
gòng hé
  • republicanism;republic
共和 [gòng hé]
  • [republicanism] 也称共和制。泛指国家权力机关和国家元首由选举产生的一种政治制度。与君主制相对

共和[gòng hé]
  1. 自由女神像原本被设计成国际共和的象征,但在美国女诗人爱玛拉扎露丝(EmmaLazarus)的诗歌中,它被描述成一座希望灯塔,迄今仍伫立在纽约港,召唤着彼岸“那熙熙攘攘的岸上被遗弃的可怜的人群”。

    In the US Emma Lazarus 's lines , which transformed the Statue of Liberty , originally designed as a symbol of international republicanism , into a beacon of hope for " the wretched refuse of the teeming shore " still face New York harbour .

  2. 伊拉克共和制的建立及其特点

    The establishment and distinguishing features of Iraqi republicanism

  3. 巴拿马共和国于1903年脱离哥伦比亚。

    The Republic of Panama seceded from Colombia in 1903 .

  4. 这份宣言宣告这个共和国完全独立自主。

    The declaration proclaimed the full sovereignty of the republic .

  5. 这种啤酒是在捷克共和国酿造的。

    The beer is brewed in the Czech Republic .

  6. 这六个不安分的加盟共和国要求自治。

    The six fractious republics are demanding autonomy .

  7. 布莱尔希望将任何关于爱尔兰共和军制造的酒馆爆炸事件的新证据都公之于众。

    Blair wants any new evidence on IRA pub bombs made public

  8. 联邦共和国必须疏远其与美国的关系。

    The Federal Republic must loosen its ties with the United States

  9. 他设法与两个共和国都达成了部分协议。

    He managed to reach a partial agreement with both republics .

  10. 莫斯科和波罗的海诸共和国正在重启沟通渠道。

    Moscow and the Baltic republics are reopening channels of communication .

  11. 安全部队进入了爱尔兰共和军的禁区。

    The security forces entered the IRA 's no-go areas .

  12. 各共和国将拥有与其经济规模成比例的选举权。

    Republics will have voting rights proportionate to the size of their economies

  13. 爱沙尼亚议会已经通过了宣布共和国完全独立的决议。

    The Estonian parliament has passed a resolution declaring the republic fully independent

  14. 各加盟共和国开始要求获得自治权。

    The republics began asserting their right to govern themselves .

  15. 一些国家已派间谍渗入了该共和国内部。

    Some countries have infiltrated their agents into the Republic .

  16. 她的私人喷气式飞机在前往日本的途中降落在该共和国境内。

    Her private jet landed in the republic on the way to Japan

  17. 此项动议立即遭到其中两个共和国的反对。

    The move was immediately challenged by two of the republics

  18. 他说共和国现在拥有不可剥夺的自决权。

    He said the republic now had an inalienable right to self-determination .

  19. 共和国之间紧张的种族关系可能会引发内战。

    Ethnic tensions among the republics could lead to civil war

  20. 波罗的海诸共和国已呼吁斯堪的纳维亚诸国提供援助。

    The Baltic republics have called on the Scandinavian countries for help .

  21. 爱尔兰共和国预计会提高利率。

    The Republic of Ireland is expected to raise interest rates

  22. 这个共和国是多民族的大熔炉。

    The republic is a melting pot of different nationalities .

  23. 总统把共和国推到了战争的边缘。

    The president placed the republic on a war footing .

  24. 共和国在公开场合非常隆重地宣布成立。

    The Republic was proclaimed in public with great ceremony .

  25. 这个共和国是巴西人民的领土。

    The Republic is a dominion of the Brazilian people .

  26. 议会形容此法令为对共和国内政的干涉。

    The parliament described the decree as interference in the republic 's internal affairs

  27. 他是其自己宣布成立的共和国的总统。

    He is President of his own self-proclaimed republic .

  28. 它是唯一和其他国家没有领土争端的共和国。

    It is the only republic which has no territorial disputes with the others

  29. 交火中3名爱尔兰共和军成员被打死。

    Three IRA men were killed in the shoot-out .

  30. 为了节约能源,该共和国的工厂周末不开工。

    The republic 's factories have closed for the weekend to conserve energy .