
gōng rén jiē jí
  • the working class;proletariat
工人阶级 [gōng rén jiē jí]
  • [working class] 为挣工资而被雇用、通常从事体力劳动者的阶级; 亦指这些工人组成的社会阶级、等级或阶层

工人阶级[gōng rén jiē jí]
  1. 工人阶级在选举中没有投他们的票。

    The working class has / have rejected them in the elections .

  2. 工人阶级队伍还是非常弱小,不能成功实现社会主义革命。

    The working class is still too small to enable a successful socialist revolution .

  3. 这个政党已经摆脱纯工人阶级的形象。

    The party has shed its cloth cap image .

  4. 一些人说他是工人阶级的叛徒。

    Some say he 's a traitor to the working class .

  5. 所有的乐手都来自值得我们尊敬的工人阶级。

    All the band come from good , solid , working-class backgrounds

  6. 那里的大多数人都是吃苦耐劳、心地善良的工人阶级。

    Most of the people there are salt-of-the-earth , good , working-class people .

  7. 据认为,一个帮上了他的因素就是他的工人阶级形象。

    One factor thought to have worked in his favour is his working class image

  8. 工人阶级最大公无私。

    It is the working class that is most selfless .

  9. 我出身于工人阶级,在这些人中感到很不自在。

    With my working-class background I feel like a fish out of water among these people .

  10. 但是随着工人阶级的壮大和仆人的短缺,做家务成为了知识阶级所感兴趣的事。

    But as the working classes prospered and the servant shortage set in , housekeeping became a matter of interest to the educated classes .

  11. 这位激昂的演说家把无所事事的富人同终日辛劳的工人阶级进行了对比。

    The fiery orator contrasted the idle rich with the toiling working classes .

  12. 无产的工人阶级政党&G·B·肖。

    Party of the propertyless proletariat - G.B.Shaw .

  13. 1877年,左拉(Zola)来到这里,借以逃离世人对他的工人阶级酒鬼主题小说《小酒店》(L'Assommoir)的非议。

    In 1877 , Zola spent time here , escaping the polemics directed against his novel " L'Assommoir , " about a working-class alcoholic .

  14. D.H.劳伦斯是英国文学史上最伟大的作家之一,也是出身于工人阶级的最杰出的作家之一。

    David Herbert Lawrence is one of the greatest writers in the history of English literature , and perhaps one of the greatest from a working-class family .

  15. 接近90高龄的瓦尔达在一个30多岁、名叫JR的艺术家(他也被列为本片导演)的陪伴下,在法国的乡村漫游,寻找曾经充满活力的工人阶级传统的遗迹。

    In her late 80s , accompanied by a thirtyish artist named JR ( who is also credited as director ) , Ms. Varda roams the French countryside , searching out the remnants of a once-vibrant working-class tradition .

  16. 农村工业化以来新兴工人阶级的发展状况

    Development of the New Working Class Appeared after the Rural Industrialization

  17. 白话文更接近中国的工人阶级。

    Pai-hua made literature more accessible to china 's working class .

  18. 重新认识世界产联和美国工人阶级激进主义

    The IWW and American Working Class Radicalism : A New Perspective

  19. 工人阶级要为实现四个现代化作出优异贡献

    The working class should make outstanding contributions to the four modernizations

  20. 新形势下我国工人阶级内部统一战线问题分析

    Problems in united front within working class in the new period

  21. 那个时候,教育将工人阶级拒之门外。

    At that time education was denied to the working class .

  22. 工人阶级的发展与两大基础的强化

    Development of the Working Class and the Strengthening of Two Basis

  23. 保护关税!为了工人阶级的利益;

    Protective duties : for the benefit of the working class .

  24. 他最出名的作品是他那描绘工人阶级生活的三部曲。

    He is best known for his trilogy on working-class life .

  25. 工人阶级是我们党的阶级基础。

    The working class is the class basis of our party .

  26. 工人阶级要携手共建困难保障安全网&关于中国职工互助合作保险模式及困难保障机制的设想

    The Working Class Should Jointly Build the Safety Network of Difficulty Insurance

  27. 必须全心全意依靠工人阶级。

    Must depend on the working class heart and soul .

  28. 对保持和发展工人阶级先进性的思考

    Some Thinking of Keeping and Developing the Advanced Nature of Working Class

  29. 首先对工人阶级的文化变迁做了介绍。

    First , the cultural changes of the working class is introduced .

  30. 她道出了英国工人阶级真实的心声。

    She speaks with the authentic voice of the British working class .