
  • 网络nutritional deficiency;deficiency disease
  1. 作者综述了VE的来源、生理功能和营养缺乏症,以及它的免疫和抗氧化功能在家禽业上的研究进展。

    The article reviewed the recent advances of the sources , physiologic function and nutritional deficiency disease , and the important immune and antioxidant function of vitamin E in the industry of the poultry .

  2. 儿童锌营养缺乏症的流行病学调查佝偻病患儿与缺锌关系初探

    Investigation on Zn Deficiency of Children Relations between Rachitis and Zn Deficiency

  3. 查体中未发现严重的营养缺乏症。

    Serious deficient disease is not found in the course of physical examination .

  4. 目的:该研究的目的是为了评价肥胖症患者行胃旁路手术后补充常规剂量多种维生素制剂预防和治疗营养缺乏症的疗效。

    Comment on : Nutritional deficiencies after roux-en-y gastric bypass for morbid obesity often cannot be prevented by standard multivitamin supplementation .

  5. 结果表明,监测乡儿童的群体体格发育、营养缺乏症的患病率均低于对照乡。同时还对生长监测的实用性进行了评价。

    The results show that the physical developement of children in the tested towns is better than that of control and the cases with nutrition deficiency is also found to be less than that of control .

  6. “隐性饥饿”与传统意义上因缺乏食物而导致的饥饿不同,它是由于长期缺乏维生素和矿物质而导致的微量营养素缺乏症。因为没有明显的症状,所以人们很少会意识到自己处于“隐性饥饿”状态。

    Hidden hunger is unlike the hunger that comes from a lack of food . It is micronutrient deficiency caused by a chronic1 lack of vitamins and minerals that often has no visible warning signs , so that people who suffer from it may not even be aware of it .

  7. 全球微营养素缺乏症信息系统

    Global Micronutrient Deficiency Information System

  8. 全球约有40-50亿人口患有微量营养元素缺乏症,亚健康和许多疾病归因于矿质元素缺乏。

    About four to five billion people in the world suffer from micronutrient elements deficiency , sub-health and many diseases due to lack of mineral elements .

  9. 隐性饥饿与传统意义上因缺乏食物而导致的饥饿不同,它是由于长期缺乏维生素和矿物质而导致的微量营养素缺乏症。因为没有明显的症状,所以人们很少会意识到自己处于隐性饥饿状态。

    Hidden hunger is unlike the hunger that comes from a lack of food . It is micronutrient deficiency caused by a chronic lack of vitamins and minerals that often has no visible warning signs , so that people who suffer from it may not even be aware of it .

  10. 低出生体重儿铁营养状况及铁缺乏症预防的研究

    The status of iron nutrition and prophylaxis of iron deficiency in low-birth-weight infants

  11. 缺铁性贫血(IDA)是世界范围内严重影响人类健康的主要原因之一,也是WTO提出的蛋白质&热能营养、铁、维生素A及碘四大主要营养素缺乏症中影响最广泛的问题。

    Iron-deficiency anemia is one of the leading causes that have negative effects on human being 's health . It 's also one of the four prevalent nutritional problems globally & protein-heat energy nutrition , iron , vitamin A and iodine put forward by the WTO .

  12. 可以将更多的营养素和维生素育入作物,防治正在影响世界如此众多穷人的营养素缺乏症。

    More nutrients and vitamins may be bred into plants , combating the nutrient deficiencies that affect so many of the world 's poor .