
yì yǒng
  • fighting for justice;voluntary
义勇 [yì yǒng]
  • [fighting for justice] 为正义事业而勇敢斗争的精神

  • 义勇军

义勇[yì yǒng]
  1. 中国国歌叫《义勇军进行曲》。

    The Chinese national anthem is called " march of the volunteers " .

  2. 你接着好好照料Joey吧,他也不会辜负你的皇家义勇骑兵队队长

    You keep looking after Joey and he 'll always be looking after you . Sergeant , Seventh Battalion , Imperial Yeomanry .

  3. 联合国官员说这些人中包括MaiMai义勇军,他们过去和政府军联盟,但是现在政府却指责他们是叛徒。

    U.N. officials say they included members of the Mai Mai militia , who have traditionally been allied with the government , but government soldiers accused the men of being rebels .

  4. SPLM最早的成就包括通过朱巴和平协议将一些义勇军组织和分裂的小派系纳入军队。

    One of the SPLM 's earliest achievements was bringing back into the army a handful of militias and breakaway factions through the Juba agreement .

  5. 在之前的世界杯预选赛中,香港球迷曾对他们正式的国歌《义勇军进行曲》发出嘘声,导致国际足联(Fifa)对香港足球总会做出罚款5000美元的决定。

    During previous World Cup qualifiers , Hong Kong 's fans booed their official national anthem - China 's " March of the Volunteers " - leading to a $ 5000 fine from Fifa , the sport 's governing body .

  6. 阿富汗赫尔曼得省省长GulabMangal表示,由美国提供资金的平民义勇军项目将得到拓展。

    The governor of Helmand province in Afghanistan , Gulab Mangal , says a programme of American-funded civilian militia is to be expanded .

  7. 第二部分:东北抗日义勇军在新疆的活动。

    Part II : the activities of Anti-Japanese Volunteer in Xinjiang .

  8. 他原来在义勇骑兵队给马奇梅因勋爵当随从。

    He had been Lord marchmain 's servant in the yeomanry .

  9. 朝鲜义勇队的抗日活动及其历史作用

    The Anti-Japanese Fights of Korean Volunteer Militia and Its Role in History

  10. 朝鲜独立同盟及朝鲜义勇军历史的几个问题

    Problems on the History of Korean Independent Alliance and Korean Volunteer Army

  11. 图为义勇军的训练场景。

    The picture shows the volunteers in training .

  12. 犀牛是非洲的义勇消防员。

    The rhino is the self-appointed fire-prevention officer .

  13. 锦州及辽西地区抗日义勇军的建立及斗争

    Establishment and Fight of Anti - Japanese Volunteer Army in Jinzhou and West Area of Liaoning

  14. 英国人最初认为他们是之前被打败的穿灰色衣服的义勇军。

    The British initially thought that they were up against gray-clad militia troops , which they had earlier defeated .

  15. 义勇军持枪者正在阻塞道路,人道主义航班已经被禁止着陆接近一周的时间。

    Humanitarian flights have been denied permission to land for nearly a week while militia gunmen are blocking roads .

  16. 朝鲜义勇军是在特殊的历史环境下建立的既有国际性又有民族性的战斗部队。

    The Korea Volunteers were set up under the special historical circumstance , it had both international and national character .

  17. 而且,他身着显耀的义勇军制服时那种傲慢的高雅风度现在丧失贻尽啦。

    And the air of supercilious elegance which had clung about him in his striking Zouave uniform was completely gone .

  18. 叛乱爆发后,首相采取行动调遣了一支义勇军进入了战场。

    On the breaking out of the rebellion the prime minister took measures to put an army of volunteers into the field .

  19. 当雄壮的《义勇军进行曲》在你耳边荡漾,爱国之情就会从每个人的心底油然而生。

    When the magnificent " volunteer march " in your ear ripples , patriotic sentiment will from everyone 's heart arises spontaneously .

  20. 抗日义勇军,也同样的从日本压迫者的手中获得了行动自由,武装了他们自己。

    The Anti-Japanese volunteers have won their freedom of action from the Japanese oppressors and have armed themselves in a similar way .

  21. 本文随后对民国时期广州的消防警察以及民间消防组织的发展演变进行了研究,其中重点考察了1921&1938年间消防警察的发展、广州市慈善救火会以及各区义勇消防委员会的演变。

    And then , the author makes a study on the policeman of fire fighting and the evolution of the civilian fire organizations .

  22. 在刚果的联合国维持和平者被指控为黄金和来自附近的卢安达的义勇军的成员交换食物在调查之下。

    United Nations peacekeepers in Congo are under investigation on charges of exchanging food for gold with members of militias from neighboring Rwanda .

  23. 几周后,我们部门收到了屋主寄来的一封信,感谢我们拯救她家的义勇行为。

    A few weeks later , the department received a letter from the homeowner thanking us for the valiant effort displayed in saving her home .

  24. 北苏丹军队上周在南科尔多凡省与义勇军发生了战斗,他们上周控制了南北边境处的阿卜耶伊。

    Northern Sudanese troops have battled militia forces in Southern Kordofan , last week seizing control of the Abyei region , on the north-south border .

  25. 本文着重对朝鲜义勇军的建立、在中国进行的革命活动进行论述,进而对朝鲜义勇军的历史地位、特殊的使命进行初步探索。

    The thesis mainly discusses the foundation of Korea Volunteers , the revolutionary activities in China , historical position , and special mission of Korea Volunteers .

  26. 《义勇军进行曲》是我们的国歌,但是在日常生活中并没有得到尊重,急需出台国歌法。

    The March of the Volunteers is our national anthem but it is not well respected in daily life . A national anthem law is urgently needed .

  27. 朝鲜义勇队内部党派及组织系统沿革微型保鲜库预冷气流组织的仿真分析

    The Evolution on the Internal Parties and Organizational Structure of the Korean Volunteer Militia Simulation Analysis of Flow Field of Chilling Process in a Mini Type Cool Store

  28. 一九三三年,王儒林、李慕愚领导建立的“西北抗日义勇军”,是甘肃省较早的一支革命武装力量。

    In1933 , Wang Rulin , Li Mu-yuled the establishment of the " anti-Japanese northwest of the Volunteers ", Gansu Province , is an early Revolutionary Armed Forces .

  29. 阿比让到处是巴博军队和忠于瓦塔拉的义勇军之间进行激烈战斗的景象。瓦塔拉是国际社会认可的科特迪瓦总统。

    Abidjan is the scene of a bitter fight between Mr Gbagbo 's forces and militia loyal to Alassane Ouattara , the man internationally recognized as president of Ivory Coast .

  30. 阐述东北抗日义勇军入疆后的活动对新疆政治、军事、经济文化所产生的影响,及对新疆近代社会的发展所起的促进作用。

    Expounding the impact of these activities on political , military , economy and culture , pointing out these activities has played a promotable role on modern society of Xinjiang .