
  • 网络Pahlavi Dynasty
  1. 人们走上街头,要求推翻巴列维王朝。

    People marched on the streets asking for the overturn of the Pahlavi dynasty .

  2. 伊朗的核计划从巴列维王朝就已经开始了,美国是帮助伊朗进行核开发的第一国。

    The U.S. is the first country to help Iran with its nuclear plan , which started from the Pahlavi Dynasty .

  3. 伊朗巴列维王朝的世俗化改革

    On the Secularizing Reform of the Pahlavi Kingdom

  4. 伊朗在1979年巴列维王朝覆灭之前就已开始研究开发核武器。

    Iran started exploring paths to nuclear weaponry before the fall of the Shah in 1979 .

  5. 巴列维王朝的西化改革忽视了伊朗国情,最终导致了君主制的覆灭。

    Palavi 's Westernization reformation neglected religious and political culture of Iran , which led to the end of the dynasty .

  6. 为加强王权,巩固巴列维王朝的社会经济基础,礼萨·汗推行了一系列现代化改革。

    To strengthen the monarchy , and consolidate the socio-economic basis of the Pahlavi dynasty , Reza Khan implemented series of modernization reforms .

  7. 巴列维王朝的覆灭,为伊朗现代政治模式走向成熟和民众的广泛政治参与开辟了道路。

    The destruction of Pahlavi Dynasty explores the road for the maturity of modern political model of Iran and the wide political participation of people .

  8. 巴列维王朝为了抵御苏联的威胁和应对激进阿拉伯国家的挑战,视以色列为外围战略盟友;

    Pahlevi , the Shah of iran , in order to deal with Soviet threat and the challenge posed by radical Arab countries , regarded Israel as peripheral strategic ally .

  9. 然而,正是小巴列维有别于礼萨·汗的这种立场和态度,给伊朗人民留下了攻击的口实,使得巴列维王朝最终走向了万劫不复的深渊。

    However , different from the position and attitude of Reza Khan , Mohammed left the pretext of the attack for the Iranian people , making the Pahlavi dynasty toward a hopeless abyss ultimately .

  10. 巴列维时代的世俗政治的膨胀无疑是伊朗现代化进程的重要环节,巴列维王朝构成伊朗现代化进程中世俗政治的典型代表。

    The inflation of secular politics in Pahlavi Dynasty is with no doubt one important step in the modernization process of Iran , thus Pahlavi Empire becomes the typical representative of secular politics in the modernization process of Iran .