
  • 网络republicanism;republic
  1. 在一个脆弱和分裂的阵营里——很难想象保罗先生的支持者会力挺圣多伦先生,或者罗姆尼先生乡村俱乐部共和主义的粉丝会看好巴克曼女士的干草叉民粹主义(pitchforkpopulism),像裴瑞先生这样四面讨好的候选人有着很大的机会。

    In a weak and divided field - it is hard to imagine a supporter of Mr Paul succumbing to Mr Santorum 's religiosity , or a fan of Mr Romney 's country-club Republicanism finding much to like in Mrs Bachmann 's pitchfork populism - room exists for an all-things-to-all-men candidate such as Mr Perry .

  2. 共和主义:从古典到现代的嬗变

    Republicanism : Its Transition from Ancient Forms to Modern Forms

  3. 整个欧洲,乃至整个世界,都将实现共和主义。

    All Europe , all the world , was to become republican .

  4. 他名义上是共和主义者,但内里却是个专制君主。

    Republican in title he was , but an autocrat at heart .

  5. 他是一个旧君主主义者&他反对共和主义者。

    He 's an old royalist & he fought against the republicans .

  6. 现在你亲了一个优秀的共和主义者。

    Now , thou hast kissed a good republican .

  7. 麦迪逊的共和主义思想与古典共和主义相比有三个显著的特点。

    Madison 's republicanism has three prominent characteristics compared with the classic republicanism .

  8. 他是一名共和主义者,憎恨君主制。

    He 's a republican , and hates monarchies .

  9. 解读共和主义的现代复兴:以自由主义为参照

    Analysis of the Modern Revival of Republicanism : In the Light of Liberalism

  10. 他们终于放宽了共和主义的严厉约束政策。

    They eventually loosened the strait-jacket policy of republicanism .

  11. 这种驱动机制是公民积极参与公共生活的活力之源,也是当代共和主义塑造积极公民战略性选择方案的实质内容。

    This dynamism guarantees citizens ' enthusiasm to actively participate in the public life .

  12. 共和主义是人类政治思想史中一个古老的伟大传统。

    Republicanism is an ancient and great tradition in the history of political thought .

  13. 西方古典共和主义的历史流变

    The Historical Evolution of Western Classical Republicanism

  14. 试论西方古典共和主义政治哲学的基本理念

    The Basic Ideas of Western Classic Republicanism

  15. 社会治理的多中心场域构建&基于共和主义的一项理论解释

    To Build Multi-center Field of Social Governance & Based on a Theoretical Explanation of Republicanism

  16. 新罗马理论和美国宪法共和主义都与罗马古典共和主义有着关键性的内在关联。

    The Neo-Roman theory and American constitutional republicanism are both crucially connected with Roman classical republicanism .

  17. 马基雅维里的共和主义自由观

    Machiavelli 's Republican Concept of Liberty

  18. 但是,在民初共和制的困境下,思想界的君主立宪思潮发起了两次企图恢复君主制的复辟运动,共和主义的思想一度受到威胁。

    But in the trouble of republican government , republicanism encountered the threat of monarchic thought .

  19. 关于公民身份有两种理论传统:自由主义公民身份与共和主义公民身份。

    On the theory of citizenship , there are two traditions : liberal and republican citizenship .

  20. 可以说,她的共和主义政治图景是建立在积极参与这一公民文化基础上的。

    We can say that her republicanism political view is based on civic culture of positive participation .

  21. 它产生了共和主义。

    It led to Republicanism .

  22. 马基雅维利的共和思想简论杰斐逊共和主义的制度保障:杰斐逊分区制度构想研究

    The Institutional Preservation of Jeffersonian Republicanism : A Study on Thomas Jefferson 's Conception of the Ward System

  23. 通过分析佛罗伦萨悠久的共和主义传统及其危机,揭示以下三个观点。

    By analyzing Florentine republic tradition and its crisis , it tries to illustrate the following three points .

  24. 重视教育的共和主义和个人主义传统是捐赠高等教育的推动力。

    Religion and cultural tradition are been viewed as the keys to the contributions to American higher education .

  25. 自由主义的自由与共和主义的自由&苏格兰启蒙运动中的观念冲突

    The " Liberal " Liberty and the " Republican " Liberty & The Intellectual Conflict in Scottish Enlightenment

  26. 共和主义与我国宪政有着千丝万缕的联系,对我国宪政建设有重大的借鉴意义。

    Republicanism and constitutionalism in China are inextricably linked , on the building of our great constitutional reference .

  27. 你们要用肉体去和公然蔑视共和主义的英国政府斗下去,对方可是很难动摇的。

    You 're going head to head with the British Government who declaredly despise republicanism ... who are unshakeable .

  28. 共和主义作为古老而优秀的政治传统,自古希腊以来就得到传承。

    The Republicanism which as the ancient and the outstanding political tradition , since Ancient Greece have passed on .

  29. 要克服自由主义公民身份的弊端,需要认真汲取共和主义公民身份中的合理成分。

    To overcome the drawbacks of liberal citizenship , it is necessary to absorb the reasonable component of republican citizenship .

  30. 在当代西方,克服公民唯私主义综合症和政治参与冷漠症,是共和主义所面对并着力解决的一大难题。

    In contemporary western society , it is a major task for republicanism to overcome citizens ' egoism and political apathy .