
  • 网络Charles Babbage;Charles Babbag
  1. 我想大多数TED听众都知道查尔斯·巴贝奇

    Charles Babbage , I think known to most TEDsters ,

  2. 查尔斯·巴贝奇,约翰·赫歇尔,理查德·琼斯和威廉姆·胡威立.

    Charles Babbage , John Herschel , Richard Jones and William Whewell .

  3. 然而艾伦知道,100年前就有人跨出了这一步,他就是英国数学家查尔斯·巴贝奇(1791-1871)。

    But as Alan knew by this time , that step had been made a hundred years before , by the British mathematician Charles Babbage ( 1791-1871 ) .

  4. 每当说起计算机方面的成就时,我们很容易联想到查尔斯·巴贝奇、艾伦·图灵和比尔·盖茨等等,但格蕾丝·莫尔·霍珀上将在电脑行业也是个名声赫赫的人物。

    When we think about advancements in computers , we tend to think about men like Charles Babbage , Alan Turing and Bill Gates . But Admiral Grace Murray Hopper deserves credit for her role in the computer industry .