
  • 网络Economic imbalances;global imbalance
  1. 在全球经济失衡中,中美贸易失衡占主导地位。

    The Sino-US trade imbalance is dominant in the global imbalance .

  2. 第二章,全球经济失衡的现象与特征。

    The second chapter introduces the phenomena and characteristic of global imbalance .

  3. 我们真的需要下一个世代能够专注在大问题上:气候改变、经济失衡、大量文化差异。

    And we really need this next generation to be able to focus on some big problems : climate change , economic disparity , massive cultural differences .

  4. 中国经常项目顺差、FDI与外汇储备相关性分析&基于全球经济失衡的视角

    Correlations among Current Account , Direct Investment , and Foreign Exchange Reserve & Based on the Perspective of Global Economic Imbalances

  5. 昨天,在峰会前夕,就全球经济失衡和国际货币基金组织(IMF)改革问题产生的紧张态势突显出,随着金融危机逐渐褪色,维系国际政策协作有多么困难。

    Eve-of-summit tension over global economic imbalances and International Monetary Fund reform yesterday highlighted the difficulty of sustaining international policy co-ordination as the financial crisis fades .

  6. 盈余国家与赤字国家:存在高额贸易及经常项目逆差的国家,希望G20讨论全球经济失衡问题。

    Surplus versus deficit countries : Countries that are running large trade and current account deficits want the G20 to discuss global economic imbalances .

  7. 普芬巴赫重申,德国希望通过关注全球经济失衡问题,推动g8“返璞归真”。

    Mr pfaffenbach reiterated that Germany wanted to take the G8 " back to the roots " by focusing on global economic imbalances .

  8. 这位美联储(Fed)主席警告说,全球经济失衡推动引发了此次危机,需要加以纠正。经济失衡是指国民储蓄率、消费率和投资率之间存在的巨大落差,体现为巨额贸易赤字或盈余。

    The Federal Reserve chairman warned that global imbalances the big gaps between national saving , consumption and investment rates reflected in large trade deficits and surpluses had helped cause the crisis and needed to be corrected .

  9. 这正是中国经济失衡的根源:与中国经济的增速相比,中国家庭收入的增速要慢得多,这导致过去30年里家庭消费占GDP的比重大幅下降。

    That 's the root of China 's unbalanced economy : household income has grown so much more slowly than the economy that household consumption over the past three decades has collapsed as a share of GDP .

  10. 与此同时,随着全球经济失衡持续加剧,IMF承担了以下职责:撮合各国达成恢复经济平衡协议,并促使中国允许人民币自由浮动。

    Meanwhile , as global economic imbalances continued to build up , the International Monetary Fund was given the task of trying to broker a rebalancing deal and press China to float its currency .

  11. 这位高盛(goldmansachs)前董事长表示,虽然这个对话机制“重点关注双边问题”,但它总会涉及“全球问题”,包括全球经济失衡。

    The former Goldman Sachs chairman said that while the dialogue would have a " bilateral focus " it would invariably touch on " global issues " , including global economic imbalances .

  12. 这些国家相互之间迥异的政策建议,表明一旦讨论从过程转向实质问题,G20解决经济失衡的进程将遇到困难。

    The gulf between these countries ' policy recommendations suggest the G20 process to iron out economic imbalances will run into trouble once the group discusses substantive issues rather than process .

  13. 尽管存在这些分歧,将于周五在华盛顿召开的g20会议料将能够避免破裂的结果,并就衡量全球经济失衡的一些技术方法达成一致意见。

    Despite the differences , the G20 meeting on Friday in Washington was expected to avoid a breakdown and instead agree on some technical methods to measure imbalances in the global economy .

  14. 各国政府淡化了外界对于本周20国集团(G20)首尔峰会将在解决全球经济失衡方面取得重大突破的期望。此前,各方在汇率和经常账户赤字问题上暴露出明显分歧。

    Governments have played down expectations of a big breakthrough in resolving global economic imbalances from the G20 leaders ' meeting this week in Seoul after clear divisions emerged over currencies and current account deficits .

  15. 黑田东彦表示,东亚各国领导人理解有必要增加区域内贸易和国内消费。这是解决全球经济失衡的过程的一部分,美联储(Fed)主席本伯南克(BenBernanke)最近形容这一过程异常紧急。

    Mr Kuroda said Asian leaders understood the need to increase intra-regional trade and domestic consumption part of a process of unwinding global economic imbalances recently described as extraordinarily urgent by Ben Bernanke , chairman of the US Federal Reserve .

  16. 美元无序下跌的风险在上周末期间似乎有所增加,因为IMF此前未能就内部改革达成一致。这一改革本将为IMF在管理全球经济失衡中发挥更大作用创造条件。

    The risks of a disorderly fall in the US currency appeared to increase over the weekend after the IMF failed to agree internal reforms that would have set the stage for it to take on a greater role managing global economic imbalances .

  17. 新贸易模式与世界经济失衡&基于NITP-GEM的研究

    " New " International Trade Patterns and Global Economic Imbalances : a Study Based on NITP-GEM

  18. 朔伊布勒观点的核心与未成定论的欧洲货币基金组织(EMU)无关&即使欧元区国家认同并建立EMU,它也不可能改变欧元区内部巨大的宏观经济失衡所产生的压力。

    The core of Mr Sch ä uble 's argument was not about the mooted European Monetary Fund , which could not , even if agreed and implemented , alter the pressures created by the huge macroeconomic imbalances within the eurozone .

  19. 接着通过建立世界AD-AS模型,分析了全球经济失衡用结构性失衡换取总量均衡即失衡创造的繁荣机制。

    Next , we use " the world AD-AS model " to analyze the mechanism of " booms created by imbalance ", in which the global economic imbalance exchange structural imbalance for overall equilibrium .

  20. 以东亚合作应对全球经济失衡

    Cope with Global Economic Imbalance by Cooperation among East Asian Economies

  21. 全球经济失衡对中国经济造成了深远影响。

    Global economic imbalances has caused far-reaching effects to Chinese economy .

  22. 一是内外经济失衡的状况依然非常严重。

    Firstly , the internal and external imbalance has been serious .

  23. 全球经济失衡、主权财富基金与金融稳定

    Global Economic Imbalance , Sovereign Wealth Funds and Financial Stability

  24. 主权财富基金与世界经济失衡的互动关系探析

    The interaction between sovereign wealth funds and global economic imbalance

  25. 世界目前的对外经济失衡不仅让人不快,而且也不会长久。

    The world 's present external imbalances are neither desirable nor sustainable .

  26. 全球经济失衡态势下的东亚地区资本流动

    Economic imbalances in the global trend of capital flows in East Asia

  27. 经济失衡的根源在于发展的不平衡。

    The root cause of economic imbalance lies in the development imbalance .

  28. 全球经济失衡及其对亚洲经济的影响

    Global Economic Imbalance and its Impact on Asian Economy

  29. 本文把上述的结论,归纳为全球经济失衡的美国宏观经济利益假说。

    I call the theories as US economic benefits view of global imbalances .

  30. 与中国不同,瑞士规模很小,不足以直接引发全球宏观经济失衡。

    Switzerland is too small to directly cause macroeconomic imbalances , unlike China .