
  • 网络obligation theory
  1. 通过对以上学说的深入分析和探讨,二元作为义务说应更具合理性。

    In comparison with other theories , the dual act obligation theory is more rational .

  2. 对此,中外刑法理论界有四种观点,其否定过失责任的根据应以限定违反注意义务说为宜。

    As to this , Chinese and foreign criminal theory circle have four view .

  3. 在经济补偿金性质的立法讨论中,用人单位帮助义务说最集中地体现了社会法的立法思路。

    In the discussion of dismissal wage nature , the theory of employer help obligation centralized the legal thought of social law .

  4. 对于受领的性质,纵观国内外的立法及理论研究,主要可分为义务说、权利说以及折衷说。

    To accept the nature , throughout the domestic and international legislation and theoretical study , can be divided into obligations , the right to say .

  5. 现有的农村集体经济组织成员资格的认定有三种:单一的户籍说、户籍+生活地说、权利义务说。

    The existing rural collective economic organization the qualification cognizance of the members in three ways : single census register said , household life to say , rights and obligations said .

  6. 给付受领的性质与地位之争,大别为义务说、权利说和折衷说。

    With regard to the nature and status of acceptance of performance , there are mainly theories of duty , theories of right and the theory of compromise in the academic area .

  7. 目前我国教科书将学理上存在的过错认定标准总结为主观过错说、客观过错说(注意义务违反说)、经济分析说。

    At present , the textbook summarizes the standard of culpa identification as subjective culpa theory , objective culpa theory and economic analysis theory .

  8. 主观恶性说有着悠久历史,在其历史嬗变过程中主要形成了义务侵害说、规范违反说及道德危害说等具体学说。

    Subjective malign theory has long history and it mainly connotes the theory of obligation infringement , the theory of norm violation and the theory of moral harms .

  9. 其中因果关系的认定较为复杂,主要包括直接结果说、可预见性理论、相当因果关系说、法规目的说、义务射程说等。

    Causal relationships among them firm belief is comparatively complicated , it include the causal relationship says , law and regulation purpose says , duty range speaks mainly including that direct result saying .

  10. 主要存在以下观点:所有权说、从契约说、定金说、不当得利说、附义务赠与说、附解除条件说。

    The main point of view the following : ownership of said lease , said deposit , said unjust enrichment that the obligations attached to a gift that said the conditions attached to the lifting .

  11. 关于二者的界限,国外刑法学界提出了主观说、行为支配说、义务犯说等诸多理论,并以此对不作为参与问题形成了原则正犯说、原则帮助犯说以及各种各样的折中学说。

    About the limit of two , foreign criminal scholars put forward the subjective theory , the behavior control theory , the obligation offense theory and other theories , and on the basis of this has formed the principal offender doctrine , the accessory offender doctrine and the compromise doctrine .

  12. 受美联储监管,可能会比受美国证券交易委员会(SecuritiesandExchangeCommission)监管要好,但只是将它视作另一家银行,拥有与零售银行及信用卡公司相同的特权与义务,几乎说不通。

    It may be better regulated by the Fed than the Securities and Exchange Commission but counting it as just another bank , with the same privileges and obligations as retail banks and credit card companies , makes little sense .

  13. 好罢,那我对国家的责任义务又怎么说呢?

    Well , what about my obligations to my country ?

  14. 实际义务简单的说就是在情境中的真实的义务。

    An actual duty is simply what my real duty is in situation .

  15. 第三章主要论述了物权说理论下银行与储户的主要权利义务以及物权说的优缺点。

    The third chapter discusses the theory of property rights under the bank and depositor that the main rights and obligations , and property , said the strengths and weaknesses .

  16. 例如,我们都会同意如果我们能够通过撒谎而使某人不至受伤,那么使人免受伤害的义务就比说实话的义务更重要。

    For example , most of us would agree that , if we can save someone from serious injury by lying , then we have more of an obligation to save someone from injury than we do to tell the truth .

  17. 目前,学者们对这一问题意见不一,本文主要介绍了四种常见的观点,分别是违反婚姻契约说、社会保障补充说、失业补助说和夫妻扶养义务延伸保护说。

    At present , the scholars have different opinions on this question . This article mainly introduce four common viewpoints , which are the theory of violation marital contract , the social security , the unemployment compensation , and the extending protection of nurture duty between husband and wife .

  18. 提单现在也成为一种船公司对货主的一种承诺,只要有人持有提单,就认为存在着给付货物的义务;或者说存在着债权债务的关系。

    The bill of lading is now also become a shipping company of the owner of a commitment , as long as someone holds the bill of lading , they think there is the obligation of payment of goods , or the existence of the relationship between credit and debt .

  19. 期权是一种独特的金融合约,它赋予期权持有者做某事的权利,但期权持有者并不负有必须履行的义务,也就是说买卖双方的权利和义务不对等,这种不对等主要通过期权费来平衡。

    Option is a kind of special financial contracts which gives holder rights of doing something , but the holder have no obligation .

  20. 研究者对另一组人提出更过份的要求是否愿意在两年时间里每周做两个小时的义务咨询员他们说不。

    When researchers asked another set of people for much more if they 'd serve as an unpaid counselor for two hours per week for two years they all said no.

  21. 大陆法系国家有形式的作为义务说和实质的作为义务说,目前,我国法律没有关于作为义务的明文规定,确定义务存在与否的重任就落在了刑法理论的肩上。

    The Mainland law system from have form obligations and substantive obligations , while there is no provision in the criminal law on it at home . The problem to decide which obligations are suitable for negative crime becomes the business of theory .

  22. 从各国理论和实践发展考察可得,董事承担离任义务的理论基础包括诚实信用说、后契约义务说、雇员义务说等学说。

    The theoretical foundations for director 's duties after leaving the post include " goodfaith "," post-contract obligation " and " employee 's duty " .

  23. 雇佣人安全照顾义务的性质宜适用雇佣契约本质义务说。

    The nature of the employer 's obligation of safe attendance should be suitable to the essential obligation of the employment contract .

  24. 其他人没有义务来喜欢你或者支持你,所以你有义务对大家说谢谢。

    People don 't have to like or support you , so you always have to say thank you .