
  • 网络economic phenomena;Agglomeration Economies
  1. 本文从改革开放以来流入广东省的FDI与广东省对外贸易迅速增长这一具有明显关联性的经济现象入手,系统分析FDI对广东省对外贸易效应的影响。

    This paper studies systemically how FDI has affected foreign trade effect in Guangdong province based on such obvious economic phenomena as FDI inflows into Guangdong associates with foreign trade increasing rapidly since China reform and open to the world .

  2. 经济学能够对经济现象作出相当精确的预测。

    Economics can make rather remarkably accurate predictions about economic phenomena .

  3. 双边FTA是近十年来在世界范围内大量出现的一种经济现象。

    In the recent years , bilateral FTA has been a prevailing economic presence all over the world .

  4. 城市地图是全面反映城市发展和城市社会经济现象的综合信息载体,是城市基础空间数据库和城市GIS的重要组成部分。

    Urban maps is not only the integrated information container that reflects city development , social and economical phenomenon , but also an important component of spatial urban database and urban Geographical Information System .

  5. 其次,本文在对贸易投资一体化这一经济现象分析的基础之上,进一步阐释当前WTO法调整领域的扩张以及国际贸易与国际直接投资规则的交叉融合,正是这一经济现象的表明和记载。

    Secondly , under the ground of the analysis metioned above , the writer further explain that now the extention of the feild adjusted by WTO and the merger of the rules on trade and investment are just because of trade-investment unification .

  6. 在所谓的金砖四国(BRIC:巴西、俄罗斯、印度、中国)崛起之后,下一个令西方恐惧的经济现象,是否就是新兴市场的巨型企业?

    After the rise of the so-called BRICs – Brazil , Russia , India and China – is the next economic phenomenon to terrify the west the emerging market mega-corporation ?

  7. 企业家创造性决策(ECDM)作为一种复杂的思维和经济现象,远非从一个视角和维度就能概括其全貌。

    Entrepreneurial creative decision-making ( ECDM ) is a kind of complex thinking and economic phenomenon .

  8. 中国经济现象与传统西方经济学理论出现了矛盾。

    The reality in China conflicts with the west economics theory .

  9. 产业集群是对企业活动在地理上趋向集中这样一种经济现象的理论描述。

    ' Industrial cluster ' describes the phenomenon of economy theoretically .

  10. 货币的运行规律是一个极其复杂的经济现象。

    The currency of money is a very sophisticated economic phenomenon .

  11. 商誉是一种经济现象、社会现象,也是一种文化现象。

    Goodwill is a phenomenon of economy , society , and culture .

  12. 索赔是国际承包工程中经常发生的一种经济现象。

    Claim is a common economic phenomenon for International projects .

  13. 图书馆经济现象、经济活动研究

    A Study of Library Economic Phenomena and Economic Activities

  14. 新经济现象出现以后,使得传统的经济理论已经不能用来解释新经济现象了。

    Traditional economy theory cannot explain new economic phenomenon after new economy appear .

  15. 数字鸿沟是当今全球范围内普遍存在的一个社会经济现象。

    Digital divide is a global social economic phenomenon .

  16. 中国旅游经济现象的深层思考

    An In-Depth Thinking on China 's Tourism Economic Phenomenon

  17. 报纸刊载广告既是一种经济现象,又是一种文化现象。

    Advertisement in newspapers is an economic as well as a cultural phenomenon .

  18. 贫困成为了一种文化和政治现象,而非单纯的经济现象。

    Poverty becomes a cultural and political phenomenon rather than an economic one .

  19. 其主要表现为高增长率、高就业、高规模、高扩张,人们将这种经济现象定义为&新经济。

    This phenomenon is called the New Economy .

  20. 地区聚合与地区分离是相伴而生的两种新的全球经济现象。

    The regional convergence and divergence are two co-existing economic phenomena with the trend .

  21. 本文提供的方法可为全国其它省市科技抽样调查,洪灾损失及其它社会经济现象的抽样调查方案设计提供参考。

    This method can be used in flood losses investigation and socioeconomic sampling surveys .

  22. 近20年来旅游是一种重要的社会经济现象。

    Over the past 20 years travel more and more becomes important social phenomenon .

  23. 旅游既是一种经济现象,也是一种精神文化活动。

    Tourism is an economic phenomenon as well as a mental and cultural activity .

  24. 偷逃税是国际社会普遍存在的一种经济现象。

    Tax Evasion is a kind of economic phenomenon universally existing in global economies .

  25. 本文末尾试图利用该结论解释近年中国通货紧缩等宏观经济现象。

    We still try to explain the deflation and other macroeconomic phenomena of China .

  26. 技术创新是一种复杂的社会技术经济现象。

    Technological innovation is a complicated phenomenon dealing with society , technique and economics .

  27. 经济现象中静态数学模型分析

    Analysis of Static Mathematical Models in Economic Phenomena

  28. 论中国足球产业的泡沫经济现象与经营机制的软着陆

    Foam economics phenomenon and soft landing of management mechanism of Soccer Industry in China

  29. 所以,风险是一种机制,不是单纯的经济现象。

    Therefore , risk is a kind of mechanism , not a simple economic phenomenon .

  30. 社会经济现象之间存在的错综复杂的联系,多数可以用指数体系来描述。

    The complicated relations between social economic phenomena can mostly be described with index system .