
yì wù bīnɡ yì zhì
  • conscription;compulsory military service;compulsory service system
  • system of compulsory military service
义务兵役制 [yì wù bīng yì zhì]
  • [system of compulsory military service;compulsory service system] 按法律公民有在一定年龄一定年限内服兵役义务的制度

  1. 以色列是世界惟一对妇女普遍实行义务兵役制的国家。

    Israel is the only country in the world that applies the compulsory military service women .

  2. 北方的人力动员是以征召志愿兵为主要手段的,战争中,也采用了义务兵役制。

    The main means of the manpower mobilization of North is recruit volunteers , adopt compulsory military service also .

  3. 你们国家实行义务兵役制吗?

    Is military service compulsory in your country ?

  4. 要解决这个问题,是否可以重新实施义务兵役制?

    Could one solution to this problem be a return of the compulsory military draft ?

  5. 自遭受过越战灾难之后,美国就再也没有实行过义务兵役制。

    America has shied away from conscription since the disasters it suffered in the Vietnam war .

  6. 我国义务兵役制规定,年满18周岁的男性有服役义务。

    According to national compulsory military service , serving in the army is obligatory for males who are over 18 .

  7. 兵役制度:征兵和义务兵役制,服役期两年。

    Military service : the Kuwaiti military uses both conscription and voluntary systems , with terms of service lasting two years .

  8. 建立全国各地军区,动员全民族参战,以便逐步从雇佣兵役制转变为义务兵役制。

    Establish military zones in all parts of the country , mobilize the whole nation to join in the war and thus effect a gradual change from the mercenary system to one of general military service .