
yì wù láo dònɡ
  • thank-you work;voluntary labor;work without pay
  • voluntary labour
义务劳动 [yì wù láo dòng]
  • [voluntary labour] 出自自己的自由意志而进行的劳动

  1. 但是今天,我们去那是参加义务劳动。

    But today we went there to take part in voluntary labor .

  2. 他也尽可能利用一切机会去帮助他人或参加义务劳动。

    He also , as far as possible the use of every opportunity to help others or to take part in voluntary labor .

  3. 放假时她常去参加义务劳动。

    She often does volunteer labour during holidays .

  4. Ican'tdothisprobonoworkanymore.我不会再做这种义务劳动了。我需要钱,我不会再做这种无偿工作了。

    I can 't do pro bono work Anymore .

  5. 国家提倡公民从事义务劳动。

    The state encourages citizens to take part in voluntary labour .

  6. 他在那里时参加了一项工程的义务劳动。

    While there he joined in voluntary labour on a project .

  7. 义务劳动是一种责任,由不得他们选择。

    Unpaid work is a duty , not a choice .

  8. 市长赴北京效区参加义务劳动。

    The mayor does volunteer work at the suburbof beijing .

  9. 许多青年人放弃休息日去参加义务劳动。

    Many young workers turned in their days off to do voluntary labour .

  10. 明天我不能参加义务劳动。因为有别的事。

    I shall not be able to take part in the voluntary labour tomorrow .

  11. 你们经常搞义务劳动,这也是政治嘛。

    From time to time you encourage volunteer labour & that too is politics .

  12. 他的团队为需要无懈可击安全的银行和商行义务劳动。

    His team does freelance work for banks and businesses in need of airtight security .

  13. 这座建筑在准备迎接游客之前,需要数千小时的义务劳动。

    It took thousands of hours of volunteer labor to ready the building for show .

  14. 几万名市民利用周末、晚上或节假日参加义务劳动。

    Many thousands did so at week-ends , in the evenings , or during their holidays .

  15. 国家提倡公民从事义务劳动。”修改为:“劳动是一切有劳动能力的公民的光荣职责。

    The State encourages citizens to take part in voluntary labor ," shall be amended as : " work is the glorious duty of every able-bodied citizen .

  16. 校方一位名为孙朋的负责人周二对《河南商报》表示,该义务劳动制度占两个学分。

    The compulsory labor is worth two academic credits , a university official , Sun Peng , said in a Tuesday interview with The Henan Economic Daily .

  17. 例如在英国,老年人口通过税收、义务劳动及家庭护理等方式,每年为国家创收达1160亿。

    Here in the UK for example the ageing population adds one hundred and sixteen billion dollars a year to the economy through taxation , volunteer work and family care .

  18. 打扫卫生在一所中国大学于学业成功至关重要。在那里,义务劳动是一个计入学分并用于为学生灌输正确道德观念的教学计划的一部分。

    Cleanliness is crucial to academic success at one Chinese university where compulsory labor is part of a program designed to award class credits while instilling students with proper moral values .

  19. 劳动归来的大学生们在昨天的座谈会上畅谈体会,认为义务劳动使爱国之心得以化为报国之力,很有意义。

    College students coming back from the work spoke freely at the forum held yesterday thought that voluntary labor allows patriotic hearts to become a force for national service and that it is very meaningful .

  20. 普通中学可以根据现有的条件搞一些小农尝小作坊,学生轮流参加生产,或者到农村参加义务劳动。

    Secondary schools may , according to their current conditions , build small farms or small workshops where students can take turns working or have their students go to the countryside to work as their contribution to society .

  21. 除了大规模参加社会生产劳动外,妇女还参与国家和社会事务的管理,其中,城市家庭妇女在50年代从事的居民委员会工作完全是无酬的义务劳动。

    Except large-scale attend social production labour , plenty of women participate in the management of national and social general affairs , in which , the resident committee work that city housewife is engaged in to work without rewarded completely in 1950 's.

  22. 认为公司治理仅仅是所有者与经营者的权利和义务,劳动关系则是雇主与雇员(或用人单位与工人)之间的利益关系。

    They regard the corporate governance as the rights of shareholders and commitments of managements . Labor relations are thought as the benefit relationships between the employer and employee ( or workers and the firms ) .

  23. 我国宪法规定我国公民有劳动的权利和义务,即劳动具有双重性质。

    Our Constitution provides that our citizens have the right and obligation to work has a dual nature .

  24. 本部分从明确规定被派遣劳动者结社权、明确规定雇主的责任和义务、强化劳动保障监察三个方面进行阐述。

    Including the right of association of workers , clearly stipulates the responsibilities and obligations of employers and strengthening of labor security supervision .

  25. 婚姻要成功,因素实在太多&对彼此大家庭的责任、爱、感激、经济上的义务、家务劳动、孩子的教育等等。

    It takes so many things for a marriage to succeed & duties to each other 's extended families , affection and appreciation , financial obligation , housework and children 's education .

  26. 它通过较大力度地保护处于弱势地位的广大劳动者,规范了劳动关系双方各自的权利与义务,使劳动合同长期化,赋予劳动争议处理人性化。

    Through greater efforts to protect the vulnerable status of the majority of workers , regulate the labor relations rights and obligations of each of the parties to make a long-term labor contracts , labor dispute giving a human face .

  27. 第二,它更加明确了劳资双方的权利和义务,为减少劳动纠纷,构建和谐平稳的劳动关系提供了条件。

    Second , the labor contract law defines the rights and obligations of both sides of labor relations , helps to reduce labor disputes , build and develop harmonious and stable labor relations .

  28. 做好城乡无法定扶养义务人、无劳动能力、无生活来源的孤残女童、孤老妇女的供养工作。

    Care should be taken to the orphaned or disabled girls and single elderly women with no legal guardian , no working ability and means to make a living both in urban and rural areas .

  29. 子女不履行赡养义务时,无劳动能力的或生活困难的父母,有要求子女付给赡养费的权利。

    Where any child fails to perform his or her obligations , the parents thereof who are unable to work or who are living a difficult life shall be entitled to ask their child to pay aliments .