
ɡōnɡ yè fèi wù
  • industrial waste
  1. 美国环境保护局(USEPA)的TCLP和SPLP方法分别针对工业废物在城市生活垃圾填埋场的共处置和酸沉降对土壤或单独处置的废物的影响而设计;

    The TCLP and SPLP of USEPA were designed for assessment of the impact of co-disposition of industrial waste in MSW and the impact of acid precipitation to soil and sole-disposed waste separately .

  2. 汽车污染是一个比工业废物严重得多的问题。

    Automobile pollution is a far greater problem than industrial waste .

  3. CAP是一种工业废物,有很强的应用可行性,能达到以废治废的目的。

    The CAP is a kind of industrial residue so that it could be used widely and cheaply .

  4. 利用固相还原法,选用某种廉价工业废物R作还原剂、S做稳定化剂,进行铬渣解毒处理,对终渣进行放置时间、酸碱度和温度影响稳定性试验。

    Both industrial wastes , R and S , were selected as reductive agent and stabilizing agent for chromium slag detoxifying during solid phase reduction . Effects of time , pH and temperature on the stability of the final detoxified slag were tested .

  5. 农业和工业废物也能使你中毒。

    You can also be poisoned by agricultural and industrial wastes .

  6. 很多湖泊和江河被工业废物污染。

    Many lakes and rivers are polluted by industrial waste .

  7. 粉煤灰是燃煤电厂排放的工业废物。

    Fly ash is an industrial waste from the coal-consumed power plant .

  8. 安钢工业废物资源利用的思考与实践

    The advisement and practices of comprehensive utilization for industry wastes in Angang Group

  9. 工业废物最少化管理与清洁生产

    Industrial Waste Minimizing Management and Clean Production Clean Manufacture

  10. 利用工业废物改进卫生陶瓷泥浆的性能

    Improvement of the Properties of Ceramic Slurry for Sanitary Ceramics through Industrial Wastes

  11. 工业废物焚烧及系统设计

    Incineration of Industrial Wastes and Its System Design

  12. 工业废物焚烧炉辅助燃料消耗分析

    Analysis on Fuel Consumption for Industrial Waste Incinerator

  13. 这条河里淤积了工业废物。

    The river was thick with industrial waste .

  14. 处理工业废物的规章

    Regulations controlling the disposal of industrial waste

  15. 三峡库区危险工业废物的现状及清理处置分析

    Investigation and analysis of the disposal of industrial hazardous waste in the Three Gorges Region

  16. 已经揭露布洛德非法倾倒工业废物的事实

    had discovered Brodeur was illegally disposing waste

  17. 这种工业废物是不允许直接排入海洋的。

    This kind of industrial waste is not allowed to ba discharged into the ocean directly .

  18. 工业废物中汞的回收

    Retrieving Mercury from Industrial Wastes

  19. 在某污染的工业废物填埋场环境水文地质评价中的同位素水文学研究

    A study of isotope hydrology on Environmental Hydrogeological assessment of a disposal site for contaminated industrial wastes

  20. 钢铁生产过程中产生的许多工业废物是可利用的资源。

    There are many industry wastes resulted from the processing of iron and steel manufacture can be utilized .

  21. 指出,在坯料内适当引入水溶工业废物可大大改善泥浆的流变性能和工艺性能。

    It is shown that suitably introduce water soluble industrial wastes can greatly improve rheological properties and processing properties .

  22. 利用地下盐穴进行各种工业废物的埋藏处理目前在国外已得到很好的应用。

    The method of burial treatment of various industrial waste by underground salt cave has been used very well abroad .

  23. 在现今工程环境实践中,最引人注目的领域大概是工业废物的处理和处置。

    The most challenging field in environmental engineering practice at the present time is the treatment and disposal of industrial wastes .

  24. 很多有毒的重金属被当作工业废物排放到了环境当中,造成了严重的土壤和水体污染。

    Many toxic heavy metals have been discharged into the environment as industrial wastes , causing serious soil and water pollution .

  25. 推进矿产资源综合利用、工业废物回收利用、余热余压发电和生活垃圾资源化利用。

    Promote mineral resources comprehensive utilization , industrial waste recycling , waste more pressure power generation and living garbage resource-oriented utilization .

  26. 我国铀矿冶工业废物最终处理、处置对策的探讨

    Exploration on the method of final management and disposal of waste and tailings dump in the industry of uranium mining and metallurgy in China

  27. 基于互联网的生态工业废物交换系统可以有效降低企业废物交换的时间和成本,增强生态工业链的柔性抗风险能力。

    It can also reduce time and cost for exchange wastes from companies effectively , and increase flexibility and reduce risk of eco-industry chain .

  28. 研究了一些工业废物对卫生陶瓷泥浆性能的影响,并确定了这些废物的最佳引入量。

    The effect of industrial wastes on the properties of ceramic slurry for sanitary ceramics was studied , and the optimum introduced quantity of the wastes was difined .

  29. 除了管理游客留下的工业废物外,据萨加玛塔污染控制委员会和当地导游还必须处理许多人留下的生物废物。

    As well as managing the industrial waste left behind by visitors , the SPCC and local guides have to deal with the biological waste left by so many people .

  30. 底泥的含量受到河流水质的酸(碱)特性和氧化特征的影响,同时受区域环境背景的影响和工业废物排放的影响。

    The content of heavy metals in the sediment is affected by the acidification or alkali and oxidation of water , the regional background and the drainage of industry waste water .