
yì yǒnɡ jūn jìn xínɡ qǔ
  • March of the Volunteers
  1. 中国国歌叫《义勇军进行曲》。

    The Chinese national anthem is called " march of the volunteers " .

  2. 在之前的世界杯预选赛中,香港球迷曾对他们正式的国歌《义勇军进行曲》发出嘘声,导致国际足联(Fifa)对香港足球总会做出罚款5000美元的决定。

    During previous World Cup qualifiers , Hong Kong 's fans booed their official national anthem - China 's " March of the Volunteers " - leading to a $ 5000 fine from Fifa , the sport 's governing body .

  3. 当雄壮的《义勇军进行曲》在你耳边荡漾,爱国之情就会从每个人的心底油然而生。

    When the magnificent " volunteer march " in your ear ripples , patriotic sentiment will from everyone 's heart arises spontaneously .

  4. 《义勇军进行曲》是我们的国歌,但是在日常生活中并没有得到尊重,急需出台国歌法。

    The March of the Volunteers is our national anthem but it is not well respected in daily life . A national anthem law is urgently needed .

  5. 其插曲《义勇军进行曲》风靡全国,1949年被选定为中华人民共和国国歌,此决定并于2004年3月正式写入中华人民共和国宪法。

    The theme song of the film March of the Volunteer was fashionable all over the country then , and was later selected as the national anthem of the People 's Republic of China in 1949 . This decision was formally written into the Constitution of the People 's Republic of China in March 2004 .