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  • conjugate complex numbers
  1. 其次分别对零点、极点为实数和共轭复数的几种不同情况进行了分析和证明。

    An analysis is made on several conditions in which the zero points and junction points are real numbers and conjugate complex numbers .

  2. 一种消除不满意共轭复数极点的校正方法

    A Correcting Method To Eliminate Unwished Pairing Complex - conjugate Poles

  3. 方程共轭复数解在实平面上的几何意义

    Geometric Meaning of Complex Roots of Equation in Real Plane

  4. 指出了不平衡潮流解中的一个新问题:三相不平衡电力系统的中性点存在2个电压解,对特定的不平衡参数存在一对解,其中有些是实数,有些是共轭复数。

    This paper presents a new phenomenon found for unbalanced power flow solutions : the existence of two voltage solutions at the neutral points of unbalanced three-phase circuits .

  5. 两个复参数和它们的共轭复数为源于变形协调条件的特征方程的四个根。对于理想正交各向异性弹性材料,该特征方程只有纯虚根和复根两种形式。

    The two parameters and their conjugates being four roots of a characteristic equation emanating from the compatibility condition could be purely imaginary numbers or complex numbers for any ideal orthotropic elastic material .

  6. 它包括使用两个复数透光片,其中一个振幅透射率等于该系统的相干脉冲响应函数,另一则为其共轭复数。

    The amplitude transmittance of one of them is assumod to be the same function as the coherent impulse response of the system , and that of the other being complex conjugate of the former .