
  • 网络Gu Hongming;ku hung-ming;ku hung ming;ku hong-ming
  1. 中国传统思想文化的卫道士和布道者&论辜鸿铭

    The Defender and Preacher of Traditional Chinese Thought and Culture & on Ku Hung-Ming

  2. 破解历史的怪圈&康有为、严复、辜鸿铭合论

    Seeing through " the Strange Circle in Chinese History " & A Complex Discussion of KANG Yu-wei , YEN Fu and KU Hung-ming

  3. 道德本位主义是辜鸿铭伦理思想突出的理论局限。

    Moral parochialism is the most obvious theory limitation of his ethical thoughts .

  4. 辜鸿铭与历史文化屏蔽现象

    Gu Hong-ming and the Shielding Phenomena of Historical Culture

  5. 辜鸿铭身上最闪光的两点便是爱国主义和正直廉洁,他的一切言论、文章大都是因为爱国而发。

    The most shinning parts of Ku Hong-Ming are patriotism and integrity and honesty .

  6. 一个来自于西方译者&詹姆斯·理雅各,另一个来自于中国译者-辜鸿铭。

    One comes from a western translator-James Legge and the other comes from a Chinese translator-Ku Hung-Ming .

  7. 可以说辜鸿铭的政治认知在很大程度上受他的文化观念的影响。

    It could be said that political cognition of Ku Hong-Ming was influenced by his cultural values .

  8. 东西方文明所面临的困境,构成了辜鸿铭思考伦理道德问题的时代背景。

    The difficulties faced by Eastern and Western civilizations were the background of Gu Hong-ming ' ethical thoughts .

  9. 从辜鸿铭《论语》的英译看翻译规范的运作方式

    The Operation of Translation Norms as Seen From the English Version of Six Chapters of a Floating Life

  10. 辜鸿铭是一位典型的文化保守主义者,他的政治心理有与其他文化保守主义者共同的特征。

    Ku Hong-Ming is a typical cultural conservative and his political psychology , has common characteristics with other conservatives .

  11. 辜鸿铭的翻译原因,目的和实际收到的效果中体现了其翻译行为的反殖民色彩。

    His translation motivation , purpose and the real effect of his translation activity all presented his anti-colonial spirit .

  12. 辜鸿铭对毛姆说:在这个堕落的年代里,人们的记忆都变得短暂了,我还是应该送给你一件有形的东西。

    Men have short memories in these degenerate days , and I should like to give you something more substantial .

  13. 辜鸿铭(1857-1928)是中国近代名噪一时的国学家和翻译家。

    Ku Hungming ( 1857-1928 ) is not only a well-known literary figure in modern China , but a great translator .

  14. 辜鸿铭的这三种政治情感支配着他去发表一系列政治言论、从事政治活动。

    These three kinds of political emotion dominate him to express a series of political statements and engage in political activities .

  15. 在中国近代文化史上,辜鸿铭是一道独特的风景。一直以来,辜鸿铭因其对满清王朝的愚忠倍受讥嘲。

    In the cultural history of modern China , Gu Hong-ming has been always laughed at for his foolish loyalty to Qin Dynasty .

  16. 辜鸿铭的西学教育背景及其一生遭遇的身份认同困境,使他形成了具有偏执倾向的文化价值观。

    Because of the Western educational background and identity difficulty through his life , Gu Hong-ming formed an cultural values with some extreme tendency .

  17. 辜鸿铭自幼接受西方教育,并深受浪漫主义思潮的影响,他后来确立的政治立场和文化倾向与欧洲浪漫主义思潮有很大关系。

    Ku Hong-Ming had accepted western education since childhood and was influenced by western Romanticism deeply . His political psition and culture tendencies has a lot to Romanticism .

  18. 在此情况下,辜鸿铭决定英译《论语》,以期重新树立西方眼中的东方文化形象。

    Under such a situation , Ku decided to translate Lun Yu to English with the aim of reestablishing a positive image of the Chinese culture in the West .

  19. 有文化怪才之称的辜鸿铭根据当时国际、国内的社会发展情况提出了道德立国思想,主张以道德秩序、良民宗教、忠孝观念等重建社会秩序。

    It also covers the moral order that he maintains in order to reestablish the social order , namely , religion held by good citizens and the moral order based on loyal and filial concept .

  20. 辜鸿铭出生于马来亚华侨世家,青少年时期曾长期在欧洲多国留学,而后回到中国进入张之洞幕府。

    As a oversea Chinese , Ku Hong-Ming , born in Malaya , ever studied in a few of European nations for many years at youth , and then returned to China to work for Zhang Zhi-Dong as a assistant .

  21. 本文通过梳理并分析翻译家辜鸿铭的有关翻译的言论,力图系统研究这位伟大翻译家的翻译思想,并结合其翻译实践,彰显其在翻译史及文化交流史上所起的重要作用。

    By summing up and analyzing Ku 's views on translation , the author attempts to study his translation thoughts in a relatively systematic manner and make clear Ku 's role in both the Chinese translation history and the cultural exchange history .

  22. 第三章通过理雅各与辜鸿铭《论语》英译本例句对比,从三个方面,即语言、翻译方法、翻译策略探讨了两英译本特色。

    The third chapter makes a comparison between the two versions from three aspects , which are the comparison of language , translation method , translation strategy through analysis of example sentences of English Version of The Analects by James Legge and Ku Hung-ming .