
  • 网络asahi shimbun;Asahi newspaper
  1. 作为年终盘点的一部分,日本《朝日新闻》日前开通了一个Facebook页面,让读者能在上面讨论日本面临的各种问题的解决方法。

    As part of the end of year windup , Japan 's Asahi Shimbun newspaper has created a Facebook page where readers can discuss solutions to various issues facing Japan .

  2. 1990年,《朝日新闻》的一篇报道称,日本三菱电器组建了一个完全由AB型血员工组成的团队,认为“他们企划能力强”。

    In 1990 the Asahi Daily newspaper reported that Mitsubishi Electronics had announced the creation of a team made up entirely of AB workers , because of " their ability to make plans . "

  3. 然而,在NHK的报道出来后,左倾报纸《朝日新闻》报道,宫内厅(ImperialHouseholdAgency)次长山本信一郎(ShinichiroYamamoto)否认了天皇要退位的报道,称他“没有这样的打算”。

    After the NHK report , however , the Asahi Shimbun , a left-leaning newspaper , reported that Shinichiro Yamamoto , deputy director of the Imperial Household Agency , denied the abdication report , saying that the emperor had " no such intention . "

  4. 然而,《朝日新闻》(Asahi)上周的一项调查显示,由于选民对两大政党的不满,日本维新会在日本众议院的代表席位预计将从11人增加到大约35人。

    Nevertheless , voter un-happiness with the main parties is such that the Restoration party is forecast to increase its lower house representation from 11 to about 35 members , according to a poll by the Asahi newspaper last week .

  5. 根据日本报纸《朝日新闻》报道,一名家族发言人宣告了她的死讯。

    She was 94 . Her death was announced by a family spokesman , according to the Japanese newspaper Asahi Shimbun .

  6. 《朝日新闻》称,调查结果表明,日本民众对政府与中韩两国在历史问题上的分歧较为关注。

    The results reflect public concerns about Japanese friction with China and South Korea over their shared history , the Asahi said .

  7. 日本朝日新闻消息称,4部由人类和人工智能共同完成的参赛作品中,有一部通过了第一轮筛选。

    The Asahi Shimbun reports that one of four books co-written by an AI program made it past the first stage of the contest .

  8. 据《朝日新闻》报道,研究人员将从经过基因编辑的啮齿动物身上提取受精卵,以去除自身发育胰腺的能力。

    According to Asahi , researchers will take fertilized eggs from rodents that have been gene-edited to remove the ability to produce a pancreas themselves .

  9. 据《朝日新闻》报道,该公司表示,这款车最早将于2023年开始限量出售,2026年开始量产。

    According to a report in The Asahi Shimbun , SkyDrive says the car could be ready for a limited retail release as early as 2023 , and mass production by 2026 .

  10. 据《朝日新闻》报道,日本政府已经将它归类为有害于生态系统的物种,并在二月份时发放了督促地方政府采取行动的指南来控制住它们的扩散。

    The Japanese government has classified it as harmful to the ecosystem , and in February sent guidance urging local governments to take action to bring it under control , according to Asahi Shinbun .

  11. 据《朝日新闻》报道,这一罪魁祸首就是红颈天牛,别称桃红颈天牛,这是一种幼虫生长在樱桃数和桃树上的生物,经常危害这些树木。

    The culprit is the red-necked longhorn beetle - or aromia bungii - a species of beetle whose larvae feed on cherry and peach trees , often killing them , the Asahi Shinbun newspaper reports .

  12. 据《朝日新闻》报道,这项在12月2日和3日进行的调查共有1805人参加,调查显示,其中有78%的人认为自己至少有点爱国心,略低于2005年4月一项类似调查的80%。

    The Asahi Shimbun said 78 percent of 1805 respondents to the December 2-3 poll felt at least some degree of patriotism . The figure was slightly lower than the 80 percent recorded in a similar poll conducted in April 2005 , the daily said .