
yì hé tuán yùn dònɡ
  • Boxer Rebellion
  1. 仪式和文本:义和团运动的宣传媒体

    Rite and Text : Publicizing Media of the Boxer Movement

  2. 义和团运动时期神秘传闻现象探析

    An exploration of the mystical hearsays during the Boxer movement

  3. 义和团运动时期慈禧的思想与对外政策

    Ci Xi 's Thoughts and Diplomacy during the period of Boxer Rebellion

  4. 论义和团运动时期的法国对华外交

    On French Diplomatic Policy towards China during the Boxer Movement

  5. 义和团运动与义和团战争学术论证会综述

    An Overview of the Academic Seminar for the Boxers Movement and War

  6. 中国这样走进二十世纪&义和团运动后的中国政局

    Chinas Entry into the Twentieth Century : Chinese Politics after the Boxer Movement

  7. 但尽管存在过度储蓄的情况,债券义和团运动仍有可能出现。

    Yet it can still take place despite the existence of excess savings .

  8. 义和团运动与山东士绅

    The Boxers Movement and the Gentry in Shandong Province

  9. 戏剧对义和团运动的影响

    The Influence of Popular Dramas on the Boxer Moverment

  10. 能让我们加深理解义和团运动。

    That could enlighten us about the boxer rebellion .

  11. 义和团运动对不平等条约体系的影响

    The Influence of the Boxer Movement on the Setup of the Unequal Treaties

  12. 传统民族情感方式在近代的畸变&兼论义和团运动时期不同形态的民族情感方式

    Distortion of Traditional National Feelings in Modern Times

  13. 义和团运动时期江南绅商对战争难民的社会救助

    The Relief Efforts of Jiangnan Gentry-Merchants on Behalf of Refugees from the Boxer Uprising

  14. 义和团运动与近代中国爱国主义论纲

    The Online of the Boxers ' Movement and the Patriotism of the Modern China

  15. 五四以来对义和团运动的不同评价及其文化导向

    Varied Evaluations of the Boxers ' Uprising since the May 4th Movement of 1919

  16. 义和团运动时期山东教案初探

    A Research on Modern Mass-versus-Church Cases of Shandong in the Period of the Boxer Movement

  17. 义和团运动蓬勃发展,沉重打击了帝国主义侵华势力。

    The boxer rebellion developed greatly and stroked heavily the invading power of the capitalism .

  18. 义和团运动走向高潮时期直隶团民与清军的关系

    The Relationship between the Boxers and the Army of Qing Dynasty as the Boxer Movement Goes Higher UP

  19. 发生在19、20世纪之交的义和团运动是震惊世界的大事件。

    The Boxer Movement that happened at the turn of 19th and 20th is the great earth-shaking event .

  20. 19、20世纪交替之际,中国发生了震惊世界的义和团运动。

    In Turn of the 19 and 20th century the century , China has had the world-shaking Boxer Movement .

  21. 教案的分布与发展与义和团运动的发展状态关系极为密切。

    The distribution and the development of the mass-versus-church cases has extremely close relation with the form of the Boxer Movement .

  22. 太平天国运动,戊戌变法,义和团运动,不甘屈服的中国人民一次次抗争,但又一次次失败。

    The unyielding Chinese people had struggled to fight in Taiping Rebellion , Hundred Days'Reform , Boxer Uprising , but in vain .

  23. 义和团运动时期政治形势的特点,一是瓜分的危机,二是维新的反动。

    The political elements during the Yihetuan movement can be concluded as follows : the crisis of partition and the reactionary reform .

  24. 义和团运动后,清朝官员改变了仇视教会的态度,转向协作和调和。

    After the Yihetuan Movement , the late Qing government 's attitude toward the church changed from hating to compromise and cooperation .

  25. 1纵观义和团运动时期的《申报》舆论,深刻反映了这一时期的政治特点。

    ^ retrospect for the opinions of Shen Newspaper on this movement , we found those reflected the political characteristics of this period .

  26. 华北农村的巫觋风习与义和团运动德国档案中有关义和团的新鲜史料

    Sorcery Practices in the Villages of North China and the Boxer Uprising New Materials about the Boxer Movement from the German National Archives

  27. 民众不仅没有杀他们,而且在义和团运动的中心地山东省给他们提供了一座避风港。

    So when Boxer Rebellion occurred in Shandong Province , native showed compassion for Christianity . They did not killed Christianity and provide a haven for them .

  28. 研究义和团运动的兴起必须从下列两个方面加以考虑:客观历史契机的具备与运动主体的成长。

    The research on the rising of the Boxer Movement depends on these two aspects : the backdrop and the maturity of the principal part of the movement .

  29. 义和团运动中的符咒思想大致有三个源头:一、道教的符篆,二、佛教和道教的咒语,三儒家所崇敬的神仙。

    Generally there are three sources : First , the Taoist Talisman ; second , the mantra of Buddhism and Taoism ; Third , Confucian reverence of the gods .

  30. 他在新闻事业上的运气稍差:义和团运动爆发时,他刚好外出猎鸟,因此错失了其一生中最重大的中国历史事件。

    He had less luck with his journalism , having been away snipe-shooting when the Boxer rebellion broke out , thus missing the biggest Chinese story in his lifetime .