
bā shì dǐ yù
  • the Bastille
巴士底狱[bā shì dǐ yù]
  1. 如果是的话,你现在已经在巴士底狱里了。

    If they had , you 'd be in the Bastille by now .

  2. 任何做错事的事情都会发现自己进了巴士底狱。

    A. Anyone who did something wrong could find himself suddenly in the Bastille .

  3. 巴士底狱的阴影又一次降临到了他身上。

    The shadow of the Bastille had fallen on him again .

  4. 巴士底狱是巴黎最著名的监狱。

    Bastilles is the most famous prison in Paris .

  5. 一位著名演员关押在巴士底狱已20年了。

    A famous actor had been imprisoned in the Bastille for twenty years .

  6. 巴士底狱被攻陷典狱长被杀害

    Bastille prison has been stormed , the governor murdered

  7. 到十七世纪,巴士底狱在防御的功能上已经不起重要作用了。

    By the seventeenth century it had ceased to be important for defence .

  8. 法国人民在七月十四日庆祝攻克巴士底狱。

    The French people commemorate the fall of Bastille on the 14th of July .

  9. 马内特医生从巴士底狱出来后是你照顾他的。

    You took care of Dr Manette when he came out of the Bastille . '

  10. 就在攻打巴士底狱之前,他们提出了一个宣言草案。

    They brought forward a draft of a declaration just before the storming of the Bastille .

  11. 每年有成千上万的游客参观巴黎的巴士底狱遗址。

    Thousands of people come to see the remains of the Bastille in Paris every year .

  12. 他想起了马内特医生在巴士底狱里多年孤独和被人遗忘的日子。

    He thought of Dr Manette and his many years alone , forgotten , in the Bastille .

  13. 带着游客们游历卢浮宫、巴士底狱和埃菲尔铁塔?

    And lead hordes of tourists through the Louvre , the Bastille , and the Eiffel Tower ?

  14. 有时当他想起在巴士底狱的日子,脸上就会显出阴沉和悲伤。

    Sometimes his face became dark and sad when he remembered the years in the Bastille prison ;

  15. 我曾是巴士底狱的一个囚徒,所有的人都知道我以及我是怎么受苦的。

    I was a prisoner in the Bastille . Every body knows about me and how I suffered .

  16. 就是此刻在巴士底狱里我也还能看到两种针锋相对的骄傲彼此的对峙。

    The two opposing kinds of pride confronting one another , I can see , even in this Bastille ;

  17. 反叛者冲入“荣军院”(军医院)抢夺武器,随后奔向巴士底狱。

    The insurgents invaded the h_tel des Invalides military hospital to seize weapons and then headed for the bastille .

  18. 他听到人们高喊巴士底狱的囚犯万岁!要帮助他在拉弗尔斯里的朋友!

    He heard shouts of ' Long live the Bastille prisoner ! Help his friend in La Force ! '

  19. 车门又关上,马车向前飞跑,上了河岸向巴士底狱的方向驶去。

    The door slammed , and the carriage drove rapidly away , ascending the quays in the direction of the Bastille .

  20. 巴士底狱及其官员们都在人民的手中了,他们要报仇雪恨,要以血还血。

    The Bastille and its officers were now in the hands of the people , and the people wanted revenge , and blood .

  21. 他又成了巴士底狱里的囚犯了,没有朋友,没有家,甚至连名字都没有。

    Once again , he was a prisoner in the Bastille , without friends or family , without even a name of his own .

  22. 圣安托万正叹叫着要求它的酒店老板去负责监押那死守巴士底狱、向人民开炮的要塞总监。

    Saint Antoine was clamorous to have its wine-shop keeper foremost in the guard upon the governor who had defended the Bastille and shot the people .

  23. 愤怒的人海穿过圣安东尼冲向了巴士底狱。很快,这让人痛恨的监狱便响起了战斗的声音。

    The living sea of angry people ran through Saint Antoine to the Bastille , and soon the hated prison was ringing with the noise of battle .

  24. 在一出极为成功的演出中,一位著名演员有一次被选派扮演一名贵族。这位贵族被关押在巴士底狱已20年了。

    A famous actor in a highly successful play was once cast in the role of an aristocrat who had been imprisoned in the Bastille for twenty years .

  25. 是的,我娶了一个法国女人,是马内特医生的女儿。他是巴士底狱的囚犯,是所有好公民的知名朋友!

    ' Yes , I married a Frenchwoman . The daughter of Dr Manette , a prisoner of the Bastille and a well - known friend of all good citizens ! '

  26. 马内特医生告诉审判团他曾经在巴士底狱当了18年的囚徒,而现在他的女婿在拉弗尔斯蹲监狱。

    Dr Manette told the Tribunal that he had been a prisoner in the Bastille for eighteen years , and that his son - in - law was now a prisoner in La Force .

  27. 有时当他想起在巴士底狱的日子,脸上就会显出阴沉和悲伤。这时只有他所钟爱的女儿路茜能让他快活起来。

    Sometimes his face became dark and sad when he remembered the years in the Bastille prison ; at these times only his daughter Lucie , whom he loved so much , could help him .

  28. 尼斯袭击发生在法国的国家假期——法国大革命的关键性事件攻占巴士底狱227周年纪念日。尼斯是法国人口最多的城市之一,且正值当地度假季的高峰期。

    The attack in Nice occurred on France 's national holiday - 227 years since the storming of the Bastille prison , a pivotal moment in the French Revolution - and in one of France 's most populous cities , during peak vacation season .

  29. 在过程中后台音乐一直播放着劳拉帕尔默英国乐队《巴士底狱》,其中一些歌词非常切合罗伦斯的举止这是你的心意,你能够感觉到吗?

    The fitting part was the music that could be heard playing in the background . It was the song Laura Palmer by British band Bastille . And some of the lyrics match up perfectly with Lawrence 's gesture : This is your heart , can you feel it ?

  30. 这些消息很快传到了伦敦。曼奈特医生带着女儿露西赶往巴黎,因为他相信他在巴士底狱长期被监禁的经历会博得法国人民的同情,从而能有助于搭救他的女婿。

    These tidings soon reached london , and doctor manette , with his daughter lucie , hastened to paris , for he felt sure that his long confinement in the Bastille would win for him the sympathy of the French people and thus enable him to save his son-in-law .