质就是经济生产活动向自然的嵌入。

    The evolvement from artificial nature to ecological nature needs the ecological experience of human beings , whose essential is embedding economic production to nature .

  24. 因为农业经济生产的实践主体是农民,只有农民自己最清楚自己需要什么内容的合作,不论是思想家的设计还是政治家的安排,都不能代替农民当家作主。

    Because peasant is the practice in agricultural production . Peasants themselves know what they indeed need . Both politicians and thinkers can not substitute peasants .

  25. 因为出口能让公司以规模经济生产,而这只有产品数量极大时才可能做到。

    Exporting allows companies to take advantage of economies of scale , which is only possible when a company 's product is moving in significant quantities .

  26. 其发展的历史作用主要体现在政治思想、经济生产、科学文化普及以及支援革命战争等四个方面。

    There are four aspects of its historical functions : the politic , the economy , the science and culture and the supports of the revolutionary war .

  27. 人们往往只注重农用地的经济生产功能而忽视其它方面的功能,不能完全体现农用地的价值。

    People often only pay attention the economic producing function of arable land and ignore its other functions , which can 't embodied arable land value completely .

  28. 例如,在英国,一旦发生重大自然灾难或者恐怖袭击,经济生产或许只能维持一周时间。

    In the UK , for example , economic production could probably be sustained for only a week after a disruption from a major natural disaster or terrorist attack .

  29. 知识经济生产方式在内容、结构、时效、价值向度及发展趋势等方面具有超越工业时代生产方式的一系列新特点,构成了新全球化时代的基础。

    Production mode of knowledge economy possesses new features that transcend those of the industrial production mode in such areas as content , structure , efficiency , values and development trend .

  30. 中国古代教育有利于小农经济生产关系的巩固和维持,并通过促进科学技术的发展推动经济的繁荣。

    Education in ancient China helped to stabilize and sustain the productive relations of the ancient agricultural economy , resulting in prosperity in economy through the development of science and technology .