
  • 网络charles i;king charles i
  1. 查理一世被克伦威尔派斩首。

    Charles I was beheaded by the Cromwellians .

  2. 路易十六被查理一世的命运深深影响了

    Louis XVI was dominated by the life of Charles I ,

  3. 那是幅处决英格兰国王查理一世的油画

    A portrait of the execution of England 's king Charles I.

  4. 查理一世在位的时候人们种些什么花呢?

    What flowers grew in the reign of Charles the First ?

  5. 国会曾拨给查理一世10万镑作军费。

    Parliament voted Charles I & 100,000 for the army .

  6. 英王查理一世遭斩首。

    King Charles I had his head cut off .

  7. 查理一世国王被送上了断头台。

    King Charles I died on the scaffold .

  8. 查理一世的种种努力创造了欧洲历史上重要的“加洛林文艺复兴”。

    The result of Charlemagne 's efforts is ususlly called the " Carolingian Renaissance " .

  9. 奥利弗·克伦威尔推翻了国王查理一世。

    Oliver Cromwell overthrew King Charles I.

  10. 我说那粒花籽多半是查理一世在位的时候种下的。

    The seed , I said , must have been sown in the reign of Charles the First .

  11. 本州的名称来自于英国国王查理一世。

    The state is named after King Charles II of England , as Carolus is Latin for Charles .

  12. 一些其他宝石的渊源已难以考证&因为在查理一世被处决之后,克伦威尔曾将王室珠宝销毁并变卖。

    It 's difficult to be absolutely certain about some of the other stones , because after the execution of Charles I , Cromwell had the crown jewels broken up and sold .

  13. 霍布斯认为,正是受这些古典作品的影响,尤其是亚里士多德和西塞罗的作品,才导致了最近内战的爆发,和对查理一世国王的处决。

    It was , above all , the influence of the classics , Aristotle and Cicero in particular , that Hobbes regards as an important cause for the recent civil war and the regicide of Charles I.

  14. 虽然议会课税权早在13世纪末就建立,但詹姆士一世和查理一世为摆脱财政困境,实行财税专制,并最终导致内战的爆发,查理一世还由此被送上断头台。

    Although parliament taxation right was established at the end of 13th century , James I and Charles I promoted arbitrary rule for bailing out of the financial trouble . But it resulted in civil war and Charles I was sentenced to death .